Chick-fil-a learns that you can’t have everything

Filed in National by on July 27, 2012

Chick-fil-a would like to be a big national brand and make billions of dollars. It would also like to openly discriminate against homosexuals and use its profits to fund anti-gay initiatives.

Well, you can’t have everything. Sometimes you have to pick, and the stress of being forced to pick apparently killed the company’s head PR man.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (76)

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  1. MJ says:

    So explain how a person without a heart dies of a heart attack? And rumor has it that Shit-fil-a is planning on opening a store on Route 1 next year. If it does, you’re going to see some nasty protests and I’ll be proud to lead them.

  2. John Young says:

    I have made this point on twitter and hope it does not get me flamed on here. There are two types of Chick Fil-A restaurants: corporate and franchise.

    The owner of the company is the homophobic asshole.

    The franchisees are likely a huge collection of entrepreneurs who disagree with the owner of the company in every meaningful way on the issue that he has caused this shitstorm over.

    They do not hate gay people and have no common ground with the founder and his warped views.

    That said, I actually feel sorry for them. They are financial victims of a person who they do not control who just happens to own their brand.

  3. MJ says:

    But John, their fees and whatever portion of their profits they send to Shit-fil-a HQ goes towards anti-equality groups. I’m waiting to see one of these franchisees make a donation to a pro-marriage equality group.

  4. WWB says:

    Maybe this guy is a cautionary tale. How much Chick-fil-a do you suppose he has consumed over the years?

  5. duty says:

    Eat More Chicken!

  6. Garlic and Onions says:

    Do your homework before you invest your money in a franchise. Or the chickens will come home to roost, as it were.

  7. John Young says:

    MJ, once franchise fees per agreement go to corp, they don’t control how the asshole spends it.

    That said, I would love to see franchisees donate to pro marriage equality and see the corp help fund local franchisee PR promoting those efforts since they fucked their own franchisees over.

    What makes me sad is that my local Chick Fil-A is losing business causeof some asshole in ATL, and he/she is employing people and helping our local economy and may be 100% pro marriage equality. But there are some who will boycott them for the sins of their father.

  8. John Young says:

    so you own a franchisee for 5 years, then the guy who owns the parent company does this and you think it could be avoided by doing homework?

    not likely.

  9. Pencadermom says:

    Do their homework? Their homework would be endless. I guess they should also find out if the owner believes in killing puppies. I feel bad for individual owners too, and the community around them, it’s hard to be the innocent part of a business that does bad things.

  10. pandora says:

    John says: “The franchisees are likely a huge collection of entrepreneurs who disagree with the owner of the company in every meaningful way on the issue that he has caused this shitstorm over.

    They do not hate gay people and have no common ground with the founder and his warped views.”

    Well, if I were them I would go to the local press and make my opinion known. The press would definitely cover this story.

  11. Al says:

    He does bad things? What did he do that was bad? All I’m aware of is that he expressed an opinion. I may or may not agree with his philosophy on life but I will maintain he’s allowed to put his money where he desires, the causes that he believes in and to also express his opinions as he sees fit. Didn’t we fight a few wars to earn our citizens that right?

    He’s expressed some opinions, unpopular maybe, but what I see many people proposing is even more disgusting than his opinions. They want to have his businesses boycotted and employees harassed.

  12. pandora says:

    What Dan Cathy did was hurt his own brand. What an idiot.

    As the head of a company, of course you are free to say what you want, but don’t act all hurt and surprised when people are offended. Hello? Remember Komen.

    And let’s not forget the protests against General Mills for their pro-gay marriage stance and JC Penny for simply hiring Ellen DeGenerous as spokesperson. I don’t recall the outcry of concern over the people who work for those companies. Did I miss all those comments?

  13. Jpconnorjr says:

    John the franchisees are most likely just like Cathy they knew and supported his religion based business model it is woven throught the culture of the company. They deserve what they get.

  14. Truth Teller says:

    The franchise folks should monitor their profits before and after this fool came out against gay marriage and if their profits fall sue him for the loss.For he has damaged their business.

  15. Pencadermom says:

    Ok, I shouldn’t have used the word ‘bad’, except I don’t think it’s ‘nice’ to put an unneeded burden on individual owners, managers, and employees of an entire brand.
    To me, it’s a catch 22. I don’t want individual businesses to hurt because of his opinion, but I would never support a narrow minded pig(in my opinion!!) like him.
    I have a relative who plans on eatting there now, just to support him. I support her right to her opinion on gay marriage but I kind of want her to get fat doing it ๐Ÿ™‚
    Oh, and I was actually thinking a little about another ‘business’ when I said innocent people being stuck in the middle of ‘bad things’. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  16. John Young says:

    @pandora Agree 100% and would like corp to set up a kitty of discretionary money to fund franchisee efforts since they are the villains here (owner) but not likely to happen so they will have to hustle on this issue themselves.

