The Arrogance … and Paranoia… of Being Christine O’Donnell

Filed in National by on December 4, 2011

The Des Moines Register reports that our own beloved three time failure Christine O’Donnell is so full of herself, and so freaking paranoid, that before she deigns to allow the common folk meet with her to discuss who the very important and significant Christine O’Donnell should endorse in the 2012 GOP Presidential Primary, they must sign a …. wait for it…. non-disclosure agreement.

Here’s the agreement as photographed by Jason Noble of the Register:

You’ll recall that same old Christine is traveling the country bothering people about who she should endorse, apparently because Christine lacks a brain to figure this out for herself.

“I will be endorsing somebody before the Iowa caucus, and as my top three tend to rotate, I wanted to get the input of my supporters,” she said.

The meeting was open to any interested tea party supporters, but held in private at a Jordan Creek Town Center restaurant. O’Donnell’s father and an aide, Matt Moran, required attendees to sign a non-disclosure and confidentiality agreement before entering the meeting space.

Twelve people attended, including the two traveling with O’Donnell. The room was set up to accommodate 40.

The meeting stretched on for more than three hours, with O’Donnell speaking for about an hour and then listening to attendees’ perspectives and candidate preferences. She also signed copies of her book “Trouble Maker,” and talked warmly and at length with several with the crowd.

Sweet Jesus. I would have killed myself 15 minutes in, as death would be sweeter and more inviting than a full hour of Christine O’Donnell half twit drone.

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  1. puck says:

    “Sign this form or my campaign manager will step on your head.”

    Anybody remember the drama of Christine waiting for Sarah Palin’s endorsement? Finally Palin Twittered some half-assed comment like “Oh yeah, Christine O’Donnell” and Team O’Donnell celebrated like she had just been awarded a Rhodes scholarship.

    Christine wants to be Sarah Palin.

  2. Lana Laro says:

    I have met Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin is a friend of mine. I have met Christine O’Donnell…

    well you know the rest, do I actually have to say it.

  3. Dialogue Delaware has a bunch of tweets on this today. She had 10 people bother to come for a three-hour session. Many more protested outside including presumably tea party former-supporters. Not too many COD books got signed yesterday.

  4. Geezer says:

    Nice to see Happy the Clown…er, Christine’s father has hitched a ride on her gravy train.

  5. Lana Laro says:

    Hitched a ride, He drove the VW Beetle.