Comment Rescue: State Trooper Flat Out Lying to Claymont Man

Filed in National by on March 26, 2011

I have a lot of slack for law enforcement. They have an exceedingly tough job, but as “Another Mike” points out, this Claymont basketball hoop drama is effed up in a score of ways.

By now, you’ve heard of the removal of offending basketball hoops in Claymont and the family who would not give in so easily. I was wondering if any of you watched the video at TNJ of the eventual removal of their hoop. (Catch it here)

I’m not here to debate the law or the decision to remove the hoops, although I really see no sense in taking harmless property because one neighbor has a problem with it. No, I want to know if the conduct of the female state trooper in the video bothered anyone as much as it did me.

First, she was not dressed in a uniform. She was there in an FBI hoodie and a pair of jeans. Is this how we send troopers out on official duties? No uniform, no visible badge, nothing.

Second, before the pole was removed, the owner asked if DelDOT could lay it in his driveway. The trooper said yes. Then, as soon as it was out of the ground, it was secured to the front-end loader. The homeowner said he had just been told he could keep the pole, and the trooper said she told him he could go pick it up from DelDOT. Then she denied ever telling him it could be left in his driveway. Just flat-out lied to him.

Lastly, while Mr. and Mrs. McCafferty stood in their front yard yelling “You lied to me” at the trooper and the crew, the trooper told them to go back in their house and stop talking or she would arrest them. When Mr. McCafferty asked on what charge, she said “You can’t taunt these people.” There was no obscenity or physical threat. When he mentioned the First Amendment, suddenly the threat of arrest went away.

This entire affair has been unsettling, but it’s this trooper who bothers me most. This is not a homicide suspect they’re trying to get a confession out of. All the trooper really did was make a bad situation worse.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (259)

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  1. anon. says:

    I talked to Rep. Bryon Short about this as its in his district. He’s pissed and wants answers from the Gov. office. Guess we will see how this one plays out. Rep. Short told mr he’s going out and visit this neighborhood tomorrow. Unbelivable that the trooper told them they would “lay it in your driveway” and then didn’t!

  2. skippertee says:

    I thank God every day and backhandedly bless overseas manufacturers for making video-cams available to the masses.
    It captures the story,and the TRUTH so well and in such vivid color in this case.
    Unless of course, you’re a BLUNT-SKULL that choose in many, many cases to ignore his or her “LYING EYES”.

  3. anon says:

    This is what happens when police supervisors make > $100K. They lose touch with the neighborhoods.

    And if DelDOT fired whats-her-name they can surely fire the moron(s) who ordered this.

    Also, when you are videotaping state troopers make sure you go low and get up under the brim. That one seemed to be hanging his head in shame, so we couldn’t see his face. Why do we have masked law enforcement officers?

    Skip is right… ubiquitous citizen video is the answer.

    Police (and DelDOT crew) are our neighbors. I’m all in favor of community policing. If we knew them as neighbors, the opportunities for non-threatening conflict resolution would be so much greater.

  4. skippertee says:

    anon, I agree community policing would go a long way in answering some of the powerful problems we have today, I’m not sure how that could be implemented in the suburbs.
    The FLORSHEIM paradox rears it’s ugly head.

  5. anon says:

    anon, I agree community policing would go a long way in answering some of the powerful problems we have today, I’m not sure how that could be implemented in the suburbs.

    The model/sterotype for community policing is the early 20th century Irish cop walking a beat on city blocks. Everybody knew who he was, and he knew everybody. This model is widely considered to be the golden age of community policing, for better or worse. So what is the modern application of this model?

    There aren’t that many state troopers in Delaware. It shouldn’t be too hard to figure out who they are, with a little open-source research. But since we are all working long hours now, and we don’t live on densely populated blocks, we can’t rely on sharing the information in our physical communities; we would need to move it to our online communities.

    Our grandparents knew who their cops were; why don’t we?

    The abuses are only possible when we allow them to be anonymous masked unaccountable shock troops. If you allow people to become dehumanized they will meet your expectations.

    Your neighbor will give you a warning instead of a ticket. Your neighbor will not rely on threats to resolve an issue with you. Your neighbor will not tear down your kid’s basketball net. Your neighbor will not kick down the wrong door, and will not tase you and shoot you in the chest when you are unarmed.

    We serve on the PTA with them, we shop in the same stores, we go to the same churches, our spouses work with their spouses. Our kids go to school with their kids; maybe there is an opportunity for our kids to ask their kids “Hey, why did your Daddy help tear down my basketball net?”

  6. skippertee says:

    Ok, anon, that seems workable.
    I like it.
    You’ve put some thought into this obviously.
    You lead, I’ll follow.

  7. jason330 says:

    “Your neighbor will give you a warning instead of a ticket….”

    Uhh… except it was one a-hole neighbor who made this a police matter. Community policing, sure… but let’s start with not being D-bags to each other.

    A little understanding, a little patience, a little compromise and the recognition that everyone is fighting a tough battle go a long way.

  8. reis says:

    If DelDot put as many resources into the Indian River Bridge as they did into the basketball pole, would we now have a working bridge?

  9. jason330 says:

    From the clip, it looks like they could build a bridge out of confiscated basketball poles. Win/win!

  10. anon says:

    The video camera of the past was Gladys Kravitz.

  11. anon says:

    Uhh… except it was one a-hole neighbor who made this a police matter.

    One a-hole neighbor, and one a-hole police supervisor who took it seriously, plus one a-hole DelDOT supervisor. The cops should have sent it back to the community to be resolved. You heard the guy saying he was trying to work something out. The cops should have called Bryon Short themselves BEFORE the teardown.

    In case it escaped notice, both supervisors ultimately report to the Governor. So the neighborhood knows where to focus their political attention.

  12. jason330 says:

    DelDot and the police don’t have any flexibility once they are called in. The Trooper lied to get the thing done. That was wrong. But what room does she have to negotiate some other outcome? None.

  13. If DelDot put as many resources into the Indian River Bridge as they did into the basketball pole, would we now have a working bridge?

    No. We wouldn’t. The bridge will take a great deal more effort and resources.

    I’m not taking a position on the larger issue, but this sort of comment isn’t helping. If there’s a beef about the basketball pole removals, stick to that. Trying to inflate from that to “DelDOT sucks” in general and to a discussion of other, unrelated issues, just muddies the discussion.

  14. anon says:

    In the old days this would have been handled with a wink and a smile.
    The police supervisor has the flexibility to tell DelDOT: “Are you nuts? Go work it out with the community. We have politicians for this kind of stuff.” And then DelDOT has the flexibility to shrug and say “What can we do?”

    Besides, it’s not like DelDOT is unfamiliar with extensions and variances.

    But ultimately Jason, you are correct. The law is the law, even when the law is an ass. So the focus now is restoring the community from the ravages of the law.

    I am sure the complaint was from a kid-hater who didn’t care about the poles, but about the noise of the games that took place around them. So now that the law is satisfied, as soon as possible, the community should replace the fixed nets with portable ones. I see them cheap or free on craigslist all the time. Donations should be encouraged.

    Summer is coming, and this would be a good time to schedule some community basketball tournaments. Of course for a tournament, there would need to be a lot of practices and dribbling drills. Maybe the non-players could spend a lot of time practicing some creative cheers for the benefit of said neighbor.

  15. I think video cameras will ultimately lead to a better and more responsive police force. This incident is a huge black eye for DelDOT and the state troopers. I’m pretty sure they will end up having to make a public apology.

  16. jason330 says:

    Video cameras will also serve to remind Troopers not to show up looking like they just rolled out of bed. What the heck was that?

  17. anon says:

    I’d prefer privacy but since that ain’t happening, I’m a fan of the Transparent Society. Who is watching the watchers?

    First thing we need is a law that says taxpayer funded video in public places, or on public business, is public record.

  18. delbert says:

    That’s the “jackboot Gestapo thug” attitude you get out of law enforcement these days. A far cry from the 1970s when I grew up. Chalk it up to a legacy of the Reagan Revolution. “Tough on Crime”. The people got off easy, though. They could’ve sent a real jarhead in there instead of the woman. Then it might’ve ended with the Taser. The only defense is VIDEO. That’s what the cops fear most. Where’s Rodney King when we need him?

  19. Miscreant says:

    “I think video cameras will ultimately lead to a better and more responsive police force. This incident is a huge black eye for DelDOT and the state troopers. I’m pretty sure they will end up having to make a public apology.”

    True! I used to tell my officers to behave as if they were being taped, and that everyone they dealt with was a member of the Governor’s immediate family.

    Conversely, I armed them with digital tape recorders and cameras, which also had the effect of diffusing many incidents.

    I find this trend, in the story linked below, more than a bit disturbing:,0,5743261.story

  20. MJ says:

    Not debating whether the law or policy is correct, the McCafferty’s were told that they had to remove the basketball pole. They refused. DelDOT did what they were supposed to do under law and regulation. The State Police were called in because there was a fear of violence or obstruction. As for the trooper in the hoodie, we don’t know if she works undercover or what. And she may have had a badge hanging around her neck for all we know.

    We cannot pick and choose which laws we are going to obey and which ones we wish to ignore. If we do that, we just become teabaggers.

  21. Miscreant says:

    “Video cameras will also serve to remind Troopers not to show up looking like they just rolled out of bed. What the heck was that?”

    More than likely someone who was on plain clothes assignment, and was the “nearest available” backup. Regardless, she handled it VERY badly. And, regardless of rank, the uniformed officer should have taken the lead.

  22. anon says:

    From the link: “States make it illegal to video tape police”

    That is why citizen videotaping needs to be cheap, ubiquitous, “always on,” and discreet to the point of being nearly undetectable. The technology is not quite there yet. See Sousveillance.

    In the meantime, when you are taping police, have one guy with a giant old fashioned camcorder on his shoulder as a decoy, while the real camera is a little flipcam held discreetly by someone else off to the side.

    This is a fun link:

  23. jason330 says:

    I don’t have frequent enough run ins with law enforcement to keep that set up at the ready.

  24. Phil says:

    Maybe the a-hole neighbor will be happier when the kids are vandalizing their house instead of playing a game of pickup.

    Speaking of tasers, they need to make a law that requires officers to employ them as a last resort before firearms. It seems like they are the object of first response now-a-days.

  25. anon says:

    I don’t have frequent enough run ins with law enforcement to keep that set up at the ready.

    It would need to be $99 kits available from Walmart for your home, your car, and your person. That would change your perspective. Whoever figures out how to sell it as a way to protect your children will be a billionaire.

  26. Miscreant says:

    “Speaking of tasers, they need to make a law that requires officers to employ them as a last resort before firearms. It seems like they are the object of first response now-a-days.”

    Actually, that’s where they are on the “Use of Force Continuums” (policy, usually based on state statute) of most departments. Your mileage may vary between departments, and actual use.

  27. Miscreant says:

    “It would need to be $99 kits available from Walmart for your home, your car, and your person.”

    Great concept, but I rather doubt most of the liberal elitists that hang around here shop at Walmart.

  28. anon says:

    The Use Of Force continuum is a joke. Police routinely use threats against property and person to gain compliance with the most trivial and even illegal requests that would never justify use of a gun. Police are expert taunters and the threats are often used as bait to justify unleashing the next level of force.

    most of the liberal elitists that hang around here shop at Walmart.

    True… but if all the Walmart shoppers have the kits, policing would be changed forever.

  29. Geezer says:

    “I rather doubt most of the liberal elitists that hang around here shop at Walmart.”

    I don’t, but I do shop at Goodwill and any farmer’s market I can find, so it’s not because I’m elitist.

  30. skippertee says:

    And the DIRTY cops quickly move from seemingly “harmless” tasers to DEADLY force when the tased don’t respond quite as the DIRTY cop required.
    Witness the murder of the marine, DEREK HALE.
    Probably working UNDERCOVER for ATF, though I’ve been frusttrated in my attempts to prove that.
    I will say, an anonymous clerk who handled my FOI request made it a POINT of telling me that the office in Washington knew of the death of this young man early the next day.
    Makes one wonder, doesn’t it?

  31. Steve Newton says:

    We cannot pick and choose which laws we are going to obey and which ones we wish to ignore. If we do that, we just become teabaggers.

    I understand the sentiment, I guess, but the same sentence could essentially have been written by Southern racists criticizing civil disobedience in the Civil Rights movement.

    Presidents, including both W and Obama, do so with signing statements and the directive to the Justice Department not to defend DOMA any more. I didn’t see you complaining then that the government was acting inappropriately by not choosing to enforce a bad law.

    Law enforcement agencies themselves routinely decide on a daily basis what to see and what not to see.

    Civil disobedience in America is critical to freedom in America.

    Don’t let yourself be gamed out of that because you don’t like the Tea Bag movement.

  32. skippertee says:

    I choose not to shop at Walmart for their support of anti-union legislation and their annihilation of Main Street small businessmen and women throughout this country.

  33. Miscreant says:

    “I don’t, but I do shop at Goodwill and any farmer’s market I can find, so it’s not because I’m elitist.”

    Actually, if I can’t find it at a yard sale, thrift shop, auction, or flea market first, I *may* go to Walmart.

  34. anon says:

    I rather doubt most of the liberal elitists that hang around here shop at Walmart.

    Good point. Costco will have to carry it too.

  35. cassandra_m says:

    I agree with Steve’s comment, except that civil disobedience is usually the reaction of folks who can’t get heard otherwise. Frankly I don’t get how you get notices from DelDOT to clear the RoW and NOT work at addressing it then. DelDOT can’t just change the law on their own, but certainly their local Rep or Senator would have had a chance to get energized on this issue before now.

    Which is no excuse for the lying cop.

    One more thing — maybe this is a good reason for DelDot to get out of the business of maintaining subdivision roads.

  36. Miscreant says:

    “Law enforcement agencies themselves routinely decide on a daily basis what to see and what not to see.”

    True, Prof. Newton, but once the complaint is officially entered into the system, it is a matter of record, and the police are compelled to respond in some fashion.

  37. anon says:

    once the complaint is officially entered into the system, it is a matter of record, and the police are compelled to respond in some fashion.

    Show up, take a report, say we’ll look into it. That’s how it’s been done since time immemorial. What made the basketball thing so urgent?

  38. Steve Newton says:

    Micreant and Cassandra

    My point was not situationally relevant, particularly, but primarily extended to the generalization that MJ seemed to be drawing from it.

  39. Dana Garrett says:

    When I taught in the General Studies program in Wilmington College, I had the opportunity to teach many police officers. I learned that I’d had some false preconceptions–prejudices–about police officers. In my experience, police officers were among the most liberal minded and tolerant students I had. Nearly all of them were for the decriminalization of marijuana and some expressed regret that they had to arrest people for marijuana possession. They also seemed to support the use of government programs to help needy people. They were contrasted w/ the business students who tended to be quite conservative and have a strong law and order orientation.

  40. MJ says:

    In the Denver incidents Mis linked to, the videos are from Denver Police Department cameras. And the cops in the DeHerrera case (second video) were fired yesterday by the Manager of Public Safety.

  41. jason330 says:

    Dana, A minority of cops are guys who are drawn to the profession because they get off on ordering people around. Some places call them “Straps” and they are not very well liked by the majority of officers.

  42. anonymous says:

    (Mahaffie, 8:25 a.m.)

    All those poles and hoops being ‘taken away,’ wasn’t necessary. They could and should have as least left them for the homeowners to place in their driveways or yards if they so chose.

    Mike Mahaffie, gets off the subject, contrary to the ‘supposed’ main point of his own post, saying, “The bridge will take a great deal more effort and resources.” and that much is true. Regarding Mahaffie’s defense of DelDOT, a great deal more cash has and will be drained away by DelDOT’s Indian River bridge project, following the tremendous amount of idiotic multi million dollar dirt pile waste known as ‘bridge ramps to nowhere.’ Now that is and continues to be dangerous, environmentally destructive and wasteful. Getting back on the subject, Mahaffie, kids need to have their hoops back.

    That DelDOT sucks is also true as tens of thousands risk their lives on Delaware’s roadways daily.
    I’ll mention something important DelDOT should do, like correct the dire conditions of Delaware roadways and bridges already at risk of colapse, threatening the safety of all Delaware drivers, instead of actively contributing to more waste of time, such as huge dump trucks, heavy front end equipment, it’s transport, too many DelDOT personnel, multiple police officers, police cars, and whatever that woman was.

    No need to defend DelDOT Mike Mahaffie, you know DelDOT is the state agency that pays major land owners, developers millions, where a highway won’t go. Why Mahaffie? DelDOT, leased prime commercial real estate with it’s own major Route One access for pennies on the dollar, to Minner’s “friend.” Why Mahaffie? DelDOT, that creates impassable multi use, multi lane deadly highway lunacy and intersections along the Lewes-Rehoboth stretch and points westward and northward and leaves the adjoining farms lands for more development. Why Mahaffie; what kind of ‘planning’ is that? It’s no ‘planning,’ except for development/business interests.