    @jpconnorjr I follow your comments and often agree with you, but on this it seems that you are openly supporting guilt by association. Have you ever eaten a morsel of food with a Monsanto or ADM genetic component? If so, you are now a global conglomerate polluter and international price fixer on behalf of the 1%, and an economic terrorist.

  17. Rockland says:

    sweet home Chicago

    you Libs just gotta live there to get it

    here’s what will happen if Chick-fil-A opens

    1) Somehow the dumpster won’t get emptied as regularly as all the other ones on the block

    2) city inspectors will find violations

    3) They will find a “sidewalk renovation” that closes their driveway

    4) Inspectors will return and find more “violations”

    5) Fights will break out in front of their property

    6) More violations

    7) Patrons will complain of glass, or spit, or iron filings found in food

    8) Obedient Media will breathlessly report these outrages

    It’s the Chicago Way and Rahm, who met Barak at a bathhouse, will see to it that it all happens

    As Asqured insight fully notes, this chain doesn’t reflect Chicago Values

  18. Geezer says:

    Another day, another paranoid right-wing fantasy. Ever notice that right-wingers are forever telling you what’s going to happen, and never learning to shut their yaps because their predictions invariably don’t come true?

  19. puck says:

    @Rocky – Yup, Chick Fil A locations in socially liberal cities should be treated like Planned Parenthood clinics in a red state.

  20. Undecided says:

    Geezer, have you read the stories out of Chicago? Councilmen and others are trying to stop a new Chick-Fil-A not on the grounds that the business doesn’t meet the legal requirements, but because they don’t like the religious views of the owner. So much for the First Amendment when liberals don’t like message. The hypocrisy of the left never ceases to amaze.

  21. AQC says:

    I bet you’re undecided.

  22. Geezer says:

    Oh, noes! Won’t somebody think of the children?

    Calling bigotry religion does not change the fact that it’s bigotry.

    The assholery of the right never ceases to amaze.

  23. Rockland says:

    I wonder, has the Muslims picked a side yet, since thats the one Religion you Liberals can stand behind, support and protect?

    If Homosexual Marriage is such a widespread Hit with the Folks, why are those Chicken Joints so full of People?

    I hope someone comes up with the Profits Numbers before and after the the Piss-Ant Sissys got pissed and tried to make an Issue out of nothing…

    Do Muslims eat Chicken?

    I hid a ‘Chick-Fil-A Club Sammich’ in the kitchen, for later…

  24. Geezer says:

    See what I mean?

  25. socialistic ben says:

    its funniest when you dpn’t even get HOW they are trying to be offensive.

    Have you confused Hindus and Muslims? is that the reason for the “moo” a cow reference maybe?…….. see, i cant be offended if the joke flies way over (or way way under) my head.
    I think you also may have accidently said that extremist Islam and extremist Christianity are the same thing, i agree.

  26. Undecided says:

    The Chicago Tribune editorializes on this subject and does a much better job than anyone here has done:,0,1175135.story

    It doesn’t matter where you stand on the owner’s personal views, and whether you want to call it bigotry or religion, the First Amendment is still the First Amendment — unless, apparently, it contradicts with the values of many of those posting here.

    I also note that the Chicago Tribune’s editorial points out that Chick-Fil-A itself has no anti-gay policies. But there I go again, pointing out facts, rather than engaging in name calling and innuendo — which so many on this blog are quick to do.

    Having said that, if folks don’t want to eat at Chick-Fil-A because they don’t like the owner’s personal views, well, don’t eat there then. I prefer burgers anyway.

  27. socialistic ben says:

    I dunno, Shit-Fail-A is closed on sunday, and that is the official day Gays try and turn kids gay… with fried chicken.

    Not that I am agreeing with you that Chicago is treating right wing fascists the way Arizona treats Latinos… But you’re right. They should be able to (and will) drive themselves out of business all on their own with no help from the gumment.

  28. cassandra_m says:

    the First Amendment is still the First Amendment โ€” unless, apparently, it contradicts with the values of many of those posting here.

