Wednesday Daily Delawhere [3.28.12]

Filed in Delaware by on March 28, 2012

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  1. Andy says:

    Somebodies house on Bancroft Parkway

  2. Jason330 says:

    Somebodies house on Rockford Park.

  3. Que Pasa says:

    Some wealthy liberal elite’s house on Kentmere Parkway in Wilmington…the 1%.

  4. Liberal Elite says:

    The 1%? It looks more like the 3% to me.

  5. fightingbluehen says:

    Corner of Kentmere and Bancroft near the Delaware art museum.

  6. Jason330 says:

    I think I was there for a Kahunaville party once.

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    Fighting Blue Hen is right.

  8. Que Pasa says:

    I was being sarcastic…

    1% or 3%, as if that matters. Remember, families making more than $200K are “rich” according to Obama. I’m sure the ‘occupiers’ of this property make well above that.

  9. Liberal Elite says:


    Well maybe if you hadn’t parked your truck in front of it, it would have looked more attractive.

    But there’s a big difference between the 1% and families making just more than $200K. Many of the latter struggle to make ends meet.

  10. fightingbluehen says:

    Yeah, thirty five years ago, you would have seen me skateboarding with the Scherer brothers (RIP Bucky) in and around this area.

  11. Geezer says:

    “Remember, families making more than $200K are “rich” according to Obama.”

    According to a vast majority of people, actually, for the simple reason that they are. And I don’t have much sympathy for their “struggle” to “make ends meet.”

    And no, it’s not envy. I wouldn’t want the money, I don’t want the house (and the upkeep) and I have no desire to live that lifestyle. I just refuse to take seriously the tears of the top 1%, or the top 3% for that matter, in the face of the problems faced by the rest of us.

  12. anon says:

    Jason330 good memory, you did go to a Kahunaville party there. That was back in the good old days when the Kahunaville guys wanted to build a semi pro ice hockey rink on the waterfront.

  13. Jason330 says:

    Somebody needs to revive the dream of the semi pro ice hockey team on the waterfront.

    When I hit the mega millions, that’s what I’ll do.

  14. Joanne Christian says:

    Well maybe you oughtta build another Kahunaville to go with it. You know–fertile land for others’ dreams ;).