    Mahaffie, didn’t DelDOT just purchase a Route One ‘bus station’ property for millions that’s too small for their purpose, with an industrial building that’s too low to contain buses, saying they could take the roof off and rebuild it? What about the property being too small? Will it become another DelDOT real estate deal? DelDot creates it’s own foolish, wasteful “mud,” not the citizens posting here. When people hear “DelDOT,” DelDOT idiocy is soon to follow and there’s Mahaffie backhandedly defending DelDOT state agency folly.

    Mahaffie, forget about scolding commenters for straying from a subject, as you stray to defend DelDOT. Any proper basketball courts ‘planned’ for the Claymont kids, Mahaffie? Or did someone want some scrap metal cash. By the way, Mahaffie, 5 or 6 DelDOT trucks, with 3 or so DelDOT personnel for each truck, heavy equipment transport plus a huge front end loader, several state police and state police vehicles – to take kids hoops, threaten the parents instead of working with them – that’s mighty, mighty ugly Mike Mahaffie.

  43. Miscreant says:

    @ anon:

    “Show up, take a report, say we’ll look into it. That’s how it’s been done since time immemorial.”

    I suppose that’s how it happens on TV, and sometimes in real life (like my recent burglary). But once there is a record, written and/or recorded, there is accountability. It depends on how far the players want to push the incident. Like in the case of my burglary. I knew where, and how to push. Most people don’t. In my case, what little was stolen wasn’t worth the effort.

    @ Dana:

    “I had the opportunity to teach many police officers. I learned that I’d had some false preconceptions–prejudices–about police officers. In my experience, police officers were among the most liberal minded and tolerant students I had. Nearly all of them were for the decriminalization of marijuana and some expressed regret that they had to arrest people for marijuana possession.”

    So did I, and I find your observations to be true. Even in academy setting, while they were being trained as recruits, or later on in their careers. The hardest to break in were the ones who transitioned from other non-enforcement careers. Gender made no difference. I had a female officer who had more public complaints against her in her first year of service, than most others did in ten years of service. She had a degree in psychology.

  44. reis says:

    Mahaffie just misunderstood my post. I merely interjaculate brilliant witticisms now and then to provide a bit of gleeful discourse and confuse Mahaffie.

  45. skippertee says:

    Yo Mahaffie!
    Can I hump your leg for a job at DelDOT?
    This is what I can offer.
    Just a TWO man operation to take out those vile, despicable basketball hoops.
    With just one other guy to hook a nylon choker to the pole and a small [15 ton] truck crane,which you probably already have in your inventory, I can remove and delicately lay in the driveway at least 10 hoops a day if distance and speed limits allow.
    And I’m already trained.
    I’m a reluctantly retired Operating Engineer and have experience running everything from Tower Cranes to Fork-lifts.
    Bare legged or trousers, I’m ready to hump!

  46. anon says:

    Some places call them “Straps” and they are not very well liked by the majority of officers.

    I guess it will be a comfort to know that the officer who tases me or simply humiliates me is not well liked by the majority of officers.

  47. Another Mike says:

    Jason330, I wrote that post late last night and wish to thank you for the rescue. I would like to get to these things before 11:30 at night but life gets in the way.

    I should have mentioned that I have great respect overall for law enforcement and know many people who are officers or civilian employees at the county and state level. DelDOT, not so much.

  48. Mongo says:

    DelDot was dragged reluctantly into this mess. The complaints were coming into multiple state offices. The complaintants were getting angry at the lack of action, since the law is very clear. DelDOT dragged it’s heels on acting for as long as they could. Reluctantly, they did as they were instructed.

    If these people have a problem with the law, they should speak to their legislators. But, then again, it’s easier to just blame DelDOT.

    Personally, Mongo blames the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

  49. Another Mike says:

    Mongo, my lack of respect for DelDOT has nothing to do with what they are required to do in this situation. I’m thinking more of the litany of f***kups that has plagued the agency over the past few years.

    I agree that the local legislator is the person to go to for redress. I imagine some kind of modification of the Clear Zone Act may come out of this.

  50. heragain says:

    Well, community policing isn’t going to solve it as long as people use the law as a club to annoy their neighbors. My community is in a constant uproar over (often imaginary) violations of the zoning codes. The zoning officers hate to come out here, and we hate to see them, but 2 people (out of more than a thousand) call something on someone EVERY DAY, just from maliciousness. At this point I’d say they’re one sixpack from being injured by a neighbor who’d be very sorry later… but no one would testify, I’d bet.

  51. anonymous says:


    It’s an image Delawareans won’t soon forget, a fear filled mother driven atop a 10 foot pole. The people with the ‘statute,’ were Delaware Dept of ‘Transportation’ officials.

    She saw the trucks loaded with childrens’ confiscated poles and hoops, with an army of Delaware Dept. of Transportation personnel and heavy equipment coming to rip the childrens’ hoop from the lawn.

    I’m not going to let them take it away,” she promised her kids. Remember – (‘Take it away.’)

    Like a grandpa chained to a rocker to stop the bulldozers, she decided to climb up the poll. Like a child shut out of school, she decided to attend. Like a worker, she marched to protect her rights.
    Like an American, she wanted to be an American.

    How’s it feel to be an ‘American’ today? And exactly why?

    She probably had memories of happy times of B ball fun flashing past and she had property that she didn’t want ‘taken away’ as she perched herself protectively, like a mother osprey on a bay side roost.

    “If you’re taking the pole, you’re taking me with it,” she first proposed. Remember – (‘Taking the pole’..)

    The couple later came out to barter and all agreed, take it down, but leave it here. The Delaware Dept. of Transportation army accompanied by armed officers of the law agreed, then lied about their agreement. ‘Take it away,’ they did.

    Geoff Sundstrom, spokesman for Delaware Dept of Transportation, said there is a statute…

    The questions would be, how many thousands of road side poles in the state’s developments come under that statute?

    Next, what does Delaware Department of Transportation do with the downed poles, backboards, hoops? Do they ‘take them” all away? Then what becomes of the poles? What did this “pole snatching” operation cost the state?

    Next, will DelDOT clear ‘all’ poles and hoops? In ‘all’ neighborhoods? If not, why not? The statue doesn’t say “take it down only if someone should complain,” does it?

    One should start noting basketball poles. If the Delaware Dept of Transportation isn’t ‘taking them all,’ so be it, but hello DelDOT, it’s a pleasure to serve you notice….

    Taking on a mother with a huge front end loader, while spending thousands on Delaware Dept of Transportation personnel and heavy equipment and five officers of the law, with five police vehicles, to remove a hoop, created a potentially dangerous situation. If fact, they don’t ‘immediately’ respond with such force, to bust a crack house.

    Let’s consider the tip of the iceberg, of some other laws that DelDOT must uphold, ie did the developers give back the non highway millions? Minner’s ‘friend’ got a million dollar plus deal; who paid for his Rt 1 access roadway? Was the state reimbursed? DelDOT procrastinated on the faulty $20 million hideous, crumbling bridge ramps, got $20 million yet?; Why was $6.5 million spent for a ‘bus terminal’ when buses won’t fit in the low building and the lot is too small? Got the $6.5 million back? There are most likely hundreds of million dollar legal issues at DelDOT; have you called the law, governor, you know, like those tough Delaware Dept of ‘Transportation’ officials did? Or are laws and enforcement, as citizens expect, just for ‘other’ folks.

    The mother was up the pole it seems, because she didn’t want her pole, (remember,) ‘taken way.’

    So DelDOT, take every damn pole in the state down and keep it, if that’s what your statue says, or else, one would ask, why did you chose to so extremely enforce your ‘statute’ against a mother driven to protest the only way she knew, against the “Transportation” army. By the way, DelDOT, the ‘satute’ doesn’t only apply to B ball poles. “Discriminating” thieves need to get busy everything that applies.

    Most importantly one should note, that the Delaware Department of Transportation can’t handle the state’s helter skelter deadly transportation problems, let alone keep it’s management above board. An impromptu attack on a pole?

    Reminds one of DelDOT on a highway that is backed up for five miles, only to see ten guys leaning on shovels, one diggin.

  52. cassandra_m says:

    Give me a break.

    It isn’t as though these people didn’t have plenty of warning that these hoops in the RoW were a problem. What I’d like to know is what steps they took before DelDOT and the media showed up.

  53. anon says:

    Now that we know they respond to anonymous complaints, I now want to see a big DelDOT truck with police escort driving down the streets of Little Italy collecting lawn chairs and cones during the upcoming Italian festival.

    … they wouldn’t dare, the wussies. Not with half the politicians in the state two blocks away.

  54. jason330 says:

    What Cassandra said. Even the perps in this thing admits that they are on the wrong side of the law.

  55. cassandra_m says:

    I now want to see a big DelDOT truck with police escort driving down the streets of Little Italy collecting lawn chairs and cones during the upcoming Italian festival.

    This is already specifically illegal in the City. Fortunately, the WPD is abit too busy to actually pay much attention to this during festivals or snowstorms.

  56. anon says:

    the WPD is abit too busy

    What DSP should have said about the basketball hoops.

    The bright side of this incident is establishes that the law has been satisfied beyond doubt, so now the community can move on to Phase 2. The Clear Zone law is very narrow in scope; it says nothing about kids playing basketball. So now they can put up portable hoops and play twice as much basketball.

    The neighborhood seems to think the complaint came from an elderly neighbor who didn’t want to slow down for kids, or had his car hit by a basketball, depending on which accounts you read.

    Those kids have been taught a valuable lesson about obeying the law. Now they need to move on to “Civics 102” where they learn that the law applies to everybody, and isn’t there just to target kids.

    If I were those kids, first of all make sure you are right about this neighbor. Then I’d keep a close eye on that neighbor to make sure he/she doesn’t show any evidence of declining riving skills that would unfortunately have to be photodocumented and reported. Also keep tabs on the registration sticker – cars with expired registration can be towed. Is there a law about parking too far from the curb? Is the garage so full of stuff it is a fire hazard? Learn when trash cans may be put out to the curb, and when they must be taken in. Learn the pooper scooper laws. Photodocument everything.

    Now that we know the authorities are receptive to acting on complaints to the fullest extent of the law, find out how to submit complaints. Use your Internet access to learn the local laws and strategies for enforcing them.

    Meanwhile parents have plenty of material to begin looking for scalps (if they wish). Even if the correct answer is “the law is the law,” the politicians and agency heads should be videotaped mouthing those exact words, which will haunt them in the future.

  57. heragain says:

    If you haven’t been through it, cassandra, you don’t know.

    My neighbor called to report me in violation of a county code. The inspector came out, and I permitted him on the property. First mistake.

    However, the code I was accused of violating was a paperwork issue. I produced the paperwork and they closed the case.

    NEXT week, same inspector showed up, tagged me for same violation. He said his supervisor had overruled him. (He also said, 20 years a cop, people trusted him with their lives, now he wasn’t considered bright enough to evaluate his own cases, and we’d have to appeal it.)

    I contacted NCC. No response. I called, emailed, & went down. No response. NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON IN THAT OFFICE GAVE ME THE COURTESY OF A RETURN CALL. I had my state Senator call, and they permitted HIM to set up a meeting to discuss what they needed to establish I was in compliance.

    We had the meeting, and they asked for paperwork that far exceeded their statutory limits, WHICH I agreed to provide. I provided it.

    I got a letter from their assistant legal council stating that the paperwork which they’d asked for was not relevant, and that therefore I was in violation. Well, you chose it, folks.

    I hired a lawyer and got a court date. We took a day off from work, hired a sitter for the kids and went with our lawyer to the court date. The county asked for a postponement. I told my lawyer we were ready now, but he figured they wanted a postponement so they could settle, since they had nothing. He agreed to work for free from that point on, he was so sure. We got another date 4 months on.

    4 months later, got my day in court, judge tossed them out with a flea in their ear. It was now 13 months since the original complaint was closed.

    The people in this video have been trying to get this resolved, and no one has called them back.

    If we, as liberals, want effective government, this sh*t is more our enemy than any billions the koch’s can spend. If government isn’t the good guys, they MUST be held to the same standard at least that we’d hold an ordinary business.

    I want to append, in an ordinary civil case, I’d be able to collect damages & lawyers fees. That would have helped.

  58. skippertee says:

    There is something I’m not clear about. No permanent impediments within 7′ of right of way since 2005[?]?
    Were the trees and pre-existing impediments “grandfathered” in when the statute went into effect?
    They had to be. Otherwise people all over the state, including my dad, would have had to fell trees they planted fifty years ago.
    How long was the HOOP in place, I wonder.

  59. heragain says:

    The Verizon people blocked traffic and woke me this morning climbing a pole that is about 6 inches off the right of way. I’d be delighted to have it taken down.

  60. cassandra_m says:

    I live in a historic neighborhood, so I do certainly know about extra regulatory surveillance.

    Which is why I have this question. When I get a notice that I’m out of compliance with something, I’m working on that issue. Even if I may disagree about the reg or law’s premises, I still have to live with it until I can get it changed.

    No one at DelDOT called them back? Color me very skeptical. But on the other hand, the Clear Zone regulation that they were in violation of seems really clear to me. Unless someone wants to point out there there is a basketball hoop exception in this regulation.

  61. Mongo says:

    Mongo hates to throw wrench into a good anti-government thread, but please consider these facts:
    The basketball hoops were permanently installed on property they do not own.
    Kids were playing ball at all hours of the night and refusing to move for cars.
    There was a significant number of complaints from residents.
    The residents were warned to remove the hoops.
    They chose to ignore the warning.
    The DelDOT crews reluctantly enforced the state code.

  62. anon says:

    The Verizon people blocked traffic and woke me this morning climbing a pole that is about 6 inches off the right of way. I’d be delighted to have it taken down.

    If you need it taken down, mount a basketball hoop on it and invite the neighborhood kids to play. DelDOT will be there in six months or so.

    Who am I kidding. DelDOT will work something out with Verizon. Verizon has bucks. I guess the kids will get the shaft again.

  63. heragain says:

    OOOH! Good idea, anon. Got a couple of trees, too… hum….

    “No one at DelDOT called them back? Color me very skeptical.”

    You may be skeptical, but I’ll bet you’re wrong. There are arrogant jerks in every business.

  64. anon says:

    Kids were playing ball at all hours of the night and refusing to move for cars

    Even if true, not in scope of Clear Zone law. Find another law for that one. Let the police be called out to break up a peaceful basketball game on a legal portable hoop. Then I bet DSP will find its missing discretion.

    I’m betting these are good kids who will keep it quiet after a legal cutoff time, if asked. Remember it will be daylight until nearly 9pm soon.

  65. anon says:

    The DelDOT truck loaded with hoops looked like the Grinch’s sleigh pulling away from Whoville.

  66. cassandra_m says:

    You may be skeptical, but I’ll bet you’re wrong. There are arrogant jerks in every business.

    There sure are. And DelDOT is a BIG place. They aren’t all jerks.

    And what were the local State Rep and Senator doing while they were waiting for a call back from whoever?

  67. anon says:

    Melissa McCafferty for Delaware Mother Of The Year!

    I’d freep that. I love to see a lady on a pole.

  68. heragain says:

    Does everyone call their state senator right off the bat? I called my mayor (more or less), my state rep, my state senator, and my county councilman. County councilman refused to help… he, without looking into it, was already helping my complaining neighbor. (Who, needless to say, had never said anything to me, ever.) Took the combined efforts of the rest to get me a MEETING with code enforcement to discuss it. After that it was the supervisors referral to legal, and show on the road.

    Guy on the video said they’d gotten the pols involved. Even pols believe people will call them back before showing up with police.

  69. cassandra_m says:

    Who am I kidding. DelDOT will work something out with Verizon. Verizon has bucks.

    True. But Verizon got an easement (or had them grandfathered in) to have their equipment on the property. And apparently property owners can have mailboxes within the RoW if the box and placement meet their requirements.

  70. cassandra_m says:

    Does everyone call their state senator right off the bat?

    No. But if people at the agency aren’t calling me back, calling these guys is a good move. And according the to the first NJ article, DelDOT sent their letters to these folks in the *Fall*, so there was time to get their representation spun up on this.

  71. anon says:

    And apparently property owners can have mailboxes within the RoW if the box and placement meet their requirements.

    The solution is simple then. Put the basketball pole where the mailbox goes, and mount the mailbox on the basketball pole. Tearing it down will then become a Federal offense.

    I love it when a plan comes together.

  72. Miscreant says:

    “Put the basketball pole where the mailbox goes, and mount the mailbox on the basketball pole. Tearing it down will then become a Federal offense. ”

    Creative thinking! Now, if they can get it approved by the US postal Service…

    This wouldn’t work in Sussex. It would only give DELDOT a nicer target for their snow plows.