    This is pretty much all FAIL as you might expect from a threatened conservative. The First Amendment is quite operative here — you just have to believe that people who want to express their bigotry have the same rights as the people who have money in their pockets for food. The Fist Amendment creates no obligation for anyone to buy CHick-Fil-A’s food.

    And since this owner spends his money funding bigotry and those groups would want to write that bigotry into public policy, consumers have just as much right to deny him some of that money.

  29. MJ says:

    Rockland, go FUCK YOURSELF, ASSHOLE.

    Oops, I promised I’d be nice to our commenters. Oh fuck it.

    And for you teabag Constitutional scholars: The First Amendment prohibits the making of ANY LAW respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. (h/t wiki). Please show us where it says we cannot protest against this asshole’s company and do whatever we can to bring financial ruin upon him and his family.

  30. SussexAnon says:

    “the First Amendment is still the First Amendment โ€” unless, apparently, it contradicts with the values of many of those posting here.”

    Yep, please post this over at conservative blogs on the issue of the ground zero mosque and see who is intolerant.

  31. cassandra_m says:

    This is old info (as of 2010) but shows the kinds of groups and the amount of money (2 mil in 2010 alone) Chick Fil A’s “charitable arm” has been funneling to anti-gay groups.

  32. fightingbluehen says:

    Just three months ago the POTUS had the same opinion as Chick-fil-A.
    Come to think of it, Clinton also had the same opinion throughout his presidency.
    But now when a sandwich company has that opinion, everyone gets bent out of shape.

  33. fightingbluehen says:

    “Please show us where it says we cannot protest against this assholeโ€™s company and do whatever we can to bring financial ruin upon him and his family.”

    If you disagree with them that strongly you should protest, but as soon as a government official gets involved by denying permits etc., it is a violation of their civil rights.
    Rahm Emanuel may have crossed that line already.

  34. PainesMe says:

    As Hall says, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

  35. Jason330 says:

    american capitalists have all the free speech rights in the world, but they are not promised and shouldn’t expect offensive speech to be protected from business consequences.

  36. MJ says:

    FBH, Shit-fil-a will be in violation of numerous Chicago ordinances regarding non-discrimination. That being the case, the city is well within its rights to deny them building permits or a license to operate. If you’re going to do business in my city, you’re going to play by my rules. If you don’t like it, suck it and move somewhere else.

    And please show us where either Obama or Clinton donated money to anti-marriage equality groups or groups like Fucus on the Family or Exodus?

    $1000 says you can’t.

  37. PainesMe says:

    Jason 330 – Totally agree. Boycotts. Sit ins. Protests. 100%. I would hope that bigots don’t stay in business long.

  38. fightingbluehen says:

    I would say Clinton donated more than just money. He donated his signature to DOMA.
    BTW, which Chicago ordinances are you referring to, and how are they being violated?

    P.S. If I had a thousand bucks to gamble, I might take you up on that bet.

  39. Jason330 says:

    Not sure what the bet is, but Chick-fil-a has a good product and a lot of blue sky ahead of them as a huge national brand (not yet in top ten of food franchises), so something is going to give. “Follow the money,” is always good advice when trying to predict these types of things.

    They aren’t going to be able to turn the clock back on gays, so my guess is that they’ll figure out how to not offend 50% of the potential customer base.

  40. Liberal Elite says:

    I’ll bet the guy resigns. That’s the simple way out. It’s not a corporate problem, per se.

    And if he doesn’t resign, the board should give him a shove. A lawsuit or two from franchise owners might help move this along.

  41. Liberal Elite says:

    “I would say Clinton donated more than just money. He donated his signature to DOMA.”

    fbh for the win.

    Times have changed. The political winds now blow the other way. A few states will hold out, but it’s basically over… All that’s left to do is to rewrite the antediluvian laws.

  42. Jason330 says:

    If he resigns it is a win/win. The company goes on to make its billions, and he’ll walk away with a boatload of stock and the ability to rack in millions in wingnut welfare by touring as a professional victim of the gay agenda.

  43. fightingbluehen says:

    “FBH, Shit-fil-a will be in violation of numerous Chicago ordinances regarding non-discrimination. That being the case, the city is well within its rights to deny them building permits or a license to operate. If youโ€™re going to do business in my city, youโ€™re going to play by my rules. If you donโ€™t like it, suck it and move somewhere else.”

    MJ, you obviously never got the whole “laws not men” memo. .

  44. traveler says:

    You should go down to the Purple Parrot and down a few more shots and perhaps you can add more profanity to your discriminatory comments.

