This is what they wanted.

Filed in National by on August 8, 2011

I want to find out how Teabaggers live in a state of perpetual cognitive dissonance. For months, they were all welcoming the prospect of not raising the debt ceiling, which of course would have result in a Default, which is a credit rating downgrade of multiple levels from Triple A to D, and would have destroyed the global economy in nearly an instant, followed by the sinking of Japan into the sea, followed by a economic catastrophe the likes of which no mortal has ever seen, followed by week two.

They wanted that. They celebrated the prospect.

And they persisted in economic terrorism up until the last second in order to achieve that result. But then they stepped away from the brink, agreeing to a deal that the majority of the teabagger caucus voted for, and that Speaker Boehner chortled was 98% of what he wanted.

And now those very same antics, and the horrible non-compromising rigidity they have brought to Washington has resulted in a credit rating downgrade. Not to the Default status that they wanted. But to AA+, the next level lower of the Triple A rating.

This is what the Tea Party wanted.

And yet, they are blaming the President for it. So how do they live in a world where something they wanted happens and they are supposedly upset about it.

Their actions resulted in the downgrade, as even S&P stated in their memorandum explaining their action. The Republican refusal to raise taxes and their opposition to any new revenue streams, and their fanaticism was cited by S&P as some of the main factors that clouded both the political and economic outlook for the United States.

The Teabaggers wanted this and they made sure to be the downgrade about by their actions. They own it now.

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  1. dv says:

    I’m pretty sure the President is the leader of this country. He get’s the blame. Right or wrong, he get’s it. In this case, he deserves it.

    He started another war in Libya that isn’t paid for. He continues to increase our military presence all over the world.

    Remember that Obamacare thingy? UH, we like to forget that didn’t do anything to cut spending either and was a pay out to the big health care co’s.

    He let the Bush Tax Cuts get renewed and has done nothing to actually combat the greed on Wall St.

    So yes, this is his fault.

    We need to cut spending in this country and Obama inherited a shitty hand, but he hasn’t improved anything and has done several things on his own to make it worse.

    He has tried to lay back and let congress do their thing and rise above the partisanship. All it has done is make him look ineffictive. You can’t come off the sidelines to take the ball into the endzone every time and expect to be given the credit for the success and not take responsibility for the fumbles.

    He doesn’t get it both ways, and that’s what he wants.


  2. puck says:

    “This is what the Tea Party wanted… And yet, they are blaming the President for it.”

    But the President’s signature is on The Deal. Sooner or later all Democratic faithful will have to come to grips with that uncomfortable truth, each in their own way.

  3. Anvil says:

    What piece does Obama and the Congress own? The debt ceiling fiasco is only one part of the downgrade. The largest part is still our proclivity to spend more than we take in. Obama and the Congress kicked that can further down the road with their reluctance to resolve the debt issue and formation of yet another committee. They are all gutless cowards. At least the Tea Party stands for something whether you like them or not. The time for politics, and talking points, is long over for both sides of the aisle. The left will continue to defend Obama and the right will continue to defend Bush. Who speaks for America?

  4. socialistic ben says:

    The Tea Party remembered his “the buck stops with me” to, traitors that they are created a bad situation for the country knowing it would ultimately be Obama’s “fault”.

    It sucks. But if you truly buy in to their narrative… be you a Teahadi or a Leftybag, you are a blind idiot whom they prey upon. They love you. saying “yeah it IS all Obama’s fault” makes you Jim Demint’s best friend.
    They did it because they counted you people like you (Teahadi or Leftybag) to react the way you are reacting in order to win. Just like america giving up it’s freedoms because AlQueda attacked us (it’s what they wanted us to do) you are letting the terrorists win by not holding them accountable as well.
    It’s like blaming the people who knew they lived near a power plant but did something dumb like drank water anyway, then got sick. Not the power plant’s fault.

  5. anonone says:

    Del Dem finally acknowledges that Obama is utterly incapable of standing up to any political opposition.

  6. socialistic ben says:

    Anvil, the KKK and Peta stand for something too. it doesnt mean we should listen to them.
    I hate this “well at least they have a plan” bullshit. Grow the fuck up. If it is a BAD PLAN we should ignore it and make every attempt to see it killed. HCR was a plan, Financial reform was a plan, ending the Bush tax cuts was a goddamn plan and the only way the Terrorists would let them happen is if…. oh wait, they didnt want to do anything then.

  7. socialistic ben says:

    Political opposition and “i have bigger balls” mentality is why we are in the mess we are in. we have been on a 20 long year trajectory of “i can win this debate on the TV” that has resulted in an all or nothing approach to politics. IF you still cant see that “total political victory” is a bad thing, get your ass into a cup of just-under-boiling water because you are a teabag.

  8. puck says:

    How come European countries can have universal health care and pensions and be rated AAA, but the US has to cut its partial safety net or be downgraded?