  73. anon says:

    Apparantly the Feds allow locals to establish their own mailbox regs within limits. Delaware’s mailbox regs are administered by… DelDOT.

    There is nothing in the regs that says you can’t have a ten foot tall mailbox post.

    If the FAA objects, you can put a red blinking light on top 🙂

  74. Miscreant says:

    Then it’s a great plan.

    While rebuilding my mailbox (DELDOT target) on an almost annual basis), my mail carrier always leaves a note if not placed according to *his* USPS specifications.

    “If the FAA objects, you can put a red blinking light on top :-)”

    Air mail?

  75. anon says:

    Call it a flagpole, not a basketball pole. When not in use, remove the backboard and mount an American flag on it. Then dare them to tear a US mailbox and an American flag.

  76. heragain says:

    The realtor who sold me my house took down my mailbox and set it on my porch. Doubt deldot will have more respect. When they took out the neighbor’s box, mounted it so drivers coming from the side road can’t see past it.

  77. anon says:

    The realtor who sold me my house took down my mailbox and set it on my porch. Doubt deldot will have more respect.

    If it’s a legal mailbox, that’s up to three years hard time in the Federal pokey:

    Whoever willfully or maliciously injures, tears down or destroys any letter box or other receptacle intended or used for the receipt or delivery of mail on any mail route, or breaks open the same or willfully or maliciously injures, defaces or destroys any mail deposited therein, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

    Ain’t the law grand? See, it’s not just for messing with basketball playing kids.

  78. anonymous says:

    Anon says, “the law applies to everybody,..” It should.

    Cassandra says, “give me a break.” That’s the point, thousands of “breaks” have been given to ‘other’ people who at this very moment have poles or obstructions and even multi million dollars from shady DelDOT deals.

    Everyone has, or should have been and certainly by now should be aware of, the setback law, (10 ft on roadway, 7 ft inside developments.)

    So will DelDOT, get to work upholding the law? Don’t think so.

    Eight persons were specifically notified in Claymont and Radnor Green. But does the law say, “only if anyone should complain?” No. Discrimination, I’d day so. Does DelDOT law include kids at play. Don’t think so.

    The law should includes everyone and the variety of objects and signs, obstructions.

    The following is the husband saying he had responded to DelDOT’s notice, but had never received a reply. He also said the pole has been there for 60 years.

    No interest in playing hoops in the zone or anything else. The main point is, the state tells citizens they must obey laws. And the state makes it too hard to respect DelDOT, because governor, about DelDOT’s multi million dollar wasteful, shady deals, crumbing bridges, favoritism, deadly transportation system….

    It’s one set of rules for the peasants, another set of rules(or lack thereof) for the ruling elite. Is that the break you’re talking about Cassandra?

    How about DelDOT enforcing the laws equally? How about DelDOT being a state agency, one can respect.

  79. cassandra_m says:

    Eight persons were specifically notified in Claymont and Radnor Green. But does the law say, “only if anyone should complain?” No. Discrimination, I’d day so. Does DelDOT law include kids at play. Don’t think so.

    I have no idea what you are trying to defend here, but apparently DelDOT pretty clearly had alot of other things to do until folks complained. A complaint that had some basis in the law, I’ll remind you. So unlike, say, political signs in the R0W, DelDOT spent ALOT of time turning a blind eye to this. And probably to lots of other violations of the RoW. You are thinking they should drop everything else and just go clear RoWs?

    Give me a break.

  80. anon says:

    With the poles being there 60 years, there may be a good case that the State has granted implied consent and they have become prescriptive easements or something similar.

  81. cassandra_m says:

    Certainly not all of those poles were there for 60 years. You can tell from the picture of the poles in the truck that several of them are quite abit newer than that.

    But perhaps you mean to argue that DelDOT should be sweeping all RoWs and not wait for complaints.

  82. anon says:

    Prescriptive easement requires only 20 years use, so most of the poles probably qualify. Heavy lawyering is required though; there are other requirements. As a taxpayer I’d insist DelDOT back off rather than fight in court.

    You can tell from the picture of the poles in the truck that several of them are quite abit newer than that.

    Under prescriptive easement, they don’t have to be the original poles. It’s the continuous use that counts.

  83. Phil says:

    Personally, I think the issue here is much deeper and dangerous than everything being discussed above. What has happened is just one example of a cultural and/or societal change. More and more, people are less willing to talk (or listen) to their neighbors about problems; or letting small things go. We are slowly becoming a society where we spy or snitch on our neighbors for small infractions. The worst part is, is that we are now rewarded for such behavior.

  84. jason330 says:

    I agree. I made this point early on, but it got buried:

    Community policing, sure… but let’s start with not being D-bags to each other.

    A little understanding, a little patience, a little compromise and the recognition that everyone is fighting a tough battle go a long way.

    When I think about the mistakes I’ve made in my life, the only ones that I regret are the ones that I could have avoided if I was just a little nicer.

  85. anon says:

    More and more, people are less willing to talk (or listen) to their neighbors about problems; or letting small things go.

    I disagree. Cranky old SOB’s weren’t invented yesterday. Or young ones, for that matter.

    Newspapers from decades ago used to have tons of short articles reporting equally ridiculous disputes among neighbors. I see these articles all the time when looking up other stuff in Google news archives.

  86. jason330 says:

    You can’t argue that we are as connected to our neighbors today as we were 40 years ago. I’m not saying that there was some golden age, but where I live is a more a collection of similar houses inhabited by strangers, then it is a “neighborhood.”

    Perhaps my experience is an outlier, but I doubt it.

  87. anon says:

    Well, I think my neighbors are all disconnected. I guess that means I am the cranky old SOB on the block 🙂

    You are right though for obvious reasons – longer commutes, economic differences, women working, less walkable neighborhoods, no porches, etc.

    It was more “golden” when I was a kid in the 1960s. In my neighborhood we went to the same churches, mom stayed home, and all dads worked for the same five employers. We all belonged to the new YMCA (there were no private health/recreation clubs), walked to the same schools, and did the same stuff after school. Even though the subdivision had no stores or other infrastructure, we were the last of the boomers and there were a lot of kids in the neighborhood. Most families with boys had basketball hoops mounted on the house, not at the edge of the street. I don’t recall any complaints.

    I was aware of it when it ended at the end of the decade. Newer subdivisions with bigger houses were built, and anybody who could afford it moved out. New private health and swim clubs were built. New. private schools opened.

    FOX News and the Reagan revolution hasn’t helped much. When I told my neighbor in 2004 I supported Kerry, she sneered and never spoke to me again.

  88. Venus says:

    I’ve been grossly disappointed having cops as neighbors. They posture antagonistically whenever in general conversation with us. It’s so odd. Even the kids wonder what up? And they drive too fast down the street.

  89. anonymous says:

    Cassandra, I’m defending equal treatment by the law. I have and need nothing in my right of way. Years ago I put a basketball court in my yard, surrounded by a stockade fence. Although in some neighborhoods, street hoops may be the best thing going on, I have no interest in it.

    Cassandra says, “DelDOT spent ALOT of time turning a blind eye to this.” Why?, is my point, when the law applies to all right of way property. Why turn “a blind eye” to some, while going after others? That is what is wrong Cassandra – DelDOT wrong. They should have a law that is enforced against all right of way abuses, as all right of way abuses apply. You’re adding a human element, (kids playing/someone complaining) to a measured space (10 ‘ or 7’) along a roadside.

    How many neighborhoods with poles, other obstructions in the right of way, did DelDOT have to drive past to get to these particular hoops in Claymont and Radnor? They could have filled up their trucks along the way. Was a ‘complaint’ part of right of the way obstruction law? No, it’s a human dimension to be dealt with elsewhere.

    Are the very existence of poles or obstructions in the right of the way, illegal? Yes. Question: Why does DelDOT chose to attack certain poles, obstructions, instead of all poles, obstructions? Why is a law used selectively against ‘others’ sound fair to Cassanda?

    Cassandra asks, “You are thinking they should drop everything else and just go clear RoWs? Answer: Following the law applies to everyone. Enforcing right of way violations, also applies to everyone and must be done equally, fairly.

    Cassandra, you think it’s fair for DelDOT to pick and chose against whom, they chose to enforce the right of way law. I don’t. DelDOT drove past many poles, bushes, trees, obstructions, to come back to nab that particular one with a mother on it.

    It’s like saying, there’s a law against driving while drunk. Then saying, too many people do it – so we’ll “turn a blind eye.” But if someone drives while drunk and chews gum, book’em.

  90. KathyJ says:

    “…This entire affair has been unsettling, but it’s this trooper who bothers me most. This is not a homicide suspect they’re trying to get a confession out of. All the trooper really did was make a bad situation worse.”

    Totally agree. Maybe internal affairs of DSP should be reviewing this vid.

    “…NEXT week, same inspector showed up, tagged me for same violation. He said his supervisor had overruled him. (He also said, 20 years a cop, people trusted him with their lives, now he wasn’t considered bright enough to evaluate his own cases, and we’d have to appeal it…)

    Hereagain, this is the type of complaint I’ve heard numerous times.
    I think there are too many supervisors which has created a tangled mess.

  91. cassandra_m says:

    How many neighborhoods with poles, other obstructions in the right of way, did DelDOT have to drive past to get to these particular hoops in Claymont and Radnor?

    Probably alot. But people in public jobs physically can’t do all of the enforcement we are all entitled to. We don’t pay for enough people to do that and “turning a blind eye” is pretty routine down the line until someone makes an issue out of it.

    The thing is, that DelDOT seemed to do what they were supposed to by at least sending these people written notice back in the fall that they had a RoW problem. Six (or so) months later, DelDOT went to take down the poles. They could have gone to get them back in the fall, but gave the owners a chance to take them down. I don’t see how that could possible be unfair or unique treatment.

    You should get over yourself here.

  92. Miscreant says:

    “Question: Why does DelDOT chose to attack certain poles, obstructions, instead of all poles, obstructions? Why is a law used selectively against ‘others’ sound fair to Cassanda?”

    Like most state agencies, they are complaint driven, and reactive only. In law enforcement I always found it somewhat disconcerting that, when there was an incident (not witnessed by police), it didn’t matter who was wrong or right, the first person to pick up the phone and dial 911 to file a complaint seemed to have the upper hand, and the other party was automatically on the defense. No matter how objective we were supposed to be, most police tend to empathize with the original complainant.

    There were many times, after hearing both sides of the story, I was clearly convinced the original complainant was totally full of shit. That’s when I “postured antagonistically”, and suggested they reconsider their complaint.

    Officer discretion can occasionally be a good thing.

    “Maybe internal affairs of DSP should be reviewing this vid. ”

    Rest assured, the video has been reviewed, the appropriate assholes are puckered, and I’m confident that some action will be taken. Unless there was some severe editing of that video, the officer’s actions were indefensible. Nonetheless, you’ll probably never know the real disposition.

  93. mediawatch says:

    Saw four basketball poles in a span of 5-6 houses in Oak Lane Manor this afternoon. DelDOT better get out there fast before the kids stop traffic with their own final four this week.

    Seriously … we’ve got two broader issues here. One is that the law should be enforced equally, and not necessarily be dependent on a complaint. The other is that our society has a tendency to over-legislate, to elevate conduct that is disturbing to some to a legal offense that is somehow offensive to us all.

    That said, we cannot expect government agents to be patrolling our streets looking for violations of obscure laws and, if they made a practice of doing so, we’d probably resent such conduct.

    In this situation, DelDOT would have been far better off to (1) acknowledge that it has more important things to do than worry about who’s playing hoops in the streets; and (2) talk to a sympathetic legislator about taking this law off the books.

    Having fewer stupid laws to enforce would give police — and DelDOT — fewer opportunities to make fools of themselves.

  94. anonymous says:

    Cassandra says,
    “I have no idea what you are trying to defend here, but apparently DelDOT pretty clearly had alot of other things to do until folks complained. A complaint that had some basis in the law, I’ll remind you. So unlike, say, political signs in the R0W, DelDOT spent ALOT of time turning a blind eye to this. And probably to lots of other violations of the RoW.” End quote.

    Let’s examine that:

    “I have no idea what you are trying to defend here,.” This is true, you don’t.

    Cassandra continues, “but apparently DelDOT pretty clearly had alot of other things to do until folks complained.” Citizens know about DelDOT doing alot of ‘other’ things, until folks complain.

    She goes on, ” A complaint that had some basis in the law, I’ll remind you.” Remind yourself Cassandra, how the law has been applied to the obstruction at that particular house unequally, differently, than it is to all existing, similar/identical Clear Zone obstructions throughout the state.

    Further Cassandra says, “So unlike, say, political signs in the R0W, DelDOT spent ALOT of time turning a blind eye to this. And probably to lots of other violations of the RoW.”

    DelDOT “spent ALOT of time turning a blind eye to this ” to what Cassandra, other people’s Clear Zone violations?

    DelDOT “spent ALOT of time turning a blind eye to this ” This requires a second take. “Turning a blind eye” means “working” in DelDOT lingo?

    DelDOT also turns blind eye “to lots of other violations of the RoW.” says Cassandra. And this is also a good thing, right Cassandra?

    So Cassandra’s saying, DelDOT does the opposite thing regarding political signs in the Right of Way, turns a blind eye to most obstructions in the Clear Zone plus turns a blind eye towards violations (other than political signs) in the Right of Way.

    Regarding those “lots of other violations in the RoW,” are they major obstructions and violations affecting safety and transportation along Delaware roads and highways that the Delaware Dept of Transportation should be attending to? Or does someone have to complain/or die first?

    Cassandra, you seem to know a lot about DelDOT’s management style. Kindly continue providing you valuable insight and evaluate this:

    Did the lady officer or DelDOT employees lie about letting him keep his pole? After the pole was down, attached to the front end vehicle (job done,) was the officer correct in telling “them to go back in their house and stop talking or she would arrest them.” Quote from Jason’s original post.

  95. pandora says:

    Cassandra, you seem to know a lot about DelDOT’s management style. Kindly continue providing you valuable insight and evaluate this:

    Did the lady officer or DelDOT employees lie about letting him keep his pole? After the pole was down, attached to the front end vehicle (job done,) was the officer correct in telling “them to go back in their house and stop talking or she would arrest them.” Quote from Jason’s original post.

    She doesn’t have to “evaluate this” mainly because it has nothing to do with anything she has said. Sheesh.

  96. cassandra m says:

    No kidding. And I’ve already weighed in on the lying cop.

  97. Von Cracker says:

    Ah, the hightened self-importance of being a cop!

    It’s the vicors of “I’ll do whatever I want cause you have no rights when standing in front of me and btw you suck on it” that gives the small amount of decent, moral police officers a bad name.

    I personally know about 15 cops, state, county & city. About 5 are in it for the community; the other ten were just looking to continue their bullying ways from high school and a nice pension.

  98. pandora says:

    As a cop’s kid I have had a lot of social interaction with police officers. Through my personal experience only, I have found that there isn’t much middle ground applying for law enforcement positions. What I mean is this: Of all the cops I’ve come in contact with (think hundreds) I’ve either thought…

    a.) I am so glad this person is a police officer, or
    b.) This person has no business being a police officer

  99. Von Cracker says:

    Funny, I make the same type of assessment myself.

  100. Miscreant says:

    @ V Cracker

    It’s unfortunate you were bullied in high school. Judging from your irrational resentment, fear, and loathing of the police, it obviously left a deep scar.

    As unlikely as it may seem, I may be close to being on the same page as Cassandra on this. The hoop owners had ample time and notification to genuinely attempt to reach a solution with DelDOT before resorting to theatrics for the cameras, and the police handled this particular incident very poorly.

    Regarding the law…
    Years ago, during a conversation on the topic of laws and regulations with Chief Burton Morrow of the DC Metro Transit Police, he said (I’m paraphrasing), “There are many, what some consider to be, minor or trivial laws on the books. They were obviously promulgated for a reason. If they are bad laws, they will be removed. Until then, I’ll enforce them vigorously”.

    Ever notice how safe, clean, and orderly the DC Metro is?

  101. Miscreant says:

    … “Of all the cops I’ve come in contact with (think hundreds) I’ve either thought…

    a.) I am so glad this person is a police officer, or
    b.) This person has no business being a police officer”

    You were in a unique position to make, what I consider to be, a very fair assessment… as long as we are not talking about percentages, like our forlorn, pessimistic friend, Von Cracker.

    I was also in a good position to make an assessment, having known many on a professional and personal level. Having hired, trained, counseled, fired, and attended their weddings, birthdays, baptisms of their children, and funerals of their family members, I can say the large majority are in law enforcement to help people, and would not tolerate those who are in it for otherwise.