  45. Geezer says:

    “But now when a sandwich company has that opinion, everyone gets bent out of shape.”

    Then what dog do you have in this fight? Nobody has denied him any rights at all. Get back to us when they do.

  46. Geezer says:

    Traveler: His comments aren’t “discriminatory.” They’re biased, or bigoted. People aren’t going to take you seriously if you don’t use the language correctly.

    I know that in SuxCo it’s all the rage to make ad hominem attacks on bloggers by bringing up their personal lives and other similarly flimsy ad hominem grounds. Up here in civilization it just makes you look like a dumb peckerwood who’s accustomed to typing with one hand.

  47. Rodex says:

    A Sandwich, a chicken sandwich ? SO important in our daily lives.And we are supposed to take the Gay Rights Community seriously? Anything for attention. I demand to know the political, spirtiual and moral views of my local sub shop owner and if they refuse they should be closed immediately.

  48. cassandra_m says:

    Yeah, people said that about the Montgomery Bus Boycott too.

    Is anyone noticing the flop sweat on these arguments from wingnuts on this? It is coming from everyplace — why? Because boycotts actually work. Glenn Beck is off of FOX because he lost his advertisers — pretty much every one. ALEC is losing it’s supporters. Rush Limbaugh is losing his advertisers.

    The arc of justice is long, but it bends towards leaving the perpetrators of the injustice lighter in the pockets.

  49. Jason330 says:

    Well put.

  50. fightingbluehen says:

    “Then what dog do you have in this fight? Nobody has denied him any rights at all. Get back to us when they do.”

    I disagree. The Mayor of Chicago denied the company it’s rights when he made a statement, that when logically looked at in context, pretty much told Chick-fil-A that because of their values, they aren’t welcome in Chicago.
    A spokesperson for the Mayor doubled back on Rahm’s comments the next day when they realized what the legal ramifications of such a megalomaniacal , drunk with power statement ,would be.

  51. Yummy says:

    I shall eat Chick-fil-A three times a week from now until the election.

  52. Jason330 says:

    Cutting back from 6 times no doubt? Good man. Hit them in the wallet.

  53. traveler says:

    What’s wrong Geezer, MJ isn’t man enough or smart enough to defend himself, he needs the schoolyard bully to defend him.

  54. MJ says:

    Traveler, why are you singling out the Parrot, you fucktard? And FYI, I don’t drink. Now, just send me your personal email address and I’ll personally send you all the profanity that you’d like, since you’re no longer a FB “friend.” Maybe you should listen to your wife and stay off the blogs, either that or go back to being CRI’s lap dog. I hear that Stapleford needs someone to shine his shoes and lick his boots again.

    Oh, and asshole, any day and any time. You name it and I’ll be there. I can readily defend myself and give you the ass-kicking you so justly deserve.

  55. traveler says:

    Just can’t clean up your potty-mouth, can you. I don’t know who FB is or what exactly you are referring to.
    The only reason I’ve mentioned the Purple Parrot is because you have revealed in the past that your hang out there.
    You really need to be more creative with your epithets, you keep using the same ones and they are getting redundant.
    I don’t know who CRI is and you should really go eat some Chick Fil-A.
    The real point is, it doesn’t matter what a CEO’s personal view is, if they run a good business and offer a good product, I will visit their establishment. I don’t agree with the Arabs, their political philosophy, or their religion, but I still use the gasoline, made from the oil that they produce.

  56. pandora says:

    You two might want to get a room.

  57. MJ says:

    Traveler, potty-mouth? Who the fuck are you, the Church Lady?

    And because one goes to a restaurant that automatically means that one drinks there? Listen shit for brains, you need to stop, as Geezer put it, typing with one hand and get a life.

    The REAL point is that it DOES matter what a business owner says and does. If they want to advocate for reparative therapy for gays and fund that bunk, along with “marriage strengthening” seminars, they need to be prepared for the fallout. And baby, the shit storm is gathering steam. Now take your meds and leave the adults alone to have the discussion about something that is way above your education. And thank your for exposing yourself as an intolerant bigot – I donโ€™t agree with the Arabs, … or their religion,

  58. MJ says:

    Pandora, if we got a room, only one of us would come out alive, and it wouldn’t be Traveler.

  59. traveler says:

    Not agreeing with someone is not being a bigot. Discriminating against them for being different is being a bigot.
    I don’t discriminate against the Arabs because of their religion or political beliefs, I just disagree with them.
    The only reason I’m continuing this conversation with you is because I like yanking your chain. You are soooo easy. You are such a moronic imbecile.

