Tom Kovach Speaks To The Tea Party

Filed in Delaware by on December 6, 2010

A tip from reader Alan Geskin led us to this video of former State Representative and New Castle County Council President nominee Tom Kovach speaking to the Tea Party in Wilmington. In the video he tells the crowd, “this is why I got into politics.”

Speaking of Tom Kovach, I’ve started seeing signs for him in the neighborhood. Anyone seen signs of life from the Sheldon campaign?

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. No doubt the media will keep pushing the ‘moderate R’ meme on Kovach, even though this video displays that it’s patently untrue.

    He’s the billionaires’ newest great white hope.

    After watching this video, I now retract any cautious praise I have previously sent Kovach’s way. Hard to defend him against his own words.

  2. liberalgeek says:


    I’ll throw a little caution in here, though. This was VERY early in the Tea Party madness. I think it may have been pre-crazy Eileen. It appears to have been from the April 15, 2009 event.

    That said, I have been critical of Copeland and others for speaking to that rally, and I am critical of Kovach for the same reason. It was obvious in that room that day that there was a lot of crazy going on.

  3. Joanne Christian says:

    Let’s see–a 45 second “greeting” from April 2009 to a tea party group–that nobody knew who was joining and where it would go. And for that you would rescind the goodwill you’ve extended him? Sorry El Som–I remember a Tom Kovach who sheepishly and inconspicuously showed up at a Delaware Liberal fundraiser for melanoma the summer of 2009. I hope you return to your more measured, fair index of situational analysis. And I remember an El Som who did that.

  4. Truth Teller says:

    Yes stand up for the right thing all those Teabaggers who got elected to congress have already been co-opted according to today’s Washington post they are already collecting money from Washington lobbyist. i bet the members here he Delaware don’t know that they have already been sold out by the Teabaggers.

  5. Newshound says:

    It’s called Pandering and every politician partakes in it – ad nauseam. Look at your favorite Progressive pol pal and you’ll see hypocrisy there too!

  6. Jason330 says:

    Remember what I said about Kovy not making me want to vomit? Nevermind.

    Although – to the tbagz credit, at least they have figured out that things are fucked up. Sure they have a very dim knowledge of what is fucked up and who fucked it up, but still….

  7. liberalgeek says:

    Joanne – It was obvious, even by that first event, just what the group was. It wasn’t so obvious that they’d eat their own, but there were certainly signs of the types of people that were involved.

    Here’s some nice historical reading:

  8. Republican David says:

    How insidious! He said he likes people being involved for the right things. He campaigned in 2008 almost single issue on putting a break on Democrat taxing power and avoiding the super majority. It sounds consistent that he would speak to a group Taxed Enough Already. If you think that is a problem, I have to laugh. No one outside of this blog and a couple of public union operatives would object to his finding a way to keep taxes low.

    People may accept a tax hike, but they would rather do without one.

  9. Jason330 says:

    When you lay down with pigs, you get up muddy. Kovach is a teaparty supporter- that is telling about his Low character and lack of judgement.