Help Program Tomorrow’s Al Mascitti Show!

Filed in Delaware by on November 29, 2011

El Somnambulo will appear on the Al Mascitti Show this Wednesday, November 29 at 10 a.m. 1150-Newsradio on your AM dial.

For the first time ever, I’m giving you the chance to propose topics for the show. I’ve already got three lined up, but I usually go through five or six in two hours.

Here’s what I’m already doing prep work for:

1. In honor of my favorite DL agent provocateur, I will discuss the nascent ‘Democrats For Kovach’ movement.

2. We will discuss the increasingly-intriguing Wilmington mayoral race.

3. I will discuss a potential political analyst’s wet dream/Democratic Party’s collective wet pants scenario that could well happen in Delaware next year. This is not smoke-blowing, this is already on the radar. And I’ve got a lot of thoughts about what could, and is likely to, happen. A must for political junkies.

I’ve got others on my list, but I will humbly bow to the will of my online follower(s).

As Andy Reid would say, “Time’s yours.”



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  1. Jason330 says:

    Democrats-4-Kovach. Say what you like about the tenets of D’s4K, at least it’s an ethos.

  2. Hey, Jason, if you’re available, call in. I’m a fan.

    Just one requirement: Failure to use the terms ‘tenets’ and ‘ethos’ could well result in you ending up in ‘time-out’.

  3. Scott Spencer says:

    How about discussing the casinos crying for a tax break on THEIR bad bets on the state’s share of the gambling action?

  4. cassandra m says:

    Second Scott’s suggestion.

    The Highmark recommendation seems topical too.

  5. Hey, man, it’s radio. We’ve GOTTA cover every spandex-stretching inch of the Christine O’Donnell ‘listening tour’.

    I know it’s bread & circuses, but if I were a News-Journal editor, I’d send someone to cover it. Ideally someone who made it through the ’60’s, but not with all their synapses intact. Someone like…me.

  6. Andy says:

    Could you discuss HR 3200 which would allow Public Transit systems such as DART to use part of their Federal fundiong for operating assistance which under current law is not allowed. Congress will be considering this legislation in December and Rep. Carney is not on board as a co sponser the last I checked

  7. I admit that I’m not knowledgeable on this topic.

    I have to know enough at least to fake it.

    But Al would be more than happy to discuss this. You could call in the 9 am hour and talk to him.

  8. Andy says:

    I will try

  9. anon says:

    What’s the wet-pants scenario? That Markell would replace Biden on the ticket as VP?

  10. Intriguing, but no.

    Tune in at 10 and find out…

  11. kavips says:

    I was sort of hoping or wishing, that you might use your bully pulpit to reach out to someone possessing progressive charisma who might rise to the challenge of primary-ing some Dems who sort of need it……

  12. Kavips, that has been an ongoing theme of mine for, like, ever. You can bet that your wish will be granted some time during the show today.

    We need some more Mitch Cranes, that’s for sure.

  13. off topic, Kavips, congrats on your fine front-lined Daily Kos post yesterday :-).

  14. Jason330 says:

    The night they drove old Herman down
    all the phones were ringing
    The night they drove all Herman down
    all his girlfirneds were singing,
    they sang, la, la-la, la, la

  15. anon says:

    Would you mind writing about the self-urination scenario here for those of us who were working earlier or who live in Sussex County and can’t hear that particular station?


  16. Yes, anon. It appears that the leadership battle for the State Senate, which culminated in DeLuca’s election last December, was only the opening salvo in a battle of wills that could lead, for better or for worse, depending on your perspective, to a series of primaries for those on both sides of the DeLuca/Katz vote.

    There are currently 14 D’s in the 21-member Delaware State Senate. Strong-willed senators on both sides are recruiting candidates for a series of primaries. How many is up to the success of each side’s recruiting. But I counted 9 or 10 who could well face challenges.

    Not only is the leadership question to be determined by the outcome of these multiple primaries, should they come to pass, but so is the question of who controls the chamber.

    Control of the chamber was placed in jeopardy due to the vindictive redistricting put forth by Senators DeLuca and Blevins.

    Which is why this is a political junky’s wet dream and a political party’s nightmare.

  17. anon says:

    So who are these progressive/anti-progressive primary candidates who are said to be coming out of the woodwork? Aren’t we normally hurting for candidates for office?

  18. I wouldn’t be surprised if the ‘anti-progressive’ candidates would all be from the construction trades. That’s pretty much the sum of DeLuca’s power base.

    I KNOW that someone is primarying DeLuca. And, I know that others are being recruited for other races.

    You’re right that candidate recruitment is difficult, but we may be witnessing the ‘Vietnamization’ of the State Senate Democratic Caucus here. As in, ‘we had to destroy the country in order to save it.’ Village by village, district by district.

    When you’ve got extremely strong-willed individuals on both sides, anything’s possible.