    BTW, produce some more creative epithets.

  60. MJ says:

    Blah, blah, blah. Traveler, you’re a simpleton. Must be something in the water in Millsboro that your teabaggers drink.

    So, you’re not a bigot because Muslims do what, worship a false G-D? You made the statement and you’re only digging yourself a deeper hole.

    Elif air ab tizak!

  61. traveler says:

    You’ve got me laughing so hard, there are tears running down my face. I cast my line and baited my hook with the right bait to catch and large sucker, and you bit. Now I’m trolling your in.
    I said nothing about any God that anybody worships and I’m glad you are good at fabricating false realities at a whim.
    BTW, I live in Smyrna not Millsboro.

  62. John Manifold says:

    “Pandering municipal leaders …”

    Notice how mayors never barked like this at Domino’s Pizza? Easier to pick on remote goobers.

  63. MJ says:

    Keep on thinking that, traveler. Be sure to clean up the spittle off your keyboard, it might jam up the keys. So, what exactly is the “Arab religion” based on then, Carnac?

  64. JP Connor says:

    First let me say that I have supported MJ’s position on Chicken Shit Filet here and elsewhere
    Now to my point:
    Geezer: I know that in SuxCo itโ€™s all the rage to make ad hominem attacks on bloggers by bringing up their personal lives and other similarly flimsy ad hominem grounds. Up here in civilization it just makes you look like a dumb peckerwood whoโ€™s accustomed to typing with one hand.

    Geezer, we know you don’t practice what you just preached don’t we? You are a worthless low life scum bag piece of shit. Go ahead spew my shit again I don’t give a fuck, it simply shows you for the utter hypocrite that you are. You could not be honest in your opinions if your waste of a life depended on it. You have not the first clue about the people of Sussex County.
    Please, at least, try to keep youe lies straight.

  65. socialistic ben says:

    on a much less hate-filled note with less death threats, KFC is making a play for the decent-people-who-like-to eat-fried-chicken demographic.

  66. traveler says:

    JP Conner

    I second the motion you just made concerning Geezer’s unjustified judgement of Sussex county people and concerning his character.
    All in favor, say aye.

    Geezer, What JP Connor just said about you is a gross understatement.

  67. pandora says:

    LOL! Thanks for that, Ben. Thanks, also, for the non-hate-filled comment. This thread was beginning to look like a middle school bathroom wall.

  68. puck says:

    On a whim I just looked up Colonel Sanders. Hell of a life story. I’m going to make a point of reading more about him.

    Oh and he didn’t build that:

    At age 65, Sanders’ store having failed due to the new Interstate 75 reducing his restaurant’s customer traffic, he took $105 from his first Social Security check and began visiting potential franchisees.

    The franchise approach was successful, and less than ten years later (in 1964) Sanders sold the Kentucky Fried Chicken corporation for $2 million…

  69. socialistic ben says:

    but wait, the interstate built by the government killed his business. he had to take his own hard earned SS money to save it.
    sorry pandora, I can only stay out of trouble for 1 comment at a time.

  70. puck says:

    And now KFC has franchises in rest stops on government-built highways.

  71. MJ says:

    Pandora, it was only the bathroom stall where traveler pleasures himself, because he’s a lonely, Smyrna schmuck.

  72. Citizen says:

    you’re a prize, do you make intelligent comments or do you just slander others in a sorry attempt to vitiate and obfuscate the real issues. You and Geezer are both sorry losers. You ought to go on his show, it could be called the “Mutt and Jeff,” Show.

  73. Geezer says:

    “The Mayor of Chicago denied the company itโ€™s rights when he made a statement, that when logically looked at in context, pretty much told Chick-fil-A that because of their values, they arenโ€™t welcome in Chicago.”

    No, he said he would do that. Then the next day he realized he couldn’t.

    As I said, get back to me when someone’s rights are actually violated, as opposed to a couple of politicians taking advantage of a controversy to do a little grandstanding.

  74. Geezer says:

    Glenn Greenwald, who is both liberal and gay, brings up some interesting points about free speech in defending Chick-Fil-A. Worth a read.

  75. John Manifold says:

    I’m remembering Frank Rizzo tormenting the Electric Factory because he didn’t like its patrons.

  76. SussexAnon says:

    So does this mean they can build the ground zero mosque that is neither at ground zero nor a mosque?

    Free speech didn’t seem to matter much to tea baggers during that discussion.

    Rizzo also rousted gay bars quite often too.