Kowalko to Joint Finance Committee, Proposed Medicaid Cuts “Unconscionable” in View of Surplus

Filed in National by on May 19, 2011

Dear JFC members,

Please take a moment to consider the consequences of increasing medicaid expenses for those receiving this benefit. These numbers have grown, through no fault of their own, due to job losses and the recession. This state has been blessed with a $350 million “surplus” and to even consider moving forward with the DHSS/Administration proposal to burden these most vulnerable with $5 million in additional costs goes beyond the realm of unconscionable. If you feel the need to move money to plug that hole (as OMB suggests would be necessary) than you might consider lessening the $13 million proposed for “Stars” tiered reimbursement or cancel the .2% PIT restoration. Both items are well over the $5 million target to reject medicaid cuts. I sincerely hope you will be mindful of the impact on those medicaid recipients and consider the reality that limiting or making unaffordable their medical visits will result in more serious illnesses and exponentially higher costs to the system.

Thank you for your consideration,
Representative John Kowalko

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. John Kowalko’s Letter to the JFC Worked : Delaware Liberal | May 25, 2011
  1. Dana Garrett says:

    Well said, John.

  2. skippertee says:

    But John,you don’t get it. Your idea makes too much CENTS!
    Lord knows, reducing doctors visits and medications will increase costs.

  3. donviti says:

    I wonder how many times a day Kowalko comes to DL

  4. Jason330 says:

    If members of the JFC were ever to respond to this, the only honest responses could be:

    “I understand the impact on those medicaid recipients, but I don’t care.”

    Or, “I didn’t understand, but now that I do, I’ll vote to reject the medicaid cuts.”

  5. John Kowalko says:


    As often as I have a point to make for the issues of those that do not have the money or organization to hire a paid lobbyist to speak/cajole/explain on their behalf.

    I share these postings with the mainstream media also but they are not always determined to be “newsworthy” or sensationalist enough. Therefore I always appreciated the opportunity that DL gives me to “get the word out”. I also am grateful that so many of your readers and fellow bloggers get interested in some of the more obscure albeit important issues. For that I thank all of you.

    John Kowalko

  6. Joe Cass says:

    Thanks for your work, Mr.Kowalko. Why one should have to explain common sense to elected officials, I don’t know. Your constituents and our state is better for your efforts.
    PS, going back down to the Getto. So glad you made it out.

  7. skippertee says:

    Yea John, I ditto Joe Cass.
    You’re the bright light shining on the short comings with our legislature.
    We need YOU more than ever.

  8. donviti says:

    I’d be more than happy to share your thoughts on my blog.
    If your lucky to see comments from the folks that are banned here that is 🙂

    Keep up the good work sir, you honestly are the only person out there I think fighting for the little guy.

    Me, I’m upper class so I’m rooting the Gov keeps giving me more money for my IRA and the cleaning lady I have.

  9. anon says:

    Legislators view those on medicaid including the most profoundly disabled as “useless eaters”, non productive members of society, who dont vote.