  102. socialistic ben says:

    Those carrying out the Inquisition also thought they were helping people

  103. anon says:

    It is a short step from “OK, we’ll leave the pole in the driveway” to “Come out and you will not be harmed.”

    Truth, honor, and respect are important tools for officers. Deception may work in the short term, but in the long term it is dangerous for everybody.

  104. Miscreant says:

    Amazingly pointless analogy, Ben. Being ‘socialistic’ AND ignorant must kick your ass on a daily basis..

  105. Von Cracker says:

    Putdown fail, you fag (not in a gay way; completely in a South Park, bikers riding Harleys, revving loud engines in a residential neighborhood way – aka being a utter and complete asshole way, fag)

    Was bullied once, but I knocked the fucker’s teeth out. I am from new castle, you know 🙂

    And I didn’t say all cops, just the ones I personally know, Holmes.

    Better luck with trying to make yourself feel better next time around, sparky.

  106. skippertee says:

    A functioning police state needs no police.
    William S. Burroughs

  107. Miscreant says:

    I’ll make a mental note: Should I ever need to try to “make myself feel better”, I’ll be sure to seek out any of the puerile comments you have written on DL. It is such a target rich environment here.

  108. Von Cracker says:

    Don’t cum in your eye, Mis!

    Touching yourself while typing can be a dangerous endeavor, so I’ve been told! 😉

  109. Von Cracker says:

    And i prefer the the term ‘sophomoric’, thankyouverymuch!

  110. Von Cracker says:

    It’s an allegory for all the trolls coming over here making a bunch of senseless noise for the sole purpose of self-amusement.

    Apropos, I think.

  111. anonymous says:


    For the first time, I understand why there is such a thing as the tea party.

    Seeing the gentlemen express his 1st Amendment Right- clicked on the switch.

    He was essentially told to get in his house, shut up or be arrested, when they were done with him.

    Reading over posts here, there seems to be a divide of opinions on the way the state (DelDOT) enforces it’s law, a law that every roadside property in the state of Delaware is subject to, except ‘others’ aren’t.

    I’m now wondering if the democrats aren’t also divided, into two groups. Liberal democrats and conservative democrats.

    Is Delaware Liberal a liberal democrat site, a conservative democrat site, or a ‘State of Delaware’ site for conservative democrats.

    It’s known, tea partiers object to liberal republicans; how different are liberal republicans from conservative democrats, like Jack Markell.

    RINO/DINO might well be the same animal, a few different spots. And that may be what “the people” need to think about.

    What is Markell, what does he stand far?

    I ask because the opinion the people really need here is Markell’s opinion, on the way this particular law enforcement played out for these particular people in this particular sub division, as opposed to hundreds of thousands of roadway properties/persons, all over the state with poles, trees, obstructions, etc. in the Clear Zone.

    You can be sure this won’t happen in elite neighborhoods with curb side hoop ball. Is this again, a middle class/rich divide?

    Unless the governor establishes that, that family should be treated equally, expect to be treated the same.

    Jack Markell, is it OK for a state agency to ‘selectively’ enforce a law, when it applies to hundreds of thousands of ‘other’ landowners?

    Jack Markell, is it OK for police to lie to citizens?

    Jack Markell, was this couple within their right to stay on their own front lawn, express their opinion, First Amendment Right, (without being threatened with arrest for same) after DelDOT was off of their property with the pole in tow, wheels on the street?

    Jack Markell, the couple was threatened with arrest for what exactly? Pointing out that the State Police lied? That’s an offense?

    Jack Markell, can DelDOT or any other state agency, enforce a law against “select” properties/families, while ignoring hundreds of thousands of citizens participating in the same known ‘illegal’ activity?

    Jack Markell, did DelDOT, State Police (4, 5 dump trucks, front end loader, flat bed, 5 or so DelDOT personnel, 5 State Police cars, 5 State Police) escalate a situation, into an immediate, wasteful, dangerous DelDOT circus, especially when State Police and/or DelDOT personnel lied to the homeowners after giving their word, that they would leave the pole?

    I noticed another strange thing this morning.

    At posts “Operation March Sadness” and “Malissa McCafferty: Brave Citizen” I see greater support for citizens’ rights, and at Delaware Liberal, support for state’s rights.

    Makes a heretofore democrat want to know why DelDOT, the State Police, can select certain properties to enforce,ignore others, refuse to respond to official inquires, waste taxpayers money on a needlessly overblown, DelDOT fiasco, take immediate action in the mist of a state created, potentially dangerous situation (caused by a pole) as well as question why citizens should be silenced and threatened with arrest when they are on their own front yard, engaging in no illegal activity other than expressing their opinion (First Amendment Right) for questioning why they were lied to by the police and/or DelDOT.

    Jack Markell, two more questions: Did the State Police and DelDOT collude in the lie to the homeowners? Or did DelDOT flim, flam, scam the police as well?

  112. Aoine says:

    Wow – talk about a storm in a tea-cup! this is not a mandate for or against police officers or DelDot employees. There are good and bad in both worlds, usually more good than bad, I have had major dealings with various Law Enforcement agencies and agree with pandora, and Miscreant, most are good and we should be thankful, the few bad ones ruin it for everyone and the Deldot employess are only there coz they were told to be.

    be real -here are the basics:

    1. A complaint was made regarding kids and hoops and noise etc..

    2. there is an existing law on the books that would (maybe) rectify the issue with the complaints. Homeowners were notified about their non-compliance of said law.

    3. the homeowner’s had plenty of time to remove their poles after receiveing their letters from DelDot, and to take legal action to keep their poles and fights the order.

    4. the police handled it badly and did lie to the homeowner, at the very least mis-spoke

    so, that said, do the 2 wrongs equal a right? No, they dont

    so you think that every speeder that gets a ticket can argue with the police about all the other speeders out there – well, they shouldnt unless they want to go to jail.
    If you speed, or drive drunk then you will probably get caught eventually. its the risk you take.

    the home owner KNEW they had a pole up there in violation. they choose to keep it there.

    Conversely, the Trooper needs some re-education on her public relations skills.Not to justify, but the homeowner has a first ammendment right to speak, but the DelDot employess have a right not to be verbally harassed as well- so tell me, whos rights trump whos?

    Shutting him up was probably an attempt to defuse the situation, but it was not done well, granted.

    this isn’t about state’s right v individual rights, anonymous, dont be ridiculous – go back over to DP for that crap. are you advocating mass chaos, and no structure to society?? dont be a fool.

    this is about growing up, taking responsibility for your actions, or lack of actions and learning to live in a community.


  113. pandora says:

    I think anonymous just wants to fight. I’ve been reading this thread as comments are posted, and I must have missed the comment defending the cop lying… but I get that this is what anonymous wants to fight about.

    As far as Delaware Liberal goes… I think this thread demonstrates the variety of opinions present here.

    Sorry if we don’t live up to your definition of liberal, but you’re living up to my definition of silly.

  114. anonymous says:

    PANDORA – synonym for clueless

  115. Aoine says:

    Hey Anonymous – Take your “an hominun” attacks back over to Delaware Politics, where they belong. Bodenweiser needs some back up, he’s getting trashed.

    They have the corner on the market for insults and idiocy over there.

    Myself included – let’s not feed this TROLL. However, in true Liberal style, do whatever you want.

  116. Joe Cass says:

    Whoa! I am an incredible idiot and I hurl insults like monkeys fling poo, so DP hasn’t got the market on anything except zealotry. And masturbation… they’re furious masturbaters over there.

  117. Aoine says:

    @Joe – sooooo you are saying your masturbation techniques are not so good?

    so – if that were true and masturbation ruins your brain cells (becoz there isnt a critical thinker to be found on DP) and you are smart and witty….then….

    Wiping tears, as the picture forms in my head…

    ….that would explain a lot about Bodenweiser and ilk as well – you know what those pent-up desires do, right?

    the light bulb has finally come on!! – Thanks Joe, LOL

  118. Joe Cass says:

    Nancy Reagan said it best, “Don’t jerk off angry and don’t bruise the man in the canoe.” Its all in her next book.
    All my best to Aoine.

  119. Joe Cass says:

    And all my best to Mr.Anderson and DP
    “I appreciate your input.”

  120. Aoine says:

    @Joe – you ARE the BEST!! sin embargo!

  121. skippertee says:

    Long,languid sessions are really the best type if one can’t “spit thy seed in the belly of a whore” for economic reasons or societal taboos.

  122. Mongo says:

    Aoine summed up my thoughts exactly. But she uses more syllables and stuff.

    If Mongo’s neighbors complained about little Mongo playing ball on the street, I’d work it out with the neighbor. But that wouldn’t sell newspapers.

  123. Another Mike says:

    For those who say the homeowner should have acted when he received the letter, he did. Mr. McCafferty contacted Rep. Bryan Short as soon as he received notice from DelDOT, and Short was in contact with DelDOT about the law and how it is interpreted and enforced. Short sent a letter to DelDOT on Oct. 4. His office and DelDOT had been going back and forth.

    Podcast is on WDEL. Short wants to make sure no one gets fined and that everyone gets their hoops returned. Worth a listen if you are interested in this topic.

    I should add that Mr. McCafferty implored people to stop harassing his elderly neighbor, that the man did not file the original complaint and was within his rights to support the removal of the hoops. McCafferty seems like a stand-up guy.

    McCafferty said the News Journal video is 90 minutes long and that DelDOT workers called his wife a very vulgar word, among other things.

    Still no comment from the state police or DelDOT.

  124. Aoine says:

    so – the video IS editied – good to interesting to see the WHOLE story.

    also interesting is that the hoop was there PRIOR to the family moving in – so they are out NO money by its removal – annoyed maybe, but not made poorer.

    hopefully, the truth will out, but only time will tell.

    and the knuckleheads in Sussex keep going at it over this issue.

  125. anon says:

    also interesting is that the hoop was there PRIOR to the family moving in – so they are out NO money by its removal – annoyed maybe, but not made poorer.

    So wrong. They paid for the hoop when they bought the house.

  126. Rhonda says:

    Lt Jennifer Griffin, Deleware State Police, you give cops a bad name!

  127. Aoine says:

    really? anon – was it rolled into the mortagage? what is the interest rate on a 20 year old basketball hoop that gets financed for 30 years?

    how much extra would someone really pay for a 20 year old hoop? I would tell the sellers – plz remove it when you leave.

    DelDet should bill the homeowner for their time (both trips) and DSP;s time as well. they were warned, they know the law, they filed no paper-work in court to pro-actively fight the removal

    I can just see it now…one gets pulled over for speeding, but officer – all those OTHER people are speeding too – yes I know the speed limit was 55 and I was going 70, but I wasn;t hurting anyone, plus I have always driven this fast and never got pulled over before..

    citation issued, fine not paid..

    Next traffic stop:

    but officer I dont know why my license was suspended for not paying my fine, I sent a letter to the court saying I didn;t agree with the law, and I contacted my state legislator – I thought you all were going to work it out = I am not responsible, and dont see why I am being arrested now!

    HELP – big governement is squeezing me!! help, my rights are being abridged! HELP,I am persecuted by the Nanny state!

    I mean really, how much has this bonehead cost us, the taxpayer – all because he did not want to comply with an order from Deldot, now the deployment of DelDot trucks, manpower, retuning a second time, DSp response, now investigating the incident by Deldot staff and DSP, public responses, meetings etc?? HOW much will it cost before it is done –

    All becuse some narcisstic, self-absorbed fool, feels that law does not apply to him, and he leaves it to others to do the work for him, including his state legislator.

    BILL THE BASTARD! for wasting our time and resources

  128. anon says:

    DSP Honor Guard:

    These Troopers, as has always been the tradition of the Honor Guard Unit, must demonstrate sound character, good military bearing, exceptional maintenance of their uniforms and be willing to give of their time to represent the Division in honorable fashion.

  129. anon says:

    but officer I dont know why my license was suspended for not paying my fine, I sent a letter to the court saying I didn;t agree with the law, and I contacted my state legislator – I thought you all were going to work it out = I am not responsible, and dont see why I am being arrested now!

    Actually dummy, that is pretty much how the law works. If you contest the charges in court, they have to get back to you with a ruling. While you are waiting for the ruling they aren’t allowed to arrest or penalize you for that thing again. If they don’t give you the ruling in time, you win.

    McCafferty apparently assumed he was dealing with honorable people and therefore didn’t need a lawyer. Live and learn.

  130. anon says:

    really? anon – was it rolled into the mortagage?

    Actually, yes. When you buy a house you buy everything left on the property.

    Are you a child?

  131. cassandra m says:

    And you also assume the responsibility for that property’s violations. Like obstructions to the RoW. Which are hard to portray as an improvement to the property.

    These people are out whatever money they’ve spent working their 15 minutes, than those poles were ever worth. I don’t imagine that anyone would be near as interested in getting their dudgeon on if DelDot had cleared the RoW in, say, Dunleith. In fact, everyone puffing up over this would get the idea of responsibility and accountability pretty quickly.

  132. anon says:

    And you also assume the responsibility for that property’s violations. Like obstructions to the RoW.

    Not necessarily. That is up to the lawyers and the courts. There are lots of features in older homes that were built legally but were grandfathered after they were made illegal. There doesn’t always need to be a specific grandnfathering clause either. That is why it is up to the lawyers. There is a good case that the hoops were installed legally and are automatically grandfathered. Also a good case under “prescriptive easement” doctrine. But it is probably not worth paying a lawyer to fight it.

  133. cassandra m says:

    Typically you are responsible which is why certain disclosure rules exist. RoW rules are pretty broad and pretty uniformly meant to keep an area clear. This isn’t exactly new.

  134. Aoine says:

    @anon –

    1.the Honor Guard rules are specifically for the Honor Guard – is the Trooper in question a member of the Honor Guard? you think you know the court system? LOL! I specifically used the example of a traffic citation, as the dispensation of that charge is immediate on your day in court. There is no ‘Getting back to you” on a traffic summons. with police prosecution a deal is offered by a DAG, take it or leave it – RIGHT THERE ON THE SPOT! or even a move up to CCP court will mean it is adjudicated on the day it is heard in CCP court. there is no waiting for a ruling.

    3.” in older homes ” – yes anon IN older homes – we are talking anout a RoW, they usually exist OUTSIDE the home.

    like wiring etc, but when you go to sell it and the wiring or plumbing is not up to code, it must be fixed at the expense of the seller OR disclosed to the buyer and something negotited.

    obviously you have never sold to anyone buying under the FHA or VA loan program.

    HOA deeds, and existing codes are the responsibility of the buyer to comply with, just like outstanting liens are for the purchaser of a home at a sheriff’s auction.

    Just because your life is experience is limited, dont even dare to presume you an expert in real estate law or know all the ins and outs of the process.

    Typical T-bagger blunt-skull, one experience, or a friend told you and suddenly, you know it all. Just like McCafferty, milking the public for his 15 minutes of fame and costing us money, screaming about his 1st ammendment rights. I bet you are even dumb enough to think you have a constitutional right to make a phone call if arrested. LOL! find THAT one in the constitution, better yet, try telling that to a cop if you ever get arrested.

    Live a little grasshopper, and learn

    so, are you a child?

  135. Aoine says:

    and in law – nothing is “automatically grandfathered” unless that provision for grandfathering is specifically written into the legislation.

    Its amazing to me that so many people are ignorant of the process of legislative writing. Then they presume t know that law and the Constitution and Bill of Rights. It would be funny but its really just sad.

    take some time and go to Leg Hall, and learn the processes for your own democracy. you actually might learn something useful, instead of sitting in fron of the Tube listening to pundits and Glen Beck.

    you are about as much a legal expert as Christine O’Dimwit, Oh I mean O’Donnell, was a constitutional Scholar.

  136. anonymous says:

    “BILL THE BASTARD,” says AOINE, a Del Lib poster at (3/30/11 3:30 a.m.,) referring to a brave Delaware citizen
    At 3/28/11 5:28 p.m. Aoine posts for all to read, “@Joe – sooooo you are saying your masturbation techniques are not so good?”

    That, speaks for itself.

    Never mind that “CLEAR ZONE” has become the “CLEAR KIDS” zone. By the way, let’s hope kids don’t read Del Lib.

    AOINE refers to citizen as ‘bonehead,’ ‘narcissistic,’ ‘self-absorbed fools’ as well as calling a particular citizen, a “BASTARD,” blaming the citizen for wanting to be protected from a State that uses a “Clear Zone” real estate statute, as a substituted law response 6 months later, to a ‘kids playing’ complaint, turning “Clear Zone” into a “Clear Kids” statue. One also understands, that while at the scene, a State of Delaware employee also used a vulgar word against Mrs McClafferty.

