Wednesday Open Thread [5.30.12]

Filed in National, Open Thread by on May 30, 2012

Bloomberg reports the economy is improving the most and faster in swing states.

“The unemployment rates in a majority of the 2012 battleground states are lower than the national average as those economies improve… Those eight states — Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia — have a combined 101 electoral votes. Romney must win at least 79 of those electoral votes to prevail if all other states run true to their 2004 and 2008 partisan preferences.”

“A projection Moody’s made May 21 based on the model predicts an Obama victory with 303 electoral voters, with the Democrat carrying Ohio and Virginia and the Republican winning Florida.”


“When they debate, Barack will smoke Romney,” – Sidney Barthwell, Romney’s classmate at Cranbrook and Obama’s at Harvard Law.


Josh Marshall on why Romney is sticking with Trump:

My best guess is that they didn’t figure Trump would continue to be so nuts when they scheduled the mega-blowout fundraiser. And now that they’re here, they’re just figuring, whatever, let’s just get through tonight and it’ll be behind us.


Romney’s iPhone campaign app misspells “America.” Can you imagine the shitstorm and conservative freakout if President Obama had done so?


“I am a natural born citizen. My parents were American citizens. I was a citizen at birth,” – George Romney, father of Mitt, in a statement from his archives. He was born in Mexico, where his family had moved to continue to practice polygamy.

Teabaggers beg to differ. How ironic that President Obama was actually born in this country, but the father of their preferred candidate was not. Indeed, some teabaggers are saying that President Obama is not eligible to be President because both of his parents were not American, directly in contradiction to what George Romney says above. Such an argument would make Mitt Romney ineligible as well, since he is the son of a Mexican.

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  1. socialistic ben says:

    no, he’s white. he can do whatever he wants

  2. Jason330 says:

    I’m the last person to call someone out for a typo, but then again I’m not running for President of Amercia.

  3. puck says:

    So that explains why Mitt thinks Manual Labor is the President of Mexico.

  4. auntie dem says:

    LOL Jason

  5. puck says:

    Guaranteed Mitt offshored his app. Those workers in the FoxConn factory have GOT to start getting some more sleep, as recommended by their pediatricians.

  6. liberalgeek says:

    I got a copy of the app this morning. I plan on taking pictures of shitty things with Mitts typo featured prominently. I will also have to start only updating some of my apps because I love the typo so much.

  7. puck says:

    There are two Americas after all, my friend. Perhaps that other America is named Amercia.

    Like this.

  8. xstryker says:

    He should add a function to the app which compares tree height with standard Michigan-height trees. And maybe a design-your-own-car-elevator feature. Plus an Etch-a-Sketch simulator.

  9. Will McVay says:

    I think it was a Freudian slip. Clearly, Mitt is actually letting the mask fall on AmerCIA!

  10. puck says:

    The app blocks access to all YouTube videos uploaded prior to Romney clinching the nomination.

  11. cassandra m says:

    It also needs a function to let you analyze how much more money you would have if you were dodging your taxes in the Caymans.

    I haven’t seen that app, but am hoping that Rmoney will put out something that was as much fun as the Bush/Cheney Sloganator.

  12. fightingbluehen says:

    Obama once again proves that a Harvard education isn’t all it’s cracked up to be ,and Poland is left offended by his gaffe.

  13. fightingbluehen says:

    Here is another example. Always get a chuckle out of this one.

  14. Jason330 says:

    FightingBluehen’s picture is now next to “grasping at straws” in the dictionary.

  15. fightingbluehen says:

    The video is somewhat revealing. I actually thought it was a hoax at first.
    The term empty suit comes to mind.

  16. Rusty Dils says:

    Can you imagine if President Obama had made that type of mistake.
    He did. Polish death camps. which mistake is worse?. But there is at least 20 times the coverage out there on Romney’s mistake, that’s right, 20 times

  17. Jason330 says:

    Where would wingnutia be without this non-gaffe? Utterly lost.

  18. Jason330 says:

    Hatfields and McCoys proves the wingnut premise that when everyone is armed to the teeth, there is no violent crime.

  19. fightingbluehen says:

    The saying “armed to the teeth” is appropriate. It highlights natures inherent plan not to cannibalize itself.

  20. fightingbluehen says:

    As far as President Obama’s misspoken words not being a gaffe goes, I must admit that I might have made the same mistake, but then again I didn’t go to Harvard, and I’m not Polish.

  21. Jason330 says:

    You wingnuts better hope for a better gaffe. That’s my last word on this topic.

  22. Will McVay says:

    I would only point out that the Polish prime minister has caught on to Obama’s, whereas Romney’s doesn’t have much in the way of international significance. I happen to think the Poles are probably overreacting, but then I never had any Nazi death camps set up in my country…

  23. Liberal Elite says:

    @fbh “…natures inherent plan…”

    Inherent plan? Sorry. Pure BS. Sounds like NRA claptrap. Not even close. Nature’s inherent plan is to do things as cheaply as possible and still survive.

    Animals ore only as smart as they need to be. Animals are only defended as well as they need to be. Any time nature spends too much energy on something that is not necessary, some other species or branch of the same species will come along and do it better.

  24. fightingbluehen says:

    I wasn’t necessarily talking about guns, when I said “armed to the teeth” is appropriate when referring to natures way. I was just throwing it out there. From the antibodies we have, to the thorns on a rose, to certain animals ability to fuck you up if they are threatened. Everything in nature is armed somehow. The only thing that stops predators from killing indiscriminately when they choose their prey, is the fear of being injured by that prey.

  25. fightingbluehen says:

    or the negative consequences of pursuing that prey.