Christine Wants to Stop the Whole Country from Having Sex

Filed in National by on September 16, 2010

Her words. Seriously.

MSNBC, Scarborough’s show, 11/13/2002:

NIES: I’m not concerned that they’re having sex. And I don’t think that anybody on this panel is condoning that it’s OK. The problem is, is they’re not properly educated of the consequences of having sex at a young age. That’s the issue. That’s what we need to talk about. I mean, I’m out on the road at colleges and high schools all across the country. I’m on tour right now, “Reality Bar Crawl.” I’m speaking to kids. I’m at high schools. I’m at colleges. And I know what they’re talking about, because they’re talking about it to me.
O’DONNELL: So, Eric, what do you tell them? Do you tell them safe sex?
NIES: Hold on. I’ll tell you what I tell them.
O’DONNELL: Do you tell them use birth control?
NIES: Yes, I tell them to have safe sex. I tell them to be careful. You have to wear a condom. You have to protect yourself when you’re going to have sex, because they’re having it anyway.
NIES: There’s nothing that you or me can do about it.
O’DONNELL: The sad reality is — yes, there is something you can do about it. And the sad reality, to tell them slap on a condom is not
NIES: You’re going to stop the whole country from having sex?

Nothing pisses me off more than prudish stuck up fundies minding everyone else’s business but their own. I am now going to dedicate myself to having as much casual safe sex as possible between now and election day. Which will probably be no sex, but I’ll be trying, and if I don’t succeed, then I will do something Christine really really hates, and that is …. masturbation!!! Oh no!!!!

Christine, you cannot legislate morality, no matter how much you want to. Mind your own fucking business, and perhaps if you did, you would have had time to get a real job (rather than living off the campaign donations of others, which is a form of welfare), and pay your debts and pay for your college education when you received it. And nothing is stopping Christine from living her life as she sees fit. If she thinks premarital sex is wrong, fine, she does not have to have it. If she thinks masturbation is wrong, fine, she can through away her dildos. If she thinks being gay is wrong, fine, she doesn’t have to be gay. If she thinks not being Christian is wrong, she can be a Christian.

She cannot force people to not have sex. She cannot force people to be Christian. She cannot force people to believe in what she belives. She cannot force people to be heterosexual.

But she wants to.

And that is all you need to know about Christine O’Donnell.

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  1. anon says:

    Oh Jesus Christ, she’s already gotten to my wife.

  2. meatball says:

    Jared Morris had an interesting angle on COD’s anti-masturbation plank. He said if you oppose her then you are pro-masturbation, let me shake your hand.

  3. anon says:

    Harry Reid really can’t wait to give up that gavel.

    Christine now has a million dollars to burn “Harry Reid’s pet” into our brains.

  4. Hugh Akston says:

    What you should also know about Christine is she raised 1 million dollars in one day and Coons lead in the poll dropped from 36 points to 11 points in one day.

    Hold on to your hats boys and girls.

  5. I am now going to dedicate myself to having as much casual safe sex as possible between now and election day. Which will probably be no sex, but I’ll be trying, and if I don’t succeed, then I will do something Christine really really hates, and that is …. masturbation!!! Oh no!!!!


  6. yeoman1271787 says:

    And yet, we still might lose ’cause people are stupid.

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    Actually Hugh, you are lying. Coon’s lead has increased over O’Donnell in both the Rasmussen poll released today and the PPP released yesterday. Just like your candidate, Hugh Akston is a fucking liar.

  8. anon says:

    Debate question #3:
    “Please describe your masturbation position in detail… and I have a follow-up.”

  9. skippertee says:

    “The only good ABUSE,is SELF-ABUSE”-Skippertee

  10. Roy Toomey says:

    If Christine O’Donnell wants to try stop the whole world from having sex; therefore, is she condoning rape because the person, “asked for it”?

  11. Aoine says:

    DelDem……need a date?? I can fit you on my calendar….LOL

  12. MJ says:

    Show me the money! Until we actually see proof that she did indeed raise $1 million, I call FAIL. It’s a nice ploy to get people to give her money, but that’s an awful lot of $5 and $10 donations.

  13. anon says:

    Is Atlas Shrugged the only book these twerps have read, or what?

  14. You’re an idiot. You seriously think that she was somehow suggesting that she’d use the power of the government to stop everyone in the nation from having sex? Are you that stupid, or just pretending to be? She clearly was saying that you can’t encourage young people to have have sex and then tell them to use a condom, because they’ll just have the sex and won’t put on the condom, or have the sex with condom but suffer the mental and pyschological problems that go with having sex when they aren’t ready.

    She wasn’t trying to legislate morality, she was talking about being a moral person. The fact that you disagree with her and mock her for being a moral person says more about you than it does her.

  15. MJ says:

    Um, Teacher, she has always advocated legislating morality. Her ilk always does. That’s why they, like you, want to have your nose in everyone’s bedroom. Why don’t we just get you a video so you and O’Whackjob can have a nice time not pleasuring each other or yourselves.
    What a schmuck. And you’re a teacher? Did you get your degree from the back of a Cocoa Puffs box?