    AOINE blames, a citizen for use of the excessive force of the State of Delaware using 3,4 State DelDOT trucks, 5 or 6 State Police vehicles, 5 or 6 armed State Police.

    AOINE blames the citizen, that DelDOT did not respond to the citizen’s original and immediate inquiry.

    AOINE blames the citizen for the hideous circling caravan of extreme use of over sized, costly State heavy equipment along with an over abundance of State personnel including 5,6 armed State Police enforcing the discriminatory use of a real estate statue to “Clear Kids.”

    AOINE blames the after the fact “meetings” over the States lack of response to a citizen inquiry and many other violations, including the over response by the use of armed State force, on the citizen.

    The State substituted and purposefully misused, a “Clear Zone” real estate Statue to control kids playing, substituting instead a DelDOT/State Police, manufactured “Clear Kids” action, as the State ignored thousands of similar and much worse obstructions, of the ‘Clear Zone’ along all state of Delaware roadways.

    DelDOT has caused the citizens alarm as again, national attention has been drawn to the small, dangerous little state of Delaware, the little state with deadly highways, crumbling bridges, $20 millions missing in exchange for crumbling rock and sand ramps; payments to developers to do nothing, where a highway isn’t going to go; special million dollar business arrangements for ‘friends’ of the State; the recent 6.5 million dollar rushed purchase with only one real estate appraisal taken, of property unsuitable for DelDOT’s purposes, at Rt l Lewes.

    DelDOT seems to operate as if the ‘law’ doesn’t apply to DelDOT personnel. Citizens realize, removing one bad apple, from the top of a basket, does not “un spoil” a State agency so use to ignoring laws, transportation requirement, while treating the citizens of Delaware to insufficient safe transportation considerations, while wrongly misusing their tax monies that should be used for lack of suitable transportation endangering the lives of all citizens using Delaware highways and bridge “transportation.”

    Yes, DelDOT is short for Delaware Division of “Transportation,” as well as the Delaware Division to Stop Kids Playing in Front of their Homes.

    DelDOT, are people riding bikes in the street, also offending DelDOT? Will DelDOT and the State Police come take them away too?

    DelDOT continues to demonstrated that they don’t take transportation or safety, seriously.

    Drive around. Notice the hazards along the highways and roadways; note the eroded hazardous pipe ‘bridges’ under the roadways, the bus/bike/turn lane, along Rt 1, Lewes-Rehoboth, the thousands of ‘illegal objects, obstructions’ along the major roadways, not to mention the lack of sufficient and/safe transportation for which they substitute obsolete, overburdened highways and suicide lane roadways responsible for so many injuries and deaths.

    Mr. and Mrs. McCafferty, have spoken for all citizens of the State of Delaware.

    Thank you brave mother, for climbing that pole and thank you, Mr. MCafferty, standing beside her in the face of extreme State enforcement, bringing attention to the lengths the State will go to, to clear FIVE INCHES of real estate space on the well kept lawn of a family living along an obscure cal-de-sac, in the middle class sub division, in Claymont.

    Claymont, home to millions of tons of entrenched and State approved, tarpped over EPA hazardous industrial by-product waste stockpiles containing Arsenic, Iron Manganese, Hexachlorobenzene, Total Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), Chloride as well as radioactive materials, thorium and uranium and K178, dioxin and furans feet from the people’s Delaware River, some of which are dangerously seeping into the drinking water aquifier;as much has for years, blown over the neighborhoods; some of which have been spread and left along many roadways (by DelDOT?) as hazardous waste construction material, now seeping into Delaware soils as untested “soil substitute,” a by-product which also had been used as filtration material by the City of Wilmington water department servicing Wilmington plus suburban areas, with household tap water and much of which has been used to build the berms and dikes along Delaware, the State’s port, etc.

    Speak of removing, Markell, you recently approval the tarping over (instead of removal) of said EPA hazardous waste thereby saving the DuPont company, $386,000,000, their figure, for not having to remove and treat 540,000 tons covering 17 acres, feet from our Delaware River. The State decided they need not have DuPont’s toxic waste taken away, but permit it to be tarpped over instead. And how many years and through how many millions of dollars, did State of Delaware work with the EPA , DuPont, to arrive at that “leave it in place, as is” arrangement, Markell? A dozen?

    Republican “fiscal conservatism” is for saving polluting corporate interests billions, in by product disposal, right Markell?

    Compare that to how average T,D,Harry is treated regarding 5 inches of soil on his front lawn. View the disturbing video again.

    The law should be applied equally to all private citizens with similar obstructions; the law should be applied to State agencies,the State Police as well as the State’s major polluting corporations using Delaware as industrial toxic by-product dumping grounds.

    Folks hear the families can pay up and come get their hoops back. How about if DuPont Co pays up for the $386,000,000 they saved by the state not having DuPont remove their 540,000 tons of hazardous waste. Maybe the state wouldn’t need to collect scrap iron.

  137. Geezer says:

    Blaming Jack Markell for the hoop issue pretty much destroys your credibility, Anonymous. Not that you need any help in coming across as a screeching lunatic. Thanks for the reminder that, right or left, unhinged is unhinged.

  138. skippertee says:

    Hey, I will back anonymous on the waste piles that duPont gets away with not cleaning up.100%
    I know about that.
    The crap they’ve been feeding the public for YEARS is incredible.
    My entreaties to the News Journal and tips were ignored.
    And I worked THREE hazardous CLEAN-UPS here to CLEAN UP our fair state for our children.
    Guess what?
    They’ll probably not be able to drink the water from the aquifer beneath us because of the low-ball job they did to just “cap” the TOXIC dumps rather than remove and deal with the problem.

  139. MJ says:

    WTF is with anonymous? I mean, did someone spike his Cream of Wheat?

    And while everything on a property conveys during a sale (unless otherwise specified), the pole was technically not on the property but was on an easment and in a RoW.

    Now, can we move on to something else? We’re only feeding this families egos. Talk about making a Federal case out of something.

  140. Aoine says:

    well, I certainly am glad you at least learned to spell my name correctly.

    Did I get you a little “hot” under the collar with my commentary on mastubation? odd, you chose my comment, but not the one before it – selective enforcement on your part this time?

    however, your rant has clearly put you into the ranks of the unhinged.

    have a nice day – good one for some steaming HOT TEA!

  141. Aoine says:

    Yep- I said it, I wrote it and I stand by it, glad we have come to some agreement.

    and anyway anon – what are you – part of some “sovergein citizen”, uber right-wing movement – or just a member of the McCafferty family?

    maybe DSP ought to be notified, and your ISP tracked, so that they will know who wants to over-throw the right of the state to enforce its duly adopted and legislated laws.

    maybe you want to do away with the IRS, the DOE, the Energy Dept. etc as well, as much as I hate taxes, sigh, they are necessary.

    sounds like you want to over-throw government period – either that or you need some medical marijuana. Betcha voted for O’Dimwit as well.

    @MJ – you’re right, but I cant help myself, the idiocy and ignorance screams for a response

  142. anonymous says:

    Cassandra, Pandora, MJ,

    What you refer to as RoW (Right of Way) is not the same as the “Clear Zone” Statue.

    They are different dimensions, for different purposes.

    You’re likely confusing people, as well as yourselves.

  143. anonymous says:

    No need for posters to be abusive, that’s right, abusive Delaware Liberal people.

    Geezer, not that I should ever explain my life to someone like you, as I am of extremely strong of mind, body, intelligence and always have been. Geezer, you are an abuser. No apologies will be accepted. I don’t stand for abuse.

    Even untrained, delinquent school children are taught, abuse is unacceptable behavior. Your abuse is really over the edge.

    I don’t know why there are people like you in the world.

  144. Joe Cass says:

    @Aoine, sorry I got you dipped into hot tea! I thought it hilarious that a woman on a pole aroused so many, and those so excited, including the McCaffertys, are self gratifying themselves in a boiling cauldron of earl grey.
    It used to be the Merry Pranksters who were anti-establishment; who would have thought that movement could be corrupted by the IOKIYARs

  145. Joe Cass says:

    I don’t know why there are people like you in the world.
    That pretty much sums up your world view, doesn’t it?
    “I don’t know why no one accepts my word as gospel truth.”
    “Why does everyone else believe the earth revolves around the sun?”
    “Don’t they know that talk radio is always right? After all, its in my mind!”
    Tell ya what anonymous, you start making sense, you’ll find less abuse; this coming from an individual that can barely spell the word (insert word).

  146. Aoine says:

    That’s ok Hon – I can swim! but I know I can depend on ya for a life vest if I need it! 😉

    and I sooo love your commentary!! spot on! and the video was PRICELESS!!

    PS – I thought that crowd didn;t approve of “self-gratification” (must not upset the kiddies that may be reading a political blog) apparently we cannot even use the word – MASTURBATION either!

    I’m wondering if PENIS, VAGINA, TESTICLES, BREASTS are outside common decency too?

    will we have to “police” language as well. Oh my, who’s legislating morality now?

    The Citizens of DL have a right to their 1st ammendment rights!! – the Citizens of DL have a right not to have their words plucked out of context!
    Anonymous, not having busted other blogs, is unfairly and selectively enforcing morality on posters at DL!
    Anon is violating the civil rights of posters on DL!

    sounds kinda dumb now, doesn’t it!

    little does Anon know that “‘bonehead,’ ‘narcissistic,’ ’self-absorbed fools’ ” is me being polite and PC compared to what I would like to say.

    and geezer – good comment!

  147. anonymous says:

    I referred to people at Del Lib who are abusive, Joe Cass.

    I suppose Joe Cass thinks the world needs more of abusers.

    Joe Cass says quote: “you start making sense, you’ll find less abuse;..”

    That not only sounds like a threat, that is a threat I’ll copy for reference, Joe Cass

  148. Joe Cass says:

    Swim!?! Love that stroke! And you’ll never be without buoyancy either.
    Of your (shhh..)P,V,T,B, you and I both have three of the four. Now THATS commonality!

  149. Aoine says:

    LOL – built in Bouyancy too, if only I could just let rip, the fun I would have

    looks like you annoyed the loon (or would that be Lun, not sure0

    anyway – good on ya boy-o! love that commonality, makes things fit together so nicely……

  150. Geezer says:

    Abusive? No, telling you to go fuck yourself might be abusive. I’m simply pointing out that you’re a swell-headed, long-winded asshole who lacks any semblance of credibility, even when you’re right. And you’ll get no apology from me. I deal with the unhinged every day, and you’re as far from sound mental health as anyone I deal with. I pity the mentally ill, but less so those who don’t realize their affliction.

  151. Joe Cass says:

    I suppose Joe Cass thinks the world needs more of abusers.
    You are too precious! I see now why your better half left you, but the rest of us are not responsible for your pain.
    As for “threat”, you should consult Merriam-Webster, then a lawyer (pay by the hour) then sue Delaware Liberal dot net to reveal my IP, then sue my ISP to reveal me, THEN you mount a case on “threat”. Or, just ask the fine folks here at DL for my email(because you can have it) and I’ll save you all that money and time worrying about “threat”.
    Until that point in time, lock your fucking doors.

  152. anonymous says:

    Abusive, yes you are, Geezer and Joe Cass. There you both go off yet again using language that will be read by school kids being sent to Delaware Liberal site. As I said, I will accept no apology from you as I have zero tolerance of abusers but you should try to be a men, settle yourself down and talk to your doctor about it, as you sound like you should be separated from the other unhinged’s you say you hang around with everyday. Geezer and Cass sound dangerous. Markell will be worried that you are his staunch supporters. Wishing you and your ‘unhinged’ ‘friends’ get the help you need. Hope you’re in confined areas for others’ sakes.

    Now D L visitors can see first hand, why republicans call phony “liberals” all those nasty names.

    Joe Cass says, QUOTE: “Until that point in time, lock your fucking doors.” Two pees in the same pod, (Geezer and Jose Cass.)

    Republicans always said lefties are dangerous. But I had never looked down to the bottom of the low class, white trash barrel.

  153. MJ says:

    Anonymous – are you sleeping with St. Bodie Girl, because you sound just like him? Maybe you two have been sharing some pillow talk? You really need help. Seriously, dude, you have a few screws loose.

  154. anonymous says:

    Go to another liberal get together and hook up with somebody.

    Liberals are sooo creeepy. EEEEWwwwwwwwwww MM FF

    What an eye opener, Delaware Liberal FREAKS

  155. Joe Cass says:

    @anonymous Geezer has NOTHING to do avec moi, I don’t know him and he sure doesn’t know me. Cast your dispersions upon me when I’m due but don’t drag down someone else because of my rant. I want full responsibility.
    So how long have you been alone? It hurts to be left, huh? Even the flatware carries memories. Spring is upon us! A time to be reborn.Reborn in a good way not that evangelical crap. Its time to plant bulbs,trim hazelwoods and clean house. Everybody has something to look forward toward. I sharpen my knives,shovels and axes,dig deep in my garden and purchase large quantities of lime. How do you approach spring?

  156. Aoine says:

    @ Joe – I’m feeling left out – can I squeeze into the peapod too with ya??

    Rather be an honest freak than a dishonest, unhinged conservative.

    Personally, I approach spring by killing things – weeds, primarily and make sure the peas are planted by St. Paddy’s day

    school children on DL? really? where, oh where, are those parents – oh, that’s right – sitting on top of the basketball hoop illegally planted in the “clear Zone”

  157. Aoine says:

    Ahhh haaa haaa – OMG – I just noticed – Peas (the intention) is spelled “Pee’s”

    I didn’t know that pee could be plural? I thought the urine stream was neither singular nor plural.

    would that be pea – as in round green legume? anon – what DID you mean really…

    or pee as in urine?

    “Republicans always said lefties are dangerous. But I had never looked down to the bottom of the low class, white trash barrel”

    are we lefties?? I am kinda half right myself,. – low class, I don;t know, – does money count? I have the same amount of class now that I was born with, I have not used any of it yet, and that goes for my tact as well.

    white? another assumption and I no longer look like a barrel, diet and exercise works!

    hmmmm – clearly unhinged….but its sport taking a shot at a simpleton.

    don’t ever correlate “liberal’ with “coward”, Anon, that would be your undoing. you came in here to take shots, but instead found yourself alone, again, as always, out-manned and out-manuvered.

    always looking for attention, never getting the right kind, I suppose your sad life is full of pain.

  158. Joe Cass says:

    Aoine, I’ll pod with you, out of respect and sexual admiration. I don’t know Geezer. We’ve disagreed on too many issues that I’m sure we won’t share the same pod. Not that there’s anything wrong with that!
    Our friend “anonymous” is certainly a disciple of Lantern Jaw Anderson, just waiting for him, baited breath for him. Leaving the doors wide open for him. 😉

  159. anonymous says:


    “I came in here to take shots, but instead found myself alone, again, as always, out-manned and out-maneuvered.
    always looking for attention, never getting the right kind, my sad life is full of pain” AOINE’S LIFE STORY

    What that part about being out-manned refer to, men taking your women?

    Warning fellow citizens: Is this a civil union site. Readjust the children’s settings.

  160. Aoine says:

    I’m definately a Queen!! and no one is taking my “women” LOL

    I’m rarely out-manuvered and never out-manned……

    fellow citizens’ – what are you Citizen Kane?

    @Joe – see ya at the PeaPod! Keep it warm for me! a cushla

  161. Joe Cass says:

    @ anonymous, what is your major malfunction? You claim to be threatened so you return? You were abused in your former relationship, right? That sucks. I hope you get the help you need.
    You said you felt threatened by me then you attack Aoine; why? Sleep it off, you’ll still feel righteous in the morn.
    I don’t speak for Delaware Liberal, but most here favor gay marriage, not civil unions. When you get back to your prayer book tonight ask god why you can’t love the one you want. She’s listening.

  162. Aoine says:

    @Joe and Geezer – you know I’ve been thinking –

    if we are at the bottom of the white trash barrel and anon is looking at us from their lofty position at the top of the barrel…

    Does that make Anon the bung or the bung hole?

    Inquiring minds want to know..

    and Joe, you are a class act! 🙂

  163. anonymous says:

    Get yourself some help Joe Cass. No need for you to wonder about my life, you sicko. No need to lecture me on gay marriage either you creep, I’m not interested in your sorrid details.

    Abusive, yes you are, Geezer and Joe Cass, Aoine. There you all go off your meds again using language that will be read by school kids being sent to Delaware Liberal site.

    As I said, I will accept no apology from you as I have zero tolerance of abusers but you should try to be a men, settle yourself down and talk to your doctors about your real problems, promto, as you sound like you should be separated from the other unhinged’s you say you hang around with everyday. Geezer and Cass sound dangerous off meds.Aoine sounds tipsy. Markell will be worried that you are his staunch supporters. Wishing you and your ‘unhinged’ ‘friends’ get the help you need. Hope you’re in confined areas for others’ sakes. Stay away from children.

