Santorum Gives Up

Filed in National by on April 10, 2012

BREAKING: Santorum suspends campain.

Good news. Rick and Karen Santorum’s daughter has return home from the hospital. Other good news also has Santorum continuing his Presidential campaign. Given the seriousness of Santorum’s daughter’s illness () and how her illness was one of the reasons why he might not have run, I thought this recent scare might have given him the out to not continue his campaign. But sometimes the drive to run is just too great.

In other news, Romney pulls attack ads out of Pennsylvania and all three presidential candidates will be appearing in Delaware soon.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Liberal Elite says:

    “Santorum Continues Campaign”

    Apparently not…

  2. nemski says:

    LOL. He was being coy last night and this morning. At least his campaign knows how to keep a secret.

  3. AQC says:

    Good riddance! Although, it was fun to watch.

  4. nemski says:

    @AQC Fun to watch like a clown car crash.

  5. Dana Garrett says:

    I thought God wanted him to run so that a real Christian would be president. As in the case of M. Bachman quitting after being called by God to run, Santorum is proof that God is fickle.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    Or that God has a mean streak a mile wide.

  7. mediawatch says:

    Or that God is Catholic, so he/she wants Newt to get the nomination.
    (Or could God finally be revealing him/herself as a Mormon?)

  8. anon40 says:

    This meme is good for a chuckle.

  9. puck says:

    Speaking of memes, Republicans have set themselves up nicely for November:

    1. Romney lost because he wasn’t conservative enough.

    2. Santorum was the conservative champion the whole country was looking for, and would have beat Obama if only his daughter hadn’t gotten sick.