Breaking: DeLuca Wins Pro-Tem Vote

Filed in National by on December 14, 2010

With the bare minimum of 11. Only one R votes for him–Colin Bonini.

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  1. PBaumbach says:

    what D’s voted for Katz?

  2. The vote itself was a vote to approve DeLuca as Pro-Tem, since he was the nominee of the D caucus. There was not a roll call vote for Katz.

    Don’t know yet which D’s did not support DeLuca. Obviously, Peterson, Katz and Sokola (even if he wasn’t there, his vote would’ve been a ‘no’). I’ll try to find out the other two.

  3. Jason330 says:

    I hate being right all the time.

  4. It’ll be interesting to see what Bonini gets for his vote. A seat on JFC? A safer district for reapportionment? Some special deal that he’s working on (hey, if Brainard did it for Tigani, he, Sharp and DeLuca can do it for Bonini)?

  5. Bunting went ‘not voting’, which is the same as a ‘no’ vote on DeLuca’s nomination. Still working to find the other D…

  6. DialogueDel reported that Cloutier was absent and that Sokola walked in on crutches. Wonder what the GOP is getting out of this?

  7. Jason330 says:

    Nancy hints at a truth. It is not as if Bonini made up his own mind on this.

  8. Here are the Ayes, aka ‘For DeLuca’ Votes:

    Ayes -Blevins, Bonini, Bushweller, Deluca, Ennis, BHL, Henry, Marshall, McBride, McDowell, Venables

    The Nays: Katz, Lawson, Peterson, Simpson, Sorenson

    Not Voting (same effect as a Nay): Booth, Bunting,Connor, Sokola

    Absent: Cloutier

  9. jpconnorjr says:

    A replay of Blevins v Adams except Blevins was a stronger candidate. Counting on support from across the Aisle is a fools errand for a challanger. The R’s will gowith the devil they know 100%

  10. I am guessing that Bonini did go out on his own. He was more fully embraced in his treasurer candidacy by the House R Caucus, which doesn’t have to work with him, than the Senate R Caucus,which does.

    And, it certainly prevents Bonini from ever running as a good gov’t reformer in the future. If I had to bet, I’d say that Bonini went lone wolf on this one.

  11. The difference between this one and that one was that the Adams vote was ultimately unanimous in the D Caucus after McDowell flipped. The caucus decided it didn’t want to risk R involvement. This one went much further, and DeLuca barely survived. At least one or two of his supporters (Marshall, Venables) are unlikely to be back so, unless he reforms, this will probably be his last term as Pro Tem.

  12. jpconnorjr says:

    good point, odd Blevins was stronger but Katz broke through a bit. Will there be pushback in Jan? Methinks so.

  13. It will be very interesting to see how DeLuca responds to this challenge. His instinct, of course, would be to bury everyone who didn’t kiss his pinky ring.

    However, I think that several of those who voted for him would not stand still for DeLuca-like retribution.

    Definitely something to watch in 2011…

  14. mediawatch says:

    Defeat no big deal for Katz. He never planned on being a career legislator. Don’t bet on him getting strong party support in 2012.

    If Bonini gets something, it won’t be the JFC. If he “asks tough questions,” as he claims, the D’s won’t want him there. If he’s not going to ask tough questions, why take the assignment knowing someone will be watching his attendance record closely.

  15. MJ says:

    Why give No-Show Bonono a seat on JFC? It’s just another committee he’ll get paid for but won’t show up to meetings. My guess is that he get put into another republican’s district during reapportionment.

  16. Phew, crisis averted! I thought there could be a change to the status quo there for a minute!

  17. Bonini didn’t give away his vote. He was promised SOMEthing. 6 words why it might be JFC: Mo’ Money, Mo’ Money, Mo’ Money.

    He’s always been a blowhard phony, he’s now just proved it. He doesn’t ‘ask tough questions’ and he doesn’t show up. Per usual, he can let others do the heavy lifting. Keep in mind that the Pro Tem chooses the committee assignments. Bonini has his pick of the litter now, courtesy of Sen. Kiss My Pinky Ring.

  18. Always Watching says:

    HE needs to view this as a problem averted as UI implied. A shot across the bow per say? His problem will be if he allows himself to take on an heir of arrogance when we know how rooted in ignorance he really is. Modesty and humility would serve him well. Let’s see if he can find some?

  19. Geezer says:

    Karen Peterson just said on WDEL Bonini told people last night that DeLuca made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.

  20. liberalgeek says:

    DeLuca will order all committees to stop recording which members actually show up at meetings.

  21. Auntie Dem says:

    Jason and I both called it. The R’s NEVER deliver the votes.

  22. cassandra_m says:

    They never deliver the votes and they always run on how they’ve been victimized by not helping themselves.

  23. No Knee pads says:

    This was a great show of who was for a sleazy leader. Business will not be the same. Deluca has less teeth now that the News Journal is watching his every move. All that voted for him will be watched as well. It is a new day in the state senate thanks to Senators that know how to stand up.

  24. mediawatch says:

    You’re mistaken if you think DeLuca should be cowering at the threat of the NJ watching his every move.
    Reporters are like the police. We like to think they’ll prevent crime, but reality is they spend more time investigating crimes after they occur than preventing them from occurring.
    And there are a lot more police than there are reporters.
    DeLuca and his pals will get away with plenty before the NJ finds out.

  25. PI says:

    It’s not over until it’s over. Let’s just call this ’round 1′. Bonini is a weak link for the Republican side of the aisle because he is unprincipled. It saddens me that Blevins is so weak.

  26. pancho herrera says:

    Celia lets Bonini have it:

  27. Can the leadership vote be revisited at any time? So, have we found out what the offer Bonini couldn’t refuse is yet?

  28. I wonder if Bonini’s employment situation will change any time soon. If I had to guess, that’s what I’d keep an eye on. Any more Vo-tech districts need ‘marketing specialists’?

  29. kavips says:

    Someone strong in Bonini’s district is thinking of taking him on. I would look at “labor” doing it’s part to squelch that rising threat. Deal? Deal.