    Now D L visitors can see first hand, why republicans call phony RINO/DINOS all those nasty names. The worst lot, I’ve come across.

    Joe Cass says, QUOTE: “Until that point in time, lock your fucking doors.” Two pees in the same pod, (Geezer and Jose Cass.)Read Aoine’s posts, she wants to join in with you.

    Republicans always said liberal creeps are dangerous. But I had never looked down to the bottom of the low class, white trash barrel to see the scum at the very bottom with IQ’s of 62.

  164. anonymous says:

    Aoine, your IQ’s so low, you don’t even know when you’ve been insulted.

    Class act. HHHaaaaaa haaa

    Have the life you deserve, sick, evil one.

    Thanks for trashing D L today by revealing your true ‘liberal’ selves.

  165. skippertee says:

    The answer to Aoine’s question at 1:48 is neither.
    The BUNG is located at the waist of whiskey barrels used in aging the finest of God’s nectar’s,hence,not at the top.
    When removed,access to this nectar is possible through the BUNGHOLE.
    A master distiller then determines if it’s ready to be bottled after tasting and smelling.
    Hmmm-I’ve never distilled but I’ve tasted and smelled all my life.
    Now THIS is a job I could could really excel at.

  166. skippertee says:

    And, after reading the posts by aninnymouse, I’d like to shove IT into self same BUNGHOLE and replace the BUNG.

  167. Greg says:

    Baaah, Baaah. Bunch of sheep. Just keep blindly following and don’t question authority. What was done was absolutely wrong. I guess lying to obtain someone elses property is the right of the State Police now.

  168. cassandra m says:

    The anonymous fool can’t quite read Delaware Code, either:
    What you refer to as RoW (Right of Way) is not the same as the “Clear Zone” Statue.

    They are different dimensions, for different purposes.

    You’re likely confusing people, as well as yourselves.

    Check it out.

    The Clear Zone rule specifically applies to the DelDOT RoW.

    A RoW that extends from the street up to the sidewalk or some feet from the edge of the road. The RoW where the basketball poles were.

    Now, I think we are pretty clear on who is confused and who isn’t being a good example for the kids who may be reading. Because when you start out wrong, doubling down on that wrong is never a good strategy.

    And take your pal Greg with you.

  169. Aoine says:

    Does anyone know what “promto’ means

    the lunatic used it and I dont know what it is…

    seeing as my I is so low n all…..

  170. Aoine says:

    @skippertee – I was actually thinking about the bungs used in toxic waste removal drums, both steel and plastic.

    the bungs and bungholes are on the top for those drums

    I would never think to sully God’s nectar by referring to the bung or bunghole in a cask and our anninnymouse lunatic in the same breath or sentance.

    That would be alcohol abuse!

    @cassandra – good post, what exactly are we deaing with here – some kinda nutjob to be sure….

  171. skippertee says:

    Yes,I see what you mean now.
    I’ve actually worked with those drums.Steel drums containing HAZ-MAT material are placed in over-sized PLASTIC drums called “over-packs”.
    But aninnymouse is worthy of an “overpack”.

  172. anonymous says:

    Greg, You are absolutely 100% correct.

    But, in my opinion, you’ve come the Nanny “state’s rights” site.

    Cassandra: How about explaining to Greg, why you want him to leave. It will sound like this. “We call ourselves ‘liberals’ but if I don’t like you opinion, I don’t want you to express it here.”

    If you speak the truth here Greg, you are insulted, soon to be threatened, verbally abused and told to leave (they went immediately -to tellling you to leave,) by the D L ‘common’ posters.

    Already, they’ve asked you to leave just for expressing your opinion. That’s not allowed in a Nanny state. So much for Freedom of Speech at the phony ‘liberal’ site. They don’t like your opinion Greg.

    Cyber bulling is what it’s called, ganging up to peck away like nasty chickens at keyboards – trying to squelch the truth, hoping it will fade away. Notice how they immediately told anony: take you pal Greg with you.” See Cassandra,31 March 2011, 9:54 a.m.

    I’ll make it crystal clear for the public following this. Anony doesn’t know Greg. Greg doesn’t know Anon. No connection ever -Greg just showed up to speaking “the truth.”

    They don’t like your opinion here Greg so they want you to leave. Some of the most ‘closed’ minds you will come across anywhere are here in Nannyland. A ‘typical’ family’s rights, are of no interest to them.

    Civil unions, state wages and benefits, keeping failed teachers, polluting corporate interests,corporate grants, might be alright though. Lots of DINO support here to back up Markell, their “conservative” governor.

    What’s a “conservative” democrat? A republican.

    You can scratch his back here and hope he’ll scratch your special interests back.

    You are spot on Greg so Cassandra wants you to leave.

    Cassandra,try reading instead of making self serving trash up to support D L’s lack of support of “a family.” You’re wrong yet again. “Clear Zone” falls within the Right of Way along the roadside, 7 feet along the road of sub dividions, 10 feet along edge of others state roadways. Two separate descriptions for two separate areas – not interexchangeable.

    But the point is, you should explain how a “kids in the street complaint,”a/k/a ‘Clear Kids’complaint, was turned into a real estate “Clear Zone.” How about kids on bikes, Take the kids bikes?
    Best kids should stay in their rooms, right Cassandra.

    Instead, Cassandra continue trying to support brute force “state” action against a typical Delaware family and state agency waste. McClaffertys did appeal to the state agency “DelDOT,” the known agency without sound management – that wouldn’t even take a few minutes to reply to the McClaffertys but instead spent tens of thousands of taxpayers dollars on state employees, at make a nationwide spectacle of Delaware, the Nanny “state.”

    Again, Cassandra: How about explaining to Greg, why you want him to leave. Will it sound like this. “We call ourselves ‘liberals’ but if I don’t like your opinion, I don’t want you to express it here.”

    Thanks again Cassandra for exposing you true agenda. You make it sooo easy.

    Get back to Kissy, kissy DINO and “states” rights.

    PS “Because when you start out wrong, doubling down on that wrong is never a good strategy.” Good advice for yourself, Cassandra.

  173. Geezer says:

    Have we had enough of this yet?

  174. cassandra m says:

    Apparently this fool is still going to keep doubling down on the wrong and the stupid. Wish I could figure out why these people insist on being HERE to do it.

    So let’s memorialize the really stupid:

    “Clear Zone” falls within the Right of Way along the roadside, 7 feet along the road of sub dividions, 10 feet along edge of others state roadways. Two separate descriptions for two separate areas – not interexchangeable.

    This fool doesn’t even know what he is arguing about — he’s just here arguing. Just get over yourself already. Lots of opinions are OK here at DL — you will never be immune for criticism for them and nor will we ever restrain from pointing out where you are deadbang wrong. If you want to be someplace where you are always correct and never challenged — then start your own damn blog.

    And take Greg with you.

  175. Geezer says:

    Don’t feed the troll, Cass. This fool was adding nothing to the discussion back before he/she/it came unhinged. We’re in negative territory now.

  176. Aoine says:

    @geezer – not yet apparently

    but when one is dealing with the unstable.. you know how that goes

    like a goldfish in a round bowl constantly swimming in circles

    “there’s the castle, there’s the castle. there’s the castle”

    ad nauseum….there is no fixing that mentality.

    @Cass – good post, sadly, logic, reasoning, data and facts are not going to work with this fool. They are comfortable in their own little psychotic world, they know them there.

  177. MJ says:

    It’s not that we don’t like HONEST differing opinions, we just don’t like trolls (like RWR, Newshound, and now anonymous).

  178. anonymous says:


    “Steel drums containing HAZ-MAT material are placed in over-sized PLASTIC drums called “over-packs”.
    But aninnymouse is worthy of an “overpack”.”

    Read full post at:
    Anonymous 31 March 2011 at 5:27 p.m.

  179. Delaware Libertarian says:

    Does this post break the record for most comments?

  180. aoine says:


  181. anonymous says:

    Nothing quite as entertaining as the verbal spectacle of rotten-to-the-core, greed driven devolved DINO’s posing as Democrats, finally revealing the depths of their radical heinous depravity.

  182. anonymous says:

    Aoine. Your 31 March 2011 1:55 p.m. post was banal and trite, but it’s you.

    Try to get your fixation off anony. I’m not your nanny mommy.

    Were you abandoned as a child? I don’t care.

    You sound like someone who knows so little, but too much about spinning aimlessly in circles.

    Too bad you can’t fix your life and that you have nothing to post but post anyway.

    Posting when you have nothing to post, it’s so sad for you, huh?

    Get someone to help you take small steps to break out of your fish bowl world. Talk to your fish.

    Breaking your endless obsession on anony would help, because you know how that goes, you’re spinning, spinning, vomiting, vomiting.

    Try to find someone that can help you with your attachment problems, eh?

    It’s sad for you to be that lonely that you think I’m your friend. I’m poor wretch. I hope that helped.

    You haven’t a ounce of sense and vomit left, seek professional help instead of having me back here to truly not feel sorry for you.

    Maybe they’ll let you use utensils soon and your can stare at a spoon till it bends.

  183. skippertee says:

    Well, anninymouse, “if” I were to fall, I’d like aoine to be there to hold my hand and my fall to doom a long one.

  184. Jason330 says:

    It will be a hollow cut and paste victory for me if obis post does break the record, but hollow cut and paste victories are better than not victories at all.

  185. socialistic ben says:

    Isnt all of this about any private citizen having the power to make the state remove another citizens property if it happens to bother them? Why hasnt anyone gone after the a-hole neighbor who isnt enough of an adult to deal with his problems in any other way than an anonymous complaint? I have neighbors like that. They blow turds.

  186. anonymous says:


    You call out, but I’m here to tell you, slushing around in DuPont’s industrial by-product hazardous wastes, hasn’t done you any good – too much mercury, lead, dioxins, etc. Now drink your tap water with your pills and read the posts more carefully.

    Skippertee say, “Well, anninymouse, “if” I were to fall, I’d like aoine to be there to hold my hand and my fall to doom a long one.”

    Wow, aoine just the proposal a dizzy lonely aoine should welcome. A failed, falling nutcase Skippertee to hold her hand to a long torturous fall to dome. Go for it, Aoine.

    But Skippertee, I thought you preferred Mahaffie and a job at DelDOT ripping out children’s hoops?
    Comment by skippertee on 26 March 2011 at 3:39 p.m.

    “Yo Mahaffie!
    Can I hump your leg for a job at DelDOT?
    This is what I can offer.
    Just a TWO man operation to take out those vile, despicable basketball hoops.
    With just one other guy to hook a nylon choker to the pole and a small [15 ton] truck crane,which you probably already have in your inventory, I can remove and delicately lay in the driveway at least 10 hoops a day if distance and speed limits allow.
    And I’m already trained.
    I’m a reluctantly retired Operating Engineer and have experience running everything from Tower Cranes to Fork-lifts.”

    Is that how a Delaware Liberal posters apply for a state jobs? Had the interview yet Mahaffie?

    Too bad desperate, unemployed but willing Skippertee hadn’t noticed this before planning his life:

    Aoine posts on Delaware Liberal, “@ Joe – I’m feeling left out – can I squeeze into the peapod too with ya??

    Joe Cass responds, “Aoine, I’ll pod with you, out of respect and sexual admiration”

    What’s that say to ya, Skippertee?

    Aoine answers back, “@Joe – see ya at the PeaPod! Keep it warm for me! a cushla” Later adding “Joe, you are a class act!”

    Ma Cushla, an Irish term for my darling.

    Maybe Mahaffie can be your nanny daddy.

    Skippertee’s closets, storage bin, crawl space, need to be checked for haz waste barrels.

  187. socialistic ben says:

    you have aggression issues, anonymous. also, your prose is lame.

  188. Aoine says:

    @Skippertee – I will be there for you- and gladly. and Joe as well. Im sure.

    you know we all will be there for you,

    and may we be in heaven, half an hour before the devil knows we’re dead.

    and may those that love us love us, and those that don’t, may God turn their hearts

    and if He doesn’t turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles, so that we may know them by their limpimg

    Skipper, et al -I think we found ourselves a limper!

  189. skippertee says:

    EARTH to anninymouse, there’s something wrong! My rosary today will be in hopes the cataracts in your eyes fall away like Saul’s on his way to Damascus.

  190. anonymous says:

    DelDOT – The Department of “Transportation’

    Management of DelDOT, shouldn’t oversee multi millions of dollars of collapsing rubble that pretended to be new bridge ramps, pretends to be a structurally sound approaches to a dangerously, ill designed, critically over-due bridge crossing, being serviced by the present short term failed bridge whose foundation is compromised, capable of collapse. Even a not so talented civil engineer (and everyone else) would notice that there was something terribly wrong at DelDOT.

    Proper DelDOT management wouldn’t allow for hundreds of pipe bridges under roadways to age and/or deteriorate until some have and many more are ready to collapse while in use.

    Why was DelDOT in the lease commercial lands for peanuts business, granting Rt 1 access worth millions, to political ‘friends.’

    Why did DelDOT award $60,000/month to 2 developers for land deal/roadway, that’s not to be built?

    Why approve developments without adequate ingress/egress traffic consideration; especially in resort areas where development traffic can’t safely or timely exit developments, due to the pre existing and worsening traffic conditions due to overall, over development without roadway infrastructure or consideration of overall commercialisation resulting in dangerous resort traffic gridlock?

    QUOTE per State of DE. “The Department of Transportation does not encourage cycling in the travel lanes of Route 1 for safety reasons. However, Delaware law indicates that this is the legal place for cyclists to ride.”

    Not safe, but just do it, says the State. Paint some “bicycle lane” marks on the asphalt, add unsuspecting vacationers, summer foreign student workers, designate the same as bus lanes, then add right turn lane Rt 1 highway traffic to the mix, with what results – DelDOT deadly.

    Drive the few ancient overrun, Sussex East/West roadways, with dozens of (suicide/third) center left turn lanes to access over development and commercial enterprises, along combined major local/tourist travel routes, as travel thereon is also DelDOT deadly. One witnessed a jerk using the center (left turn) suicide lane to pass. When the center lane abruptly ended, he was headed head on, feet and seconds from an on coming vehicle. A consistent suicide lane is dangerous enough; short, temporary ones – DelDOT deadly

    Why does DelDOT design roadways that increase to 6,8 lanes at major intersections, only to bring them back down to 2 lane, 50 mph roadways, subject to over crowding and passing?

    Why is highway traffic brought to a choking, red air alert standoffs on main streets in small home towns all over Delaware?

    How about the satisfied greed of over development, commercial and residential (previously farmland) without alternative routes or even space left for future roads, thereby adding to the existing roadway traffic bottle necks in most over developed areas in Delaware, ignoring necessity of local, tourist, intrastate, interstate, as well as Emergency Route, means of safe, efficient travel?

    Health, life damaging and deadly accidents occur because of DelDOT’s inefficiencies and other wasteful “special” projects.

    The legacy lingers.

    Does Markell have a DelDOT “that puts people first.” yet? One has to ask Markell, which people?.

    Markell’s first consideration should be the eight hundred seventy thousand Delawareans who travel the unsafe roads, highways and bridges of Delaware daily. Any person could show Mr. Markell the hundreds of cross ways along the routes that are the locations of accidents waiting to happen and also the endless accommodations for new development and commercial ingress/egress in progress, adding additional hazardous burdens to DelDOT’s and lack of Planning, by the State’s Dept of lack of Planning.

    The inadequate highways are dangerously overused in the summer, but they could be worse. Markell should know, a large percentage of that local population stays off the roads in the summer even though they live there. Does Markell care to know this, as it would interfere with “big business.” Peasants, stay in your houses, business is on it’s way to the outlets.

    What about the lack of funds ($50 million) for a new Rt 9, Rt 1 Interchange Plan plus the Relocation of Rt 9 ( another $50 million) with engineering funds available, but no construction funds? Way to waste construction funds DelDOT. (Note: The present failed Five Points project was also very recently inadequately designed – another DelDOT failure.)

    What happened to the planned alternative route project from Rt 9 to Rehoboth – recent over development get in the way instead? DelDOT adds move suicide lands instead.
    Inadequate roads, continuing over development without additional roads, that’s similar to championing coal energy, while ignoring over production of CO2. It’s like Markell giving million dollar grants to wealthy industries, as they ship jobs overseas, outsourcing. It’s like permitting hazardous waste dump sites, as they leak into drinking water aquifers.

    DelDOT failures don’t just happen, DelDOT’s management, permits them to happen, right Markell et al?

  191. Geezer says:

    OK, now have we had enough of this?

  192. pandora says:

    I have. Please stop.

  193. Miscreant says:

    I stopped commenting long ago, but I think I’ll stick around until Mahaffie gets his leg humped.

