Schwarzenegger to GOP: “Come with me if you want to live”

Filed in National by on May 6, 2012

In a recent op-ed in the Los Angeles Times, Arnold Schwarzenegger calls on the Republican Party to be a more inclusive.

Okay, are you done laughing now.

Some Republicans today aren’t even willing to have conversations about protecting the environment, investing in the infrastructure America needs or improving healthcare. By holding their fingers in their ears when those topics arise, these Republicans aren’t just denying themselves a seat at the table; in a state such as California, they also deny a seat to every other Republican.

The GOP’s history is filled with leaders who rejected ideology in favor of seeking solutions.

Read it. This is as close to an essay the accurately describes pissing into the wind as you will ever read.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. cassandra m says:

    Pissing in the wind is right — and there is some selective remembering of history too. Arnold campaigned and won as a moderate Republican. They he wanted to govern as a hard right repub, bringing up legislation straight from the ideological playbook. Because that *was* the book — get in and start down a checklist of GOP wants and damn the torpedos. He endorsed 4 ballot initiatives that went down decisively, and after that, he shook up his staff (hiring some Dems too) and working on a genuinely more moderate agenda. Plus still trying to break the state’s gridlock. What is interesting here is that he was in a genuine leadership position in his party for awhile and you wonder where this call to walk back from the extremism was then.