Christine O’Donnell Is Thinking of Dabbling in the 2014 Senate Race

Filed in National by on September 17, 2012

Can the local GOP get any more fun? On Sunday, the NJ wrote a story surveying the state of the local Tea Party (giving them alot of column inches even though they only pulled off one primary win and continue to be more like a reality TV show than a political force) and spoke to the leader of the Not A Witch faction of the Tea Party:

Christine O’Donnell, who signaled the tea party’s ascendance two years ago when she wrested the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate from longtime U.S. Rep. Mike Castle, said at the urging of supporters, she’s giving serious thought to a 2014 rematch against the man who beat her in the general election, U.S. Sen. Chris Coons.

“I think I owe that to my supporters, to at least consider a run,” O’Donnell said in an interview last week. “People sacrificed. Not only came out of their comfort zone – sacrificed to work hard in order to win the primary. And I think that I owe it to them to give it every consideration.”

O’Donnell said the victory of tea party-supported candidate Eric Bodenweiser is a prime example of conservatives’ willingness to work for candidates they believe in, adding that she’s offered to headline a fundraiser for Bodenweiser. She also pointed to conservative Rose Izzo’s campaign for a congressional seat. While Izzo was defeated Tuesday, O’Donnell noted that with very little money, Izzo managed to capture nearly 35 percent of the vote against Tom Kovach, the moderate Republican president of New Castle County Council.

Absolutely. Because Sussex County teajadis got committed to one of their own, you can decide on a statewide race — in a state where you are widely STILL seen as an embarrassment — based on one shaky primary win.

Seriously, I hope she does come back. Nothing like watching the local GOP succumb to the grift. The thing to watch, though, is what they do about contending for Row Offices. The last thing any of our counties need are these teajadis making a showy business of claiming extra-constitutional powers rather than doing the jobs they were elected to. Sheriff Christopher is the example here — someone who was elected to an office he was clearly unfit for. He needs to be one and done and efforts to replicate this guy in other row offices need to be shut down.

Of course, the shenanigans of the teajadis in 2014 need to be tied to the GOP efforts to contend for offices of Governor, and others in 2016. So keep an eye out for our local GOP “contenders” embracing or running away from the tejadis over the next couple of years. What they do vis the Tea Party ought to tell you how serious they are about running in 2016.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. puck says:

    I’d like to see her knock off the GOP Establishment candidate in a primary again.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    I saw Chris Coons yesterday. He seemed visibly shaken.

    OK, no he didn’t.

  3. SussexWatcher says:

    I agree on the row office issue, assuming the Dems put candidates up.

    The Democrats could get some traction by eliminating all the row offices and folding their duties into the courts or existing county offices. But they won’t, as they rely on those places for patronage and candidate tryouts as much as the Republicans do. Pretty pathetic.

    Either way, the Democratic candidate for Sussex sheriff should start campaigning now, drawing a sharp contrast and running on an actual platform, not the standard I-want-to-serve-the-public-and-improve-efficiencies sort of thing. Christopher’s followers are going to be out in force in two more years.

  4. cassandra_m says:

    We need a thumbnail of Chris Coons laughing hysterically for these O’Donnell threads.

    And I’m with SW about folding in the Row offices into county Executive Office function. That won’t stop these offices from being patronage jobs, but you do have a better chance at some long-term professionalism in these offices. And you have a better chance at someone genuinely overseeing these offices, making sure they live within the rules and taking a look at their efficiency. From where I sit, these offices don’t look like they’ve worked as a place for candidate tryouts.

  5. Jason330 says:

    “The same people who started SCCOR have basically taken over the leadership of the Sussex County Republican Party,” Bodenweiser said. “It really worked. I wish that type of thing would happen throughout the state.”

    Me too.

  6. Aoine says:

    Ahhh yes, I remember SCCOR

    1 – they started a community victory garden – no one would work in it so they gave it up

    2 – they prepared for Obama to take away guns and ammo and put us all in camps – ummm it never happened but Steele’s Gun Shop has a really really good run for a while

    3. – they kept seeing blackhawk helicoptprs when DSP was simply flying patients

    4 – they destroyed the Sussex GOP

    5 – they are a bunch of wing-nuts full of conspiracy theories and are now the Delaware 9-12 patriots

    yes – Im with Jason – I hope they take over the state party too… 😉

    I still have screen shots if anyone wants to remininsce….

  7. SussexWatcher says:

    Cass: Dave Wilson parlayed Register of Wills into a house seat. John Brady tried to go from Recorder to Commissioner, and came close. George Parish has mad ambition. I could see Christopher running for something bigger if he wins the court fight. Both the current Register and Recorder down here are waiting in the wings for something in Dover to open up.

    And you can’t tell me that Navarro doesn’t have bigger ambitions. After four years of Gordon, he’ll be the Dems’ Great Hispanic Hope to root out the new corruption.

    Generally, you’re right, mostly they’ve been lifelong sinecures and places for payback. Local merit rules help, but there’s still some dealing going on.

  8. troopthorn says:

    Sam Lathem needs to step down.
    He no longer has an credibility since he stated in the News Journal last week that the AFL-CIO provided workers and money to KWS and his union had voted not to endorse any candidates for Insurance Commissioner.
    The man is a bum and needs to go!

  9. jpconnorjr says:

    Actually HIS UNION did. The AFL-CIO is a group of unions. Individual organizations can make their own choices. The man is a great labor leader and he supported a candidate who is a proven friend to workers in Karen as well as the others Sam helped.

  10. Linda says:

    “And you can’t tell me that Navarro doesn’t have bigger ambitions. After four years of Gordon, he’ll be the Dems’ Great Hispanic Hope to root out the new corruption.”

    I would put my money on Maria Cabrera if we are talking about Great Hispanic Hope . . . LOL

  11. SussexAnon says:

    Gov. Markell briefly floated the idea of getting rid of the elected row office positions 2-3 years ago. It was roundly criticized and it went away quietly. Many felt it was a power grab.

    Much like the idea of consolodating school districts. It sounds like a good idea til you try and go sell it.

  12. Aoine says:

    @linda – i woulnt do that- i would stick with Triny

    And there are lots of reasons why….

    Sufficeth to say i know them both – really really well and Triny runs a tight ship- Maria not so much

    Both good people – but as far as longevity in politics goes Triny has it hands down

  13. Aoine says:

    The was a whitenpaper done on getting rid of the row offices

    Done in either the 70’s or 80’s by the LWV

    its still around and valid

  14. Linda says:

    @Aoine then we cancel out each other . . . hahaha . . . maybe a better alternative will evolve . . . I can only hope! I know them too, albeit not as well as you I assume.

  15. cassandra_m says:

    Since most of the electeds I know in this state did NOT come from the Row Offices, I still think that they have limited utility as some kind of farm team. And not matter whether they are or not, that doesn’t strike me as a reason to keep them.

  16. troopthorn says:

    Sam Lathem needs to step down.
    He no longer has an credibility since he stated in the News Journal last week that the AFL-CIO provided workers and money to KWS and his union had voted not to endorse any candidates for Insurance Commissioner.
    The man is a bum and needs to go!

  17. Black Rockwell says:

    My first comment on DE Liberal….. Hahahahahahahaahahahah.

    Did I mention…. Hahahahahahahah?

  18. JPConnorjr says:

    BTW the Sheriff has purchased himself a nice shiny competitive primary, followed by early retirement, actions have consequences:).

  19. SussexWatcher says:


  20. BTW, JPCJr–I’ll be sure and donate to Navarro’s campaign if he’s challenged in a primary. Hell, I might even volunteer this time.

    Also, saw your nice little puff piece in the Homeless News last week. How much did your fellow criminal pay you to write that about him?

  21. Jpconnorjr says:

    RDLB…Besides the fact that you are an idiot I love your candidate handicapping record. I will take my life over your pathetic pos existence anytime. I live in a world where actions have consequences and redemption is possible. Maybe the Sheriff will start making better choices and avoid that primary. Thanks for reading and helping at least one homeless person.

  22. When did I ever predict or handicap a political race? Please review my posts–I’m pretty sure I’ve never publicly predicted an election.

    Enjoy your convictions, Joe. How would you know anything about my life, other than where I work?

    “I live in a world where actions have consequences and redemption is possible.”

    We all live in that world, Joe. You’re just a needy c*nt who must point it out at every opportunity.

    Please tell me what horrible wrong Navarro has committed as Sheriff. He certainly isn’t any worse than his predecessor.

  23. JPconnorjr says:

    RDLB I neither know nor care where you work but thanks thanks for the cup of condesencion with a side of self righteousness ……

  24. JPCJR-

    The man is a great labor leader and he supported a candidate who is a proven friend to workers in Karen as well as the others Sam helped.

    I don’t know Lathem, but I certainly would if he was actually a great “labor leader”.

    EVERYONE would know him if the AFL-CIO was still relevant to the majority (non-union) 85% of the work force (roughly 92% of non-gubmint employees, or “workers” as most union pubs refer to them).

    You sound like Artie Bucco pimping Tony Soprano as “labor leader”. Get a clue.

  25. Oh for FSM’s sake, Joe. I work across the street from you. You know that.

    I noticed you once again evaded my questions, as usual.

  26. JPconnorjr says:

    Your “questions” were straw man shots. I am so glad you work in the neighborhood, but are you across from my Pike Creek office or my downtown office? Love to tell you what I think of your obnoxious crap in person.

  27. Asking you when I have ever “handicapped” political race is hardly a straw man. Same goes for asking you for reasons to vote for KWS and asking for Navarro’s “crimes”. None of these are straw man arguments. Perhaps you need to learn the definition of “straw man”.

    Here is the Wikipedia definition:

    The straw man fallacy occurs in the following pattern of argument:
    Person 1 has position X.
    Person 2 disregards certain key points of X and instead presents the superficially similar position Y. The position Y is a distorted version of X and can be set up in several ways, including:
    Presenting a misrepresentation of the opponent’s position.
    Quoting an opponent’s words out of context — i.e. choosing quotations that misrepresent the opponent’s actual intentions (see fallacy of quoting out of context).[2]
    Presenting someone who defends a position poorly as the defender, then refuting that person’s arguments — thus giving the appearance that every upholder of that position (and thus the position itself) has been defeated.[1]
    Inventing a fictitious persona with actions or beliefs which are then criticized, implying that the person represents a group of whom the speaker is critical.
    Oversimplifying an opponent’s argument, then attacking this oversimplified version.
    Person 2 attacks position Y, concluding that X is false/incorrect/flawed.
    This sort of “reasoning” is fallacious because attacking a distorted version of a position fails to constitute an attack on the actual position.

    Please find a post of mine that uses the straw man fallacy. Good luck.

    BTW, I live in the Pike Creek area. I’m very close to the softball fields & driving range. I work in WCC, just like you.

    Congrats to the amazing shitheels at Connections CSP, INC. They’ve managed to move the scumbags, drug addicts & drunks from 8th & Washington to 8th & West. I’m especially grateful for the drunken PWT Connections “client” who took a shit in our parking lot last Thursday afternoon at 4:40PM. Our customers were both impressed and disgusted.

    You guys are doing a great job. Keep up the good work!

  28. JPConnorjr says:

    RDLB:I’m especially grateful for the drunken PWT Connections “client” who took a shit in our parking lot last Thursday afternoon at 4:40PM. Our customers were both impressed and disgusted.

    You guys are doing a great job. Keep up the good work!

    I guess the guy had Connections stamped on his head? Nothing like an unsupported slur. BTW I spend half or so of my work time on Limestone Rd in Pike Creek…. good night bigoted idiot