  194. anonymous says:


    Delaware Liberal regular aoine 1 April 2011 9:22 a.m.says,

    “.may we be in heaven, half an hour before the devil knows we’re dead.
    and may those that love us love us, and those that don’t, may God turn their hearts

    and if He doesn’t turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles, so that we may know them by their limpimg”

    Gotta love it when a tea partier wants her g-d to break ankles.

    Did you start drinking and toasting yourself too early today aoine? Have another drink.

    Poster Shippertte adds. “My rosary today will be in hopes the cataracts in your eyes fall away like Saul’s on his way to Damascus.”

    You’re tooooo ccreeeeepy, haz waste barrel man.

  195. Geezer says:

    At what point will you turn off this clown?

  196. Delaware Libertarian says:

    There is no “off” button. The finger muscles of this thread’s commenters went into a state of rigor mortis while on top of their respective keyboards. Therefore, this thread has become immortal.

  197. Delaware Libertarian says:

    Hey, we’re famous, once again:

  198. anonymous says:

    And now the post has been returned.

  199. MABanak says:

    The removal was prompted by a complaint from a neighbor, whose car got dinged by some basketballs. They’ve labeled him an old grouch. But he started and ran a variety of youth sports leagues during his life. He should have appealed to the parents for protection. And The parents should have restrained their kids, and made peace with the offended neighbor.

    Maybe the police can get people talking again, instead of this standoff.

    More details search: basketball poles Claymont

    Maybe a nice letter to these families in Delaware could urge peace, before it’s too late.

  200. anon says:

    With blogger’s fruit-fly attention span long since expired, the hoops smashed and broken by DelDOT and DSP return to Claymont in a bizarre procession including Bryon Short and teabagger Evan Queitsch.

    News Journal pretends not to know who Queitsch is:

    Two of them went into Evan Queitsch’s truck. The Newark man had never met McCafferty before, but the whole episode had so outraged him that he offered his support.

    “It irritates me when the government starts encroaching on people’s freedom and taking their property,” said Queitsch, who describes himself as a “constitutional activist.”

    He started the “DelDOT Replace the Poles” Facebook page, which had 218 fans on Friday. He and others loaded the hoops into his truck bed, next to the bumper sticker that read, “I’m mad as hell, I want my country back.”

  201. pandora says:

    Oh my! The chest puffing, YouTube celebrity, Rick Jensen appearing Evan Q.? You just revived this thread. Damn you! 😉

  202. anon says:

    McCafferty vows to reinstall the hoops seven feet and one inch from the street.

    Do we have any local 7′ basketball players who could help with the photo-op measurement?

  203. Jason330 says:

    Journalistic malpractice to withhold the truth like that. Nice job News Journal!

  204. Jason330 says:

    BTW. I hope we all get the irony. Evan Q and all the cracker ass racist teabagz would have been high fiving each other if this went down in a black neighborhood. A great lesson in personal responsibility would have been dispensed.

  205. anon says:

    Evan Q and all the cracker ass racist teabagz would have been high fiving each other if this went down in a black neighborhood.

    DSP is in Wilmington so we may get to test your hypothesis soon.

  206. father john says:

    RE: anonymous,

    DL is generally an echo chamber and has its fair share of cyber bullies. Their liberal conceit and elitist attitude always emerges when someone whose idea or philosophy differs from theirs opines.

    Here’s a very innocuous example:

    “Tell ya what anonymous, you start making sense, you’ll find less abuse; (I LOVE the aforementioned double standard seen here) this coming from an individual that can barely spell the word (insert word).”

    There’s always double standards too. Even for little things like spelling errors. Even if you point out that very same flaw to them, they’ll attack you personally.

    Most importantly, if you make them angry or they don’t like your point of view, they’ll ban you without cause. It’s very telling.

    And you’re correct in your assessment of specific abusers that you’ve pointed out. Even some of the more moderate posters/commenters fall prey to the ‘herd or ‘group think’ mentality on occassion where they follow the lead of the three or four laureate ad hominum attackers. It reminds me of middle school or teenage cliques.

    I’ve even experimented using a friend of mine to comment on DL with a purposeful small misspelling or by providing, again, an ‘innocuous’ POV that differs from one of the alleged bullies or by defending someone they despise. They summaririly attack viciously. It’s quite fascinating actually.

  207. cassandra m says:

    There’s no double standards. Belligerent idiocy gets dealt with in the manner it deserves — with derision and snark. If anonymouse or you were here to do more than to 1) spread the talking points of the day or 2) just be condescending to the usual participants here, you’d get a better welcome. There’s no reason to expect better treatment when you aren’t here on a good faith basis in the first place.

    Besides, for a place that you have this much disdain for, you are certainly here alot. You and anonymouse and Greg need to get your own room for your circle jerk.

  208. anonymous says:


    Thank you much for posting father john. The sad part is they call themselves Delaware ‘liberals,’ as if they are Democrats. I’m a life long Democrat from a century of Democrats and realize Democrats are much finer people then what I was seeing going on here at this site. In fact, I’ve never encountered anyone as low and vulgar, nonsensical, as some of these here.

    I believe this site consists of a handful of rather hateful people of “special interests” that republicans won’t support. Markell although he ran as a Democrat is now getting known through his actions/inactions, as a “conservative democrat,” a fact, Del Lib’s hate revealed, I think. Maybe it’s a – you scratch our backs, Markell scratch there, they hope for. Markell certainly can’t have anything else in common on any level with that lot.

    I have never had to defend myself from a personal cyber attack before, but I now have the way to do that, that will be most effective without resorting to their low, gutter level. By the way, not only do they attack on a personal level, they are disgustingly crude and vulgar, but thank goodness I’m not a young person they unknowingly are posting so crudely to. They also remove what they want, even a whole post – while pretending they are open minded “liberals.” I wouldn’t use the word “elitist” on them, it’s much too fine. Gutter, is really what it is. I can’t imagine what kind of ugh people they are -they even attack each other like animals, but that’s an insult to animals. I think they’re just nasty people who are looking out for their personal political issues – and to hell with normal Democrat issues. They are giving Democrats – a bad name.

    Take the hoop issue for example – who can’t see that it was handled so wrongly. That poor family. I’m not saying anybody is perfect, no one is, but the handling was all wrong – any Democrat, Republican, Tea Party member, Independent, 9-12. Ceasar Rodney, whatever, could see that it was wrong. Nobody want that dangerous situation going on, five police with guns on a neighborhood lawn. It is nanny state tactics. That’s hideous. But these Del Lib’s here couldn’t care less. True Democrats care about people.

    Unsuspecting people would say, wow, if that is what “liberals” are like, that’s too horrible so I can’t be a Democrat. Markell should be informed of what they’re doing – unless Markell also doesn’t care if democrats change to republicans.

    Look at how cassandra immediately replied to the post you directed to me saying in effect, “say what I want you to say” – if you want to get a better welcome.” It’s un American. She is a dictator. That’s cassandra’s “Thought Police” statement – then she goes on to tell us to go and in a low, vulgar way at that. Greg, by the way, was a concerned random poster and was told to leave.

    Look at the total senseless crap aoine writes:

    QUOTE: “and anyway anon – what are you – part of some “sovergein citizen”, uber right-wing movement – or just a member of the McCafferty family?
    maybe DSP ought to be notified, and your ISP tracked, so that they will know who wants to over-throw the right of the state to enforce its duly adopted and legislated laws.

    maybe you want to do away with the IRS, the DOE, the Energy Dept. etc as well, as much as I hate taxes, sigh, they are necessary.

    sounds like you want to over-throw government period – either that or you need some medical marijuana. Betcha voted for O’Dimwit as well.”END OF QUOTE

    I never mentioned one word about any of those issues. All of the above quoted is pure “AOINE INSANITY,”like I have never seen in my lifetime and it’s not just individual – they all just let that insanity slide pass like nothing as all. They are further off the ‘deep end’ then any other political group around – and they are making Democrats look bad. Could be that’s what they want to do. Isn’t it ridiculous how they call ME a republican. Haaa Ha.

  209. anon says:

    A blogger complaining about having too many comments is like a mother complaining about having too many children.

  210. Jason330 says:

    I’m not complaining. I stopped reading thi thread three days ago. I’m just marveling at the stick-to-itivness.

  211. Geezer says:

    “I have never had to defend myself from a personal cyber attack before…”

    Quick, get me to the fainting couch! Fetch the smelling salts! I have the vapors!

  212. Miscreant says:

    “… if you make them angry or they don’t like your point of view, they’ll ban you without cause. It’s very telling.”

    Bullshit. I’m proof that isn’t true. (Cassandra could show me a little more love, but I’ll survive.) Suck it up and take your licks.

  213. Aoine says:

    @Miscreant – here’s a little love your way – “LOVE” hope that helps~!

    this site is DELAWARE LIBERAL last time I checked – there is no party affiliation with that. As far as I know, all different folks, with all different political,social,racial and religious affilations post here,and as long as they are logical,thoughtful and coherent, much is tolerated.

    Posters that are obviously nuts or irrational are ignored, don’t last long, don’t get responded to and are generaly fair game. Let’s face it, this blog is someone’s sandbox, I’m just a guest here as are the other posters.

    LOLOL – I personally am loving the infamy!! if we banned people, Aninnymouse would have be banned long ago, and their alter-ego, father john with them.

    This is just too funny, the rantings of the un-hinged.

    Cass – you are “un-American”, darn, did you know that?? be gone from here foul “un-American” person!.

    bloggers are a “political group” now, hmmmm

    I’m not sure anyone called Aninnymouse a Republican, however I think we do agree there is something un-hinged about that particular poster, to say the least.
    besides that, apparently Aninnymouse believes they are the spoksperson for the following groups:

    “Democrat, Republican, Tea Party member, Independent, 9-12. Ceasar Rodney, whatever”

    I wonder if those groups know that? I would be wondering then, who all the commentators that were against the poles and felt the State was justified on delawareonline are? I suppose they are “un-American”. well if that’s the case we are are over-run with “un-Americans”!!

    My mom always said “be careful of those that speak to themselves, but be very scared of people that start answering themselves back”


    I think we are at that point folks!

  214. NickB5 says:

    Kinda funny that DelDOT doesnt plow neighborhoods, just State Highways. I always thought that neighborhood roads were not state roads-can I get a clarification please?

  215. anon says:

    Hey, listen up, all you commenters who said “the law is the law” and “The homeowners got a notice, they should have complied.”

    It turns out the state DOES have discretion about whether to enforce the law or not. It just depends on who they are enforcing it against.

    This is rich:

    No action to be taken against DelDot for not complying with law

    State officials say no action will be taken against the Delaware Department of Transportation even though the attorney general’s office has ruled it did not comply with the law in handling a newspaper’s request for documents.

  216. anon says:

    Oops, bad link above, here is the real one:

    No action to be taken against DelDot for not complying with law

    State officials say no action will be taken against the Delaware Department of Transportation even though the attorney general’s office has ruled it did not comply with the law in handling a newspaper’s request for documents.

  217. anonymous says:

    NickB5 asks,

    “Kinda funny that DelDOT doesnt plow neighborhoods, just State Highways. I always thought that neighborhood roads were not state roads-can I get a clarification please?”

    Good question NickB5 – that needs an answer straight from elected and/or appointed public officials.

  218. anonymous says:

    The headline from WDEL’s computer site, “No action to be taken against DelDot for not complying with law” applies to DelDOT’s Rt 1 bus terminal deal and has what to do with the “Clear Zone” situation in a Claymont sub division?

    If state agencies wouldn’t have to comply with laws, then, as people around the country are saying, Delaware positively and truly is, the Nanny State. That headline doesn’t relate to the Claymont situation.

  219. skippertee says:

    If DelDOT has no responsibility to plow the roads in sub-divisions they have no compelling reason to enforce RoW restrictions in the same.
    I mean, come on, fucking hoops.

  220. anonymous says:

    Aoine says, “all different folks with all different political,social,racial and religious affilations post here,and as long as they are logical,thoughtful and coherent, much is tolerated.”

    “Logical, thoughtful and coherent,” claims Aoine.

    But instead Aoine herself posts,

    “Typical T-bagger blunt-skull, one experience, or a friend told you and suddenly, you know it all. Just like McCafferty, milking the public for his 15 minutes of fame and costing us money, screaming about his 1st ammendment rights. I bet you are even dumb enough to think you have a constitutional right to make a phone call if arrested. LOL! find THAT one in the constitution, better yet, try telling that to a cop if you ever get arrested.”

    Logically, thoughtfully and coherently, Aoine posts

    “@Joe – sooooo you are saying your masturbation techniques are not so good?

    so – if that were true and masturbation ruins your brain cells (becoz there isnt a critical thinker to be found on DP) and you are smart and witty….then…”

    Logically, thoughtfully and coherently, Skipertee posts,

    “Long,languid sessions are really the best type if one can’t “spit thy seed in the belly of a whore” for economic reasons or societal taboos.”

    Logically, thoughtfully and coherently, Geezer adds, ”

    Abusive? No, telling you to go fuck yourself might be abusive. I’m simply pointing out that you’re a swell-headed, long-winded asshole who lacks any semblance of credibility, even when you’re right.”

    Joe Case, logically, thoughtfully and coherently posts,

    “I’ll save you all that money and time worrying about “threat”.
    Until that point in time, lock your fucking doors”

    Poster Skippertee adds, “Logically, thoughtfully and coherently:

    “I’ve actually worked with those drums.Steel drums containing HAZ-MAT material are placed in over-sized PLASTIC drums called “over-packs”.But aninnymouse is worthy of an “overpack”.

  221. anon says:

    and has what to do with the “Clear Zone” situation in a Claymont sub division?

    It’s a “rule of law” issue. And one which proves that the state does in fact have discretion about when to enforce its laws.

    If you don’t understand it, never mind it’s not for you.

  222. skippertee says:

    Yea, I said that. I stand by it. You are.

  223. Geezer says:

    I also stand by what I said. Futhermore, while your definition of “asshole” may differ, I contend the comment you quoted is logical and coherent, too, if not particularly thoughtful.

    I don’t know who you are, pal, but your comments go on way too long and are often off-topic or barely related to it. I stopped reading them long ago. You seem intolerant of other opinions and nasty and aggressive about defending your own, which is why you’ve gotten such a harsh reception here. There’s a way to present your viewpoint without creating this much distraction. You seem incapable of it.

    What you want is your own blog, but you probably realize nobody would read it, so you post here. I don’t care why they ban people; they should do it when people come merely to sow discord, as you do. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

  224. anonymous says:

    Anon says,

    “It’s a “rule of law” issue. And one which proves that the state does in fact have discretion about when to enforce its law”

    First paragraph of referencd Associated Press article regarding Rt 1 DelDOT purchase of property reads:

    “State officials say no action will be taken against the Delaware Department of Transportation even though the attorney general’s office has ruled it did not comply with the law in handling a newspaper’s request for documents.”

    Which “state officials?” The attorney’s general’s office? The attorney general’s office “ruled the {state} did not comply with the law and the attorney general’s office says no action will be taken?

    Could you say people can’t and don’t sue the state by taking matters to a higher court to win when the state does not comply with the law?

  225. anon says:

    What you want is your own blog

    …. says DelawareLiberal’s most prolific and pontificating commenter.

  226. Geezer says:

    Had one, thanks. Finalist for a national award, too. You don’t do too badly yourself. If I left, the “most prolific and pontificating” title might go to you, eh?

  227. Geezer says:

    The only penalty for violating a FOIA request for documents is that the agency is forced to turn over the documents. Because the documents had already been turned over to the requester, no further action COULD be taken. Did you read beyond the first paragraph? I don’t see how you could, since the following paragraphs made that exceedingly clear.

  228. cassandra m says:

    says DelawareLiberal’s most prolific and pontificating commenter.

    Said by Delaware Liberal’s self-appointed judge of whether we are writing about the “right” stuff. Without, of course, taking all of that energy judging the political purity of the people on this blog to his own blog so he can show the world how its done.

    Just sayin’.

  229. Miscreant says:

    “…If DelDOT has no responsibility to plow the roads in sub-divisions they have no compelling reason to enforce RoW restrictions in the same… ”

    I would tend to agree with that… except… in my experience with several state agencies, whose mission aren’t primarily enforcement (including DelDOT), they are not very proactive in their enforcement, and are typically ‘compelled’ by complaint(s) from the public.

    Regarding subdivision RoW enforcement down here, it tends to be rare and sporadic. Some (not many) farmers plow to within a foot or two from the asphalt roads. Don’t know much about how it’s done above the Canal, and I haven’t really researched it down here, but apparently it’s a big deal to get private roads classified as ‘State Maintained’ for some of the obvious reasons like plowing and maintenance. But it apparently also enhances the property values by enabling land/home purchasers to get conventional loans and mortgages.

