DE Tea Party Gears Up For Another Loss

Filed in Delaware, National by on December 27, 2010

When a News Journal article begins with the following, one just has to laugh:

Trouble is, they [Renewable Energy Credits] may be the next target for Delaware tea party activists, who see them as wasteful government intervention into the free market system that just end up costing consumers more for electricity.

Next target for Delaware tea party activists? Did they sleep through the embarrassing tea party loses in Delaware back in November? Even better is that the right-wing Caesar Rodney Institute is latching on to this nonsense. And could it get any more nonsensical than this:

But [John] Nichols [member of First State Patriots] is among a growing contingent of skeptics. He questions whether buying more renewables will lead to “green jobs” and calls them an unreliable source of energy, dependent on whether the wind is blowing or the sun is shining.


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. cassandra m says:

    What is really stupid about this new bit of crazy is that the *free market* doesn’t exactly exist in the US for fossil fuels. Between government less than market rate leases (and royalties) on government land for exploration; subsidized pipelines; subsidized exploration; the cost of the US military to haul off to Iraq and other Middle East locales to *protect* oil supplies; the subsidized cost of providing American made weaponry to places like Saudi Arabia; and of course, taxpayer subsidies for cleaning up and living with the pollution from fossil fuels. Interesting that these idiots would try to shut down the growing of a business that would deny places Saudi Arabia and Iran the American money they use to fund the terrorists pointing their insecurities at us. And of course, they have no other plan for all of this energy independence that everyone pretends to want.

    Anyone notice that the CRI is on this bandwagon? Which means that this is apparently going to be a wingnut-wide effort this year.

  2. Joe Cass says:

    “Drill, baby, drill” = “How’s about another fiver, China?”

  3. Boxwood says:

    You’d think weaning this country off it’s foregin oil addiction would be near the top of the tea-party priority list, expecially in a state like Delaware where companies like Fisker Automotive are making a subtantial investment.

  4. nemski says:

    Boxwood, yeah, that logic thing . . . it doesn’t work so well with Teapublicans.

  5. Boxwood says:

    Hard to believe anyone living in Delaware wouldn’t be rooting for the Fisker Automotive initiative to be a sucess. Delaware needs jobs and retooling the old GM plant is a big step in that direction. Good news for the Port of Wilmigton also if they can get their production up and running. Thanks for the link Geezer.

  6. Geezer says:

    You’re welcome. This adds credence to what I’ve heard, that CRI is funded almost entirely by out-of-state money. Delawareans would be in favor of anything that helps Delaware; doctrinaire conservatives aren’t. This was evident in the Urquhart campaign and, to a lesser extent, in the O’Donnell campaign (attacking WL Gore, as if a huge government contract for a Delaware-based business wouldn’t be good for the state).

    I think it helps explain the GOP civil war going on. There are a few native ideologues on the fringe side, but most Delaware conservatives are willing to do what’s good for the state, making them “moderate” to the fire-breathers.