Who’s Contacting Me? – It’s Ken Matlusky

Filed in Delaware by on September 13, 2010

I’ve gotten robocalls and mailers from his opponent, but last night I got an email from Ken Matlusky, “the only CPA running for Auditor.” I’ve met him a few times (unimpressed), but if you want my support, tell me why I should vote for you. Don’t try to kiss my ass by telling me you are a “proud member of the Delaware Stonewall Democrats” and that you “proudly proclaim [your] membership on [your] campaign website.” Note to Ken – not every registered Democrat who is gay or lesbian is a member of Stonewall, nor do we support Stonewall (I don’t).

He goes on to state that he supports same-sex marriage and “even wrote that on my candidate questionnaire to a Delaware Family Values organization.” That’s good, we can use all of the support.

Again, Ken, tell me why I should vote for you for auditor, instead of being a pander bear. It’s great that you are for equality, but, besides being a CPA, what differentiates you from your opponent.

On a scale of 1-10, this plea for support rates a 2.

About the Author ()

A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

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  1. Mitch Crane says:

    Don’t know why MJ does not support Stonewall. Nevertheless, I can confirm that Ken Matlusky is a member and that the DE Stonewall Democrats’ Board of Directors endorsed RICHARD KORN. Both indicated they support Stonewall’s legislative agenda, but we felt that Mr. Korn would be a more effective advocate, is better qualified for the office and is the better candidate against the incumbent.

    Mitch Crane, President
    Delaware Stonewall Democrats

  2. anon says:

    Hey, Mitch, aren’t you working today? Or did you punch out at the IC’s office to comment so you wouldn’t do political work on state time?

  3. kavips says:

    Don’t try to kiss my ass

    Funny choice of words…

  4. Oh, I think all of the state workers got the memo when Lee Ann Walling was dressed down for spending all day in here on the state’s dime.

    A few weeks ago I had heard from a few sources that Mitch is taking some time away from the IC office –partly due to his health among other reasons, but thanks for asking, anony.

  5. anon says:

    Then KWS needs to update her website so an acting division director can be named to replace the acting division director Mitch Crane.