Weekend Open Thread

Filed in National by on October 30, 2010

Welcome to your weekend open thread. As you’re reading this, I’m probably hanging out with all the cool people in Washington D.C. Hopefully if you’re not hanging out at the rally you’re getting out the vote.

This is pretty cool. A group of people “letter bombed” Sarah Palin’s facebook page. You’ll just have to see it to understand.

Lying pays! Video faker Andrew Breitbart has been hired by ABC News to help with their election day coverage.

After Breitbart’s BigJournalism.com website reported that Breitbart would “be bringing analysis live from Arizona” for ABC, Media Matters confirmed his participation in a town hall meeting anchored by ABC’s David Muir and Facebook’s Randi Zuckerberg that will be featured in the network’s coverage.

Asked about Breitbart’s history of unethical behavior and misinformation, ABC News’ David Ford told Media Matters: “He will be one of many voices on our air, including Bill Adair of Politifact. If Andrew Breitbart says something that is incorrect, we have other voices to call him on it.”

I guess I know one news channel I won’t be watching on Tuesday.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (22)

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  1. Venus says:

    How come people rake their leaves, when they live in a tree infested area, and not all the leaves have fallen?

  2. Kneejerk Libby says:

    Got a letter from Colin Bonini today addressed to “Dear Public Employee,” in which he informs me that he voted against pay cuts (or “pay-cuts,” as he calls them) for state employees. He neglects to mention, however, that his vote against my “pay-cut” was actually a vote against the entire FY2010 budget. Or that when the 2011 budget came to a vote, he also voted against giving me back the 2.5% that I’d lost the year before. Or that he voted against allowing state employees to engage in collective bargaining. Presenting himself as a friend of state employees – talk about chutzpah! Of course, when your entire record in the legislature consists of nothing but “no” votes on almost everything, guess you’re reduced to grasping at straws to make yourself look good, huh? 

  3. Venus, its best to stay ahead. If you wait until all the leaves have fallen, the bottoms starts to compost and you don’t want that. Also, its about raking 2.5lbs per square foot 15 times versus 30lbs once.

  4. mediawatch says:

    It says something for Bonini that he’s been campaigning for more than a year and it took him until three days before the election to think of something positive that he’s done — even if it wasn’t positive.

  5. Joe Cass says:

    Today is Sunday, October 31st, 2010
    top of the page right hand corner. Can’t get you thru pc must go thru twitter link
    Anyone else having this issue? Everytime I reload it goes to Agora

  6. MJ says:

    No-show Bonono was at the Sea Witch parade and got stranded for a while when his entourage left him downtown. He had no clue where they were (and he had no cell phone). Chip got a very good reception from the crowd and from a lot of the Chamber of Commerce folks.

  7. mediawatch says:

    Anyone have a copy of the letter to state employees? Understand Bonini’s gone bananas with some outrageous claims about Chip.

  8. WilmingtonDEDem says:

    What is Bonini up to now? I heard there are some complete lies in the letter about Chip. This is getting ridiculous.

  9. Yogie says:

    Bonini is scum…he sent an awful mailing to my house saying that Chip Flowers wasn’t going to pay state employees if he doesn’t want to.

  10. Yogie says:

    Bonini should resign for these lies.

  11. Joe Cass says:

    MJ, thats hilarious! I’m surprised diklik Colley wasn’t there to bump bellies.

  12. MJ says:

    Yogie – do you still have the mailing? Send me an email if you do (mj@delawareliberal.net).

  13. Kneejerk Libby says:

    I’ve got the mailing right here.After telling me that he voted against the pay cut for state employees, he goes on to say:

    “My opponent, Chip Flowers, is supported by politicians whose proposed ‘solution’ to our budget crisis was to cut your pay by 8%.

    “My opponent, Chip Flowers, in his ‘bold’ plan for the State Treasurer’s Office actually advocates potentially holding off on paying vendors and employees depending on his opinion of Delaware’s economy. I’m not making this up! It was on his website and he has talked about it at numerous public assemblies. He actually advocates potentially HOLDING YOUR PAYCHECK AND NOT PAYING YOU ON TIME, if he so chooses.

    “Obviously, I cannot support such a radical proposal. You deserve to be paid when you are supposed to be paid and that’s what you should expect from your state treasurer.

    “I thought you should be informed of these facts before voting on Tuesday. As always, please don’t hesitate to call me if I can help you in any way and Thank You for your Service.

    “State Senator & Candidate for State Treasurer”

  14. Auntie Dem says:

    The amount of money being spent on negative mailing pieces by Republicans and their “secret” advocacy groups is absolutely staggering. They have set out to buy our elections here in Delaware. We will see how effective they’ve been on Tuesday. I think this is a huge threat to democracy. And they are just getting geared up. If you think 2010 has been ugly wait until you see what’s in store for 2012.

    The group that is so secret we call them “the P.O. Box gang”, because we have no other name for them, is trying to take control of the DE State House. Do we honestly want to be governed from a P.O. Box? What sort of ethics, morals, guiding principles can be found in a P.O. Box? What you usually find in a P.O. Box is money. Lots and lots of money.

  15. anon says:

    What is the number and location of the P.O. box?

    Delaware is too small to hide for long.

  16. Wil the WNJ ‘FACT CHECK’ the Bonini letter’s lies? Send it to them and see if they do it.

  17. Yogie says:

    Flowers posted a response on his website chipflowers.com Bonini just flat out lied to voters. This should not be taken lightly. He should resign.

  18. anon says:

    Election night is going to be a roller coaster. There will probably be recounts and we may not even know who wins the House or certain Senate races for days.

  19. a.price says:

    not to mention the 2nd amendment solutions if any of the teabag candidates lose.

  20. Ishmael says:

    “We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans — born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage, and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.

    Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

    This much we pledge — and more.”

    RIP Ted Sorenson

  21. KentDem says:

    Is someone going to call Bonini out for his lies and for breaking the law? He has gone completely insane. He’s claiming that Flowers will not pay state employees if he is elected.

    Also, how did he get the names and addresses of the state employees? It is illegal to send political solicitations to a distribution list like he did.

  22. KentDem says:

    Flowers responded here- http://chipflowers.com/?p=902

    The News Journal / State News should not let this go unnoticed.