Delaware Undiluted Episode 1

Filed in National by on February 25, 2011

"Grumpy Warrior Poet"

Direct from Madison Wisconsin, Kos Diarist Scott Harman speaks with me about his experiences in Madison over the the past few weeks

You can read Scott’s Kos Diary “Today in Madison, I Saw My America” here.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Delaware’s Kiss Army Demobilized : Delaware Liberal | February 28, 2011
  1. Dana Garrett says:

    Good interview, Jason.

  2. jason330 says:

    Thanks. I wish I had stayed on the fact that he happened to be there when everything was busting loose, but I was a little nervous.

  3. Dana Garrett says:

    As you know I used to do hipcast interviews for DW. I enjoyed it. I like the Hipcast medium. It’s uncomplicated…very user friendly.

    If you were nervous, it didn’t come through the interview. I thought you sounded good. And your guest was well chosen. He came across as informed, sincere, and intelligent. I hope you do more interviews.

  4. donviti says:

    damn, good find

  5. Scott Harman says:

    Thanks for the chance to talk. It’s really heartening to see people all over the country starting this fight on their homefronts, too.