  16. Aoine says:

    yup – and now Beck is telling people what to wear

    and THEY want SMALLER government??

    no lying, no sex, no masturbating, no ugly clothes, no no no

    sounds like the nuns in school, UGH

  17. a. price says:

    I think what people are afraid of is that she would try to ensure that either no sex education at all was offered to adolescents, or abstinence only education would be taught. Teenagers are going ot have sex. Whether it is taught in school or not, every human being is VERY horny and are going to want to do something about it.
    I think that Christine O’Donnell shares an opinion held by many religious Conservatives that if you just tell kids to not have sex..or not mention it at all, they wont. This is not only wrong, but it requires you to also believe that sex is amoral unless it is done in marriage and with intent to conceive. in O’Donnell’s case, she even thinks sexual thoughts are sinful. This is a VERY extreme right wing religious view that that vast majority of the country doesn’t ascribe to. wWe cant have the moral requirements of a small group dictating how the rest of the country should live.
    And just so you know, I also strongly believe that if learning about sex in schools is not what a student’s parent wants for them, they should be able to opt out. Conservative Teacher, I dont know what age you teach, but you must know that you cant stop teenagers from having sexual thoughts. It is biological programming. Or, if you prefer, the way God made us.
    The way I see it is, either we can explain objectively and honestly what sex is to our children in school, OR they can learn about it online, or in the movies, or on the news, or yada yada yada.
    I dont think anyone really thinks O’Donnell with try and implant us with chips to kill sexual urges, but i DO think that she wants to try to do things like band abortion, only let abstinence be taught, even prevent condom sales to minors…. all under the banner of, in her case Christian Morality.

  18. Frank says:

    Let’s call it CHRISTINE MORALITY, just so we’re not confused…someone needs to dig up an old boyfriend or someone who can confirm if she is as pure and chaste as she preaches…come on, it’s out there, we need more dirt!

  19. It’s a good thing you guys are all voting for the person who isn’t associated with morality then… sounds to me like anyone who talks about values and morality and doing the right thing is not someone you’d like to vote for. Vote Democrat! No morals, no beliefs, no prayers, no values, just power, power, power! It’s working well for our nation right now, good call on that…

  20. @ACT: Your brand of “morality” is disturbing, controlling, and not the kind of morality most people subscribe to. Chris Coons is a very moral person, even if he doesn’t buy into her/your brand of morality.

  21. MJ says:

    ACT – why is someone who doesn’t pray immoral? Why is someone who’s values are different from yours immoral? You’re an asshat. Are you related to RWR?

  22. anonone says:

    ACT = American Taliban

  23. a. price says:

    wow, ACT.
    I really tried to answer your question honestly and thoughtfully. I genuinely wanted to explain to you WHY we felt it was necessary to teach our children honestly what sex is….. not what we think God wants us to think sex is. And quite honestly, i am very offended you would suggest i, or anyone else is amoral simply because I feel we should be honest with our children….. or by who we vote for? (i bet you’re a palin fan)
    Christine O’Donnell’s view of sex is one held only by very religious and right wing people. Despite what Rush wants us to think, that is not a very big percentage.
    Christine O’Donnell runs for office simply to pay her bills….. you call THAT a fiscally responsible?
    She spreads false rumors about her opponents and employs convicted felons to run her campaign. is that honest?
    oooooo, but she thinks sex is REALLY REALLY BAD, unless it is between a married man, and a married woman and they are both virgins and never had a sexual thought until THAT MOMENT…. and it is only done once JUST TO GET PREGNANT … and not done again until it is time ot make the next soldier for Lord Glenn and Lady Sarah’s army. (i got a little carried away there at the end…. but you get the picture. )
    OH… and she REALLY WANTS AMERICA TO WIN! …. at what?

    Conservatives SAY they want this country to be so free and full of liberty…. but they also demand that in order to lead or even be considered MORAL, one has to think like they do, look like they do, and screw like they do. that is not liberty at all.
    As a teacher, im SURE you know that if any parent feels uncomfortable about the content of sex ed classes, they can pull them out with no consequences. If you think they will hear about it from their friends, lets hope your parenting is good enough and the faith you taught your child is strong enough to “make the right decision”.

    So, it is bad for the government to tell businesses how to treat their employees and customers, if people fall on hard times, it is their fault and they will find their way back (with prayer) and every american should be left alone to be free and make or break themselves as they see fit….. but sex, a hard-wired in, basic human function, is sinful and should be discouraged. that about it?
    Basically, you want the companies to be able to screw us, but no one is allowed to screw.
    I want …. well, the opposite.

  24. anon says:

    We are really going to have to deal with these clowns for the next 6 weeks–Chris has a divinity degree-Christine can’t even spell divinity! Thankfully we know these are out of state trolls who have no say in the election….

  25. anon says:

    Your liberal media at work:

    AP says 1996 is “age-old:”

    Since her GOP nomination victory, opponents have unearthed unflattering age-old TV clips, including one in 1996 in which she equated masturbation with adultery.

    I guess Chris Coons’s 1985 essay is prehistoric.

  26. “I guess Chris Coons’s 1985 essay is prehistoric.”
    meaning what? you believe in evolution?

  27. JakeD says:

    Now that the actual videotape is available, it is clear that she was only talking about stopping TEENS from having sex. She actually replies “Yeah, yeah” and then continues explaining why “kids are not dogs in heat”. Nice try, though, libs: