Ryan sunk the ticket

Filed in National by on September 29, 2012

Or…Romney sunk the ticket by PICKING Ryan.

This is premature campaign autopsy-ing of a very hair splitting sort. The bottom line: Ryan’s policies are prefect for losing a national election.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Liberal Elite says:

    Well… When you don’t have a clear budget plan of your own, you should pick a VP whose budget plan more clearly stated budget AND is all over the 3rd rail of politics.

    Frankly, I was glad at Romney’s choice of Ryan. It was obviously bad from day one.

    Rubio would have threatened the loss of significant Latino support, especially if that was coupled with an earnest immigration plan.

    I also thought that Nikki Haley was potentially dangerous. She’s no Sarah Palin.

  2. puck says:

    Romney was on record supporting the Ryan budget before he picked Ryan. He could hardly run to the left of the GOP House. Picking Ryan just made it easier for Obama to hang it around his neck.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    The other day, the WaPo had this article detailing how Ryan’s fans were disappointing that Ryan and his “ideas” aren’t more center stage. I thought it was interesting for two things — that “movement conservatives” thought that the Ryan pick was the final capitulation of Romney to them and this continued delusion that there is something overwhelmingly compelling about wingnut Big Ideas, if only more people could hear them from their leading “intellectual”.

    Instead, they got a Bain-ish kind of takeover — which was about borrowing enough of the movement conservative ideology to get to where Rmoney is going. This time, it looks like everyone involved with the deal isn’t getting anything out of it.

  4. puck says:

    Paul Ryan digging deeper with backhoe:

    Paul Ryan on tax plan: ‘It would take me too long to go through all the math’

    My God, neither of these men has one shred of common sense or humanity.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    Not being able to “go through the math” is the big tell on his so-called intellectualism, isn’t it? Basically, he has a plan that does not add up any which way you cut it — it doesn’t do anything for deficit reduction, it raises taxes on the middle class, the working class and the elderly and delivers a massive tax cut to the rich. That math never works out — unless, of course, you are telling people what actually happens to them.

  6. NCC Wierdness says:

    you seem to forget Obama’s failed record like massive unemployment, no budget, foreign affairs loser etc. Every time you hacks attack you show how dumb you are.

    Try Obama’s math 8% unemployment, 35% annual borrowing and 0% leadership.

  7. jason330 says:

    I feel your pain. Amazingly, Americans remember what a Republican Presidency can do. And although this makes no sense to you, people like the Kenyan and think he is doing a good job.

  8. geezer says:

    I tend not to pay attention to people who can’t spell their own names.