    … the answer is because the European countries are willing to tax themselves to pay for their benefits, while the US is not. Plus our health care costs are screwed up by our insistence on patchwork privatization and insurance system.

  9. V says:

    Seems like they’re owning it to me if that cheering is any indication.

  10. puck says:

    I think it is a mistake to make the Tea Party the scapegoat. We need to look in the mirror.

    First of all, it is now clear that failing to let the Bush tax cuts expire in December was a catastrophic mistake. That was entirely in the hands of the President and a Democratic Congress. It will never again be politically easier to raise taxes at a time when taxes needed to be raised. It was an unforced error, and the Tea Party had nothing to do with it.

    Since then, all the political negotiating with Republicans has served to strengthen the Tea Party. By virtue of his negotiating style, the President has wiped the clown makeup off the Tea Party and made them a credible force.

    In 2008, the President was promising to let the Bush tax cuts expire. He promised the same thing again in December 2010. Now he has replaced both of those promises with talk of “tax reform,” which is a solution in search of a problem. I don’t recall any serious voter demand for this kind of tax reform. The President came up with this all by himself. The first I heard of it was during his Pearl Harbor Day 2010 press conference.

    The President’s softness on new taxes has caused more and more Congressional Democrats to fall in line, including even Chris Coons.

    Now, instead of Dems asking the wealthy to pay their fair share, to be part of the shared sacrifice, we hear crazy talk about increasing revenue without increasing tax rates on the rich, or even cutting them. I really don’t think even Democrats have the political will to let the tax cuts expire in 2012.

    This “tax reform” line, rather than simply “tax the rich,” is an even more catastrophic failure of economic policy. The Tea Party didn’t make us start saying this stuff. Democrats did that all on their own.

  11. Aoine says:

    well no surprise there

    we all know the DEGOP has already slid down that long slipery slope when the (SUSSEX KKK) oh I mean the Sussex County Conservtives, took over the asylum

    they are irrelevant in (or to) any sane discussion anyway

  12. socialistic ben says:

    an unforced error puck? If you remember, the Teabaggers were ready to cut off incomes of unemployed families. It was more money for the rich or no money for those in need. They arent just scapegoats. they are evil monsters willing to hurt people to make a point… just like terrorists. They cannot be forgiven and it cant just be brushed off what they are doing. do NOT accept these cretins and the “new normal”. For the love of God help get rid of them.

  13. delbert says:

    The credit downgrade was inevitable. Better now than later when recovery will be even harder. It’s time to cut off the beggars, corporate and citizens.

  14. socialistic ben says:

    just like jesus would have done

  15. MJ says:

    JM – guess the GOP doesn’t know that Karma can be a real bitch when it comes back to bite them in the ass.

  16. puck says:

    “an unforced error puck? If you remember, the Teabaggers were ready to cut off incomes of unemployed families. ”

    There is no risk-free or painless way to beat these bastards. That is what critics mean when they say “leadership.”

    I would rather have expired all the cuts and then fought the good fight for middle class tax cuts and UI extension. Don’t worry though; the Repubs will give us plenty of more hostage situations; we can keep practicing until we get it right. So far we are 0-2. We’re due for a win!

  17. say what? says:

    when does Obama become President, it is always some one else’s fault. You guy say the tea party is nothing then you say they are all powerful.

    Where is the boy’s plans for anything?

  18. Dana Garrett says:

    I’m sure many Republicans have never heard of proximate cause, but I will apply it to the lowering of our credit rating. What was the closest electoral event to the lowering of the nation’s credit rating? It was NOT Barack Obama’s election in 2008. It was the 2010 election which brought the Tea Party Republicans into Congress and the Republicans into the majority in the House of Representatives. LESS THAN ONE YEAR after that, the USA’s credit rating gets lowered. Now that’s the proximate cause.

  19. Dana Garrett says:

    Say what, I consider your allusion to President Obama as “boy” racist and offensive.

  20. socialistic ben says:

    he didnt mean it THAT WAY DG. CONservatives NEVER mean ANYTHING in a negative or racist way… in fact YOU are the racist for even THINKING that about them. Shame on you, you racist.

  21. skippertee says:

    I’m with say what if he means BANKER’S BOY!
    And I MEAN it in the pejorative.
    He’s gone to bat for them and IGNORED the suffering of the middle-class.
    Where’s the JOBS? BARRY? You WIMP!

  22. skippertee says:

    And with “Tiny Tim” at his side it will ALL continue.

  23. V says:

    Can we all just agree…

    Words to avoid using to convey meaning when talking about the first black president/his policies so you aren’t considered racist and everyone ignores your point (even though you totally aren’t and have tons of black friends):

    monkey (verb or any species variation)
    Kenyan/Kenya (unless we actually talking about his Dad)
    urban (unless it involves actual urban/city development etc.)
    Toss off references to eating watermelon/soul food, drinking 40s,playing basketball, rapping (unless is is actually currently doing or was recently doing any of those things)

    Respectfully submitted by the board for common fucking sense.