Tuesday Daily Delawhere [4.17.12]

Filed in Delaware by on April 17, 2012


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  1. nemski says:

    Charlie Copeland’s backyard?

  2. JP Connor Jr says:

    Close, Charlie is surely there at the Point to Point:)

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    JP wins. Yes, this the Point-to-Point, held every May at Winterthur near Montchanin.

  4. reis says:

    The first ever Grateful Dead tour?

  5. socialistic ben says:

    I like this idea… post random gatherings of many delawareians and bet that someone reading this site has (a good bet) been there.

  6. Andy says:

    Does Winterthur still have its own zip code

  7. jason330 says:

    This shot was taken 2 hours prior to the drunk driving event.

  8. V says:

    thanks for a non-house picture!

  9. anon40 says:

    @ Andy–

    Yes it does:

    Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library
    5105 Kennett Pike
    Wilmington, DE 19735

    Its immediate neighbors are all in 19807 or 19710.