    I lived in Oak Orchard (still own the property), once considered the Redneck Riviera of Sussex. Part of the loosely knit community gathered a petition and garnered enough political support to get our roads (some were still dirt roads) state maintained. As with every good thing from the state come the attached RoW *strings*.

    They really didn’t enforce anything, and I’ve yet to see a fucking snow plow.

  230. Geezer says:

    Cass: How can you tell? I personally know at least two people who post under “anon” here, and can usually tell by writing style which one it is. There’s at least one other, too.

  231. anon says:

    The only penalty for violating a FOIA request for documents is that the agency is forced to turn over the documents.

    But DelDOT didn’t turn over the documents, not at first. While the matter was pending and DelDOT was in defiance of the law, the State used its discretion and chose not to break down DelDOT’s door and take away filing cabinets and servers with a front end loader (or file charges against individuals in DelDOT.

    Instead, they waited indefinitely while things were being worked out – a level of decency and discretion DelDOT did not extend to the Claymont homeowners.

    DelDOT of course had its lawyers keep their eyes on the FOIA proceedings and waited as long as possible before the AG might have been forced to act.

  232. anon says:

    Cass: How can you tell?

    IP stalking. You actually have to make an effort in WordPress to look at the IP address of a commenter.

  233. Geezer says:

    Anon: You are correct, but that’s standard procedure in a FOIA case. BTW, I’m on your side on this hoops issue. I haven’t weighed in because I’m not as outraged as many others.

    As for the “stalking,” if there were three people using the same alias on my blog, I’d want to be able them apart, too. You could avoid that by simply picking a more distinctive moniker.

  234. anon says:

    True. But in the meantime, I’ll continue to refrain from telling other commenters to get their own blog.

  235. Geezer says:

    Why? Is that some special form of insult? My point was that the asshole who goes by “anonymous” isn’t here for discussion but to sow discord, or to attack the posters here, and writes at far too great a length for comments.

    As noted before, I might be the smuggest asshole here, but you’re not far behind. And at least people know who I am.

    BTW, DelDOT does not have its own lawyers. It’s represented by the AG’s office.

  236. Nancy Willing says:

    “apparently it’s a big deal to get private roads classified as ‘State Maintained’ ”

    The state won’t generally take over a substandard subdivision road. Many southern DE developmentds are built below the DelDOT standards for curbs and asphalt thickness.

    This issue has come up in SB9 because in 2008, DelDOT put regulations in place that allow them to connect their roads between developments and when it comes to age-restricted communities, retirees had a problem with all of a sudden getting, for example, 400 young families in a neighboring development having access to their streets.

  237. pandora says:


    I haven’t weighed in because I’m not as outraged as many others.

    …is exactly how I’ve been feeling about a lot of issues. I tend to see gray areas in many – not all – topics, but I can’t muster outrage for everything. I swear, every issue seems to come down to you’re either with us or you’re against us, and if you’re against a deemed “outrage” issue than you’ve abandoned your liberal status.

    Sometimes I’m just not sure what I think about an issue. Sometimes I see good and bad on an issue, and sometimes I adopt a wait and see approach.

    To me, and I’m only speaking for myself, the constant outrage is exhausting.

  238. cassandra m says:

    IP stalking. You actually have to make an effort in WordPress to look at the IP address of a commenter.

    It doesn’t take that much work. And recently I haven’t been signed in regularly as a contributor. This anon has the whole “purity” thing down pat, along with snarky scolding of others for not doing what he certainly won’t get off of his butt to do. It is relatively distinctive among the anons,to my reading.

  239. Aoine says:

    Gee folks, I am flattered – I don’t think anyone has ever quoted me quite so much.

    once a poster looses it, and goes ad hominun and/or off the deep end then by all means,I will batter up and have at it.

    aninnymouse did that by the end of their first incoherent screed – sorry for their luck.

    @jason – how many we up to now? and is it a record yet?

  240. Aoine says:

    and I thought the referenced posts were logical, thoughtful and coherent.

    how were they not so?

    But also funny, witty, snarky and irreverant

    and I stand by my posts, too.

  241. anonymous says:

    Did State Representative Byron Short know negotiations were on-going or over? If they were over, did State Rep. Short inform the homeowners of same, that the final decision was made by DelDOT, as he was working with him?

    It is too much trouble for DelDOT, when most offices, businesses, Dr’s, plumbers, etc. give notice that something is scheduled, to confirm that people know. A library will phone when your book is in. Next time the phone rings, think about it. The homeowner apparently didn’t know they would be ‘taking poles’ that day. For those here who don’t think a profession size pole, backboard, hoop are costly, typically $500-$1,000. What was it worth to this family and their kids?Most likely he would have had the pole removed himself if he had known that his efforts had failed and that was the collection date.

    More to the point, rather than an inapplicable WDEL headline re the ‘rule of law,’ does DelDOT management realize how this could have been avoided? Will Attorney General’s Office give their opinion on how the State Police and DelDOT should have handled a “playing in street complaint,” combined with a “Clear Zone” complaint? Think about the combined force of heavy DelDOT equipment, too many DelDOT workers, five police, the costs, when a phone call telling McCafferty, we’re coming at this appointed day, could have avoided the whole situation, if in fact Mr. McCafferty had no other options.

    Why bother to let people know?

    The Governor and the Attorney General’s office should consider what might have happened if DelDOT had arrived at a different home where the parents had left for work and a couple of ‘surprised kids’ or teenagers came out saying, ‘You can’t take our hoop,” with five police cars arriving with five police telling the kids to get in the house or you’re under arrest; or if a different homeowner was ‘surprised’ by the unannounced arrival of DelDOT, the arrival of five police cars, upset, late for work, maybe making a misinterpreted step or movement while on he own front lawn one morning.

  242. Miscreant says:

    “The state won’t generally take over a substandard subdivision road. Many southern DE developmentds are built below the DelDOT standards for curbs and asphalt thickness. ”

    I can see the logic in not assuming responsibilities for substandard roads. (Aside from having to enforce some bullshit rules, likely written years prior for other situations.) This was quite a while ago in Oak Orchard, and I suspect politics had more to do with it than anything. Sen. Dick Cordrey had a place next to the affected area. All roads were dirt, and dead ends. The state even blacktopped about 200 yards of one. We now even have county sewer down there, but that was mandatory.

  243. Actually you don’t have to do work to look at a commenter’s IP address. It’s right there when I look at the blog in administrator mode. I might add it’s handy with multiple anons and people who post under multiple aliases.

  244. Miscreant says:

    “…I might be the smuggest asshole here, but you’re not far behind.”

    Hey, I EARNED that title (from you). I must be slipping. Maybe I should kick it up a notch.

  245. Geezer says:

    Mis, I find myself agreeing with you more. And I find you have a lot of interesting things to say lately. Plus you said something a few weeks back that I’ve been thinking a lot about, which I’ll get around to commenting about some time. It was a comment that was just an aside to whatever we were insulting each other about; you said that you had never taken charity from anybody.

  246. skippertee says:

    Are you two falling in love?

  247. Aoine says:

    naw – its just the afterglow from detante

    I think I’ll have that cigarette now….

    im kidding guys – i think its great

  248. Aoine says:

    is it safe to come out?? is the troll gone???

    Mis – you give yourself away dude – sure you wanna do that?

    but im interested in Geezer’s point – and Im thinking the same way too

  249. Jim Westhoff says:

    Plowing on subdivisions.
    I’m a spokesman for DelDOT, so let me answer the question.
    First, there is a website with most every snow-related question and answer. The website is:

    For subdivisions that have state-maintained roads, they can be in a program where DelDOT will reimburse the homeowners association a major portion of the bill for hiring a private contractor to plow the road. If they are not enrolled in that program, then DelDOT is responsible for plowing. However, subdivision streets are the among the last on the priority list to get plowed. With a significant snowfall, it could be days before we can get into the subdivisions.

    Most subdivisions go with the reimbursement program because a private contractor can get in right away and clear the neighborhood. It works out well for DelDOT, because our large equipment is not well suited for narrow streets and culdesacs. For business owners, it works out because it gives those lanscaping companies and other small businesses a re Enid source during the winter months.

    Like I said, please go to the snow FAQ page, if you have other snow-related questions.

    I hope this helped.


  250. Miscreant says:

    Not exactly sure what this point is, but I’ll be glad to patiently await its arrival.

  251. Miscreant says:

    Great information. I was on the west coast during this year’s blizzard, but thanks to our closest neighbors, who are dairy farmers, we usually get plowed out way before we’re a gleam in DelDOT’s eye.

    Hope you were unscathed because of your message board conversation with Angel. After listening to Colley and Gaffney, I’m surprised you haven’t learned anything about talking to idiots with microphones.

  252. NickB5 says:

    I was watching the video again and realized that many of the basketball hoops in the back of the DelDOT dump truck were of the portable weighted/wheeled variety (see 0:39 on the video). Why seize these when they could simply be pushed further onto the owners property and a written warning or even citation issued by the state police?

  253. Geezer says:

    Wanted to wait until I had a bit of time to respond with some thought, so here goes:

    I don’t remember the comment, but Mis said that he had never taken charity from anybody, and it struck a chord. I have heard many, many people — literally hundreds — say this, often with a measure of pride, if sometimes wounded pride. My own parents said this, so I imagine its roots go back at least to the Great Depression, which both my parents experienced as children.

    Panhandling quarters for pay phones disqualifies me, but I always assumed that for the most part I could and would make my own way in the world. Until a few years ago, I would have said, “Me, too,” to your comment.

    Then my wife had a life-threatening health crisis. My instinct was to push on with as little help as possible, but I was frankly overwhelmed with the outpouring of support. I simply didn’t have time to refuse it all. And after a couple of weeks, I didn’t want to. A parade of friends and acquaintances, many from our church, cooked more meals than we could eat. People drove my son places when I couldn’t, walked the dogs when I was too busy. This went on for many months, during which I saw that giving charity was as good for them as receiving it was for me. By the end I was a much improved person, because I realized my small thread was part of a large web. As I did and do for others, they did for me, and it made everyone involved feel better.

    I don’t say you’re wrong to feel the way you stated. It IS a point of pride, and while pride is one of the deadly sins, a little of it never killed anyone. But my unsolicited advice is that, if you ever find yourself in a position where others feel charitable towards you, do not refuse it, out of pride or any other reason. Accept charity when it is offered, for it’s one of the very few win-win experiences most of us will ever have.

  254. Miscreant says:

    A point well made, and humbly received.
    Thank you.

  255. skippertee says:

    “Virtue is it’s own reward, and fools are they who die.” Mario Puzo
    From the novel FOOLS DIE a book about Vegas and the way things worked before they turned it into a Disneyland for both adults and children.

    The second part of the quote has never come into complete focus as to what Puzo meant. I suspect it has something to do with the Geez’s last post and PRIDE.

    That’s the only reason it popped into my head, anyway.

  256. anonymous says:


    NickB5 commented on 3 April 2011 at 8:58 p.m., reads:

    “I was watching the video again and realized that many of the basketball hoops in the back of the DelDOT dump truck were of the portable weighted/wheeled variety (see 0:39 on the video). Why seize these when they could simply be pushed further onto the owners property and a written warning or even citation issued by the state police?”

    NickB5 Your post is an important post that the “regular” Del Lib posters chose to ignore entirely as they posted ‘filler’ to covered their lack of concern. I just read your post Monday a.m.and am posting immediately. Maybe they thought ignoring your post, would be enough and the facts would just fade away.

    Anonymous asks, 3 April 2011 12:59 p.m., why didn’t DelDOT confirm with families, that DelDOT would be removing selected hoops that day as most of the ‘selected’ valuable property would have been removed by homeowners themselves, saving the state tens of thousands of dollars.

    Why remove selective portable hoops, DelDOT? There are hundreds of them around. Is hoop “taking” a profitable DelDOT sideline or just a Nanny State tool?

    Why didn’t DelDOT issue a public notice, similar to a “don’t use your cellphone while driving” notice, to remind citizens that obstacles, trees, bushes, rock piles, benches, crops, etc must be removed from all 7 ft (subdivision) and 10 ft state roadways due to a “Clear Zone” statue they have otherwise ignored for years.

    Why the selective enforcement, based on a “kids playing outside complaint?” DelDOT. DelDOT drove by, letting other hoops stand, while coming after the Mc Cafferty’s hoop that morning. DelDOT was familiar with Caffertys, as the family brave enough to responded to the selective enforcement due to a “clear kids” complaint.” DelDOT decided to show the McCaffertys, that DelDOT does what it wants to do, inforcing a real estate law against some, while ignoring the law when it wants to.

    Can DelDOT management crawl lower than taking kids toys? Yes they can.

    As if removing kids poles by ambush wasn’t hideous enough, they took selective portable hoops as well in a shock and awe style ambush of rapid dominance with state brute force Nanny State power aimed against a family man in a middle class neighborhood selectively singled out by DelDOT “Clear Kids” campaign stemming from a complaint about “kids playing outside.” How about telling kids, yes you can come out to play.

    McCafferty, is a stand up guy, a father and husband; a family man who play hoops with neighborhoods kids; leaves B balls on their lawn so kids can come outside to play; a man who contacted his representative as he should, to negotiate, only to end up being ambushed without notice of a dated removal Work Order. A man who stood up to defend his wife’s honor from sexual slurs by DelDOT employees on their first encounter, as DelDOT came back with five State police. A man who stood up for his right not to be singled out from thousands of Delawareans homes, businesses, farms, with multitudes of “Clear Zone” violations throughout the state; a man who witnessed “Clear Zones” be turned into “Clear Kids” zones and spoke up; a man who saw DelDOT drive by other B poles while “selectively coming after his and his neighbors; a man who watched his property be purposefully damaged (watch the video as four DelDOT employees run out of the way) so the pole could come crashing as it was purposefully dropped from a front end loader, instead of it being eased down to the ground, to be left on the man’s property as the state police has promised him. A man who was lied to by DelDOT employees and State Police, that wouldn’t even acknowledge their own ‘videoed’ bold faced lies to a homeowner minutes earlier at a front lawn cal de sac Nanny State scene, as they strapped the basket ball pole to their heavy duty front end loader surrounded by 4,5 standby DelDOT employees, 5 police cars and 5 armed state police,to again drop it from the front end loader to the truck. How and why did it get further damaged at the DelDOT yard, DelDOT?

    A family man, a father who comes out to play with his kids and neighborhood kids; and a man who defends his children’s right to be outside to play; a man who stands up to defend his right to speak, his right to come outside of his house to speak and defend his rights, a man’s right to stand on his own front lawn to protest; a man who even retrieves his neighbors’ hoops as well; a family man, whose rights must be defended; the typical American family father, husband, his wife (same list as above,) the childrens’ mother, the childrens’ right to play outside. DelDOT, where does it say, only adults shall walk on the street; kids shall not play.

    A family, being selectively attacked by the joint forces of combining an attempt to stop “kids being off of their property,” with a largely ignored “Clear Zone” statue at DelDOT, selectively changing it instead to a “Clear Kids” statue aimed specifically at hoop games, so kids might stay indoors.

    It’s Spring, kids. Don’t be afraid to step off of your property.You have the right. You can come out and play, exercise, have some fun as kids must and have for generations. Mr. and Mrs. McCaffertys have stood up for your right to do so. The good people around the country have stood up behind the McCaffertys.

    NickB5, anonymous is not a “regular” poster here, just a citizen responding. I appreciate your observation. Thank you.

    People around the country appreciate the efforts of the McCaffertys who stood up and spoke up to selective Nanny State force efforts to stop a few select kids, who came out to play.

    The eight hoops are down and won’t be back in the “Clear Zone.” Now all Delaware residents are on notice to comply with all “Clear Zone” obstructions, DelDOT. Will DelDOT leave all the rest in place instead?

    As bad as the Nanny state is , there is also no such thing as “equal treatment under the law” while enforcing the law, just selective enforcement, right DelDOT? Thousands of “violators” won’t be subjected to what the McCaffertys were. You know DelDOT, like the stuff you drove by to get to the McCaffertys’.

    If I were a DelDOT supervisor, I would have said, we can’t discriminate, use a real estate stautue for a complaint against kids. The law applies to everything in all “Clear zones.” The kids aren’t “in” the “Clear Zones.” Apparently, neither were some of the hoops.

  257. Geezer says:

    I’m sorry, were you saying something?

  258. Aoine says:

    @Geezer – I also take your point well.

    I learned your same leason, but very early in life (nod to Shipper’s quote)

    If it wasn’t for that, I would not have believed in the goodness of people.

    So I simply took what they did, and paid it forward to others.

    I also find in very rewarding to be able to help, and you are right, it is a win-win situation.

    someday, I may be back on the needing end, and while humility is difficult for me, I will try a little harder to be so.