
Filed in National by on September 3, 2010

The Tea Party Express has released a poll showing Christine O’Donnell within striking distance of Mike Castle in the U.S. Senate primary. From Talking Points Memo:

But according to the Tea Party Express, they’ve been made aware of “some shockingly good news” about the race. The group released yesterday a Tea Party Express commissioned a poll of GOP voters that shows 43.7% Castle-38% O’Donnell, suggesting the result means Castle “is on the verge of seeing his political career come to an end.”

I don’t see anything about the internals of the poll, so take it with a grain of salt. If this is accurate it could explain why Castle is reacting so vigorously – he’s under 50% and it shows a lot of undecideds.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. anon says:

    “Seeing his political career come to an end”?

    I think not. If he loses the primary, the GOP will move heaven & earth to get him on as a write-in. They have until Sept. 30 to do so.

  2. I think the DE GOP falls apart if O’Donnell wins. The party leaders have backed themselves into a corner with her. There will be no party unity rally.

  3. a. price says:

    yeah right. no one forgives a family grudge like a republican. especially this year. If Chrissy O’palin wins, the call will come in from Karl Rove and all of a sudden everything is a “regular primary squabble” and “things are always said in a primary” the question will become… Will Castle grow a pair and a) run as an independent (can he?) or b) do the right (left) thing and campaign for Chris Coons…i.e a tolerable human.

    (he wont grow a pair)

  4. Anvil says:

    “I think the DE GOP falls apart if O’Donnell wins.” This comment suggests that they are currently cohesive/effective?

  5. a. price says:

    I think what it will do is show the republicans that “all americans” (gop primary voters in closed primary states who have been angered into voting for teabags) want all bags all the time.

    every single republican lawmaker will start trying to be Right to St Sarah.

  6. Aoine says:

    The group released yesterday a Tea Party Express commissioned a poll of GOP voters that shows 43.7% Castle-38% O’Donnell, suggesting the result means Castle “is on the verge of seeing his political career come to an end.”

    they have no credibility – all that means is that they polled Tea Baggerz

    ROTFLMAO – I am so loving this!!!

    “the unmentionable chasing the uneatable” – Oscar Wilde

  7. No matter whether the poll is a good or not, this is terrible news for Mike Castle. It keeps the stories of “Mike Castle” in trouble in the news for the weekend. No matter what happens in the primary, the winner comes out looking pretty wounded.

  8. Another Mike says:

    How O’Donnell hasn’t disappeared yet is a mystery. The train wreck of an interview with Dan Gaffney yesterday should have been enough to send her back to her batcave already.

    That said, I think this is great because she is forcing Castle to react, something he has rarely had to do in a lifetime in politics.

  9. Yes, Aoine, it’s hard to know how to react to the poll without seeing the internals of it.

  10. M. McKain says:

    In the meantime, Coons is sitting aside twiddling his thumbs, making happy appearances and gaining small pockets of popularity (and hopefully raising some money). Better to keep your head down while the mud flies, but he needs to get some signs, etc. out. His visibility in Sussex, except for his visits, is zero.

  11. no one special says:

    Yes, M. McKain, because yard signs vote.

    Mike Castle sent lit to our house yesterday. To my no-longer-since-2007-registered-as-a-Republican…brother. He registered as a Dem in 2007 when he moved… he’s not registered as one now… and yet he wasted money sending lit to my brother who can’t vote for him in Sept.

    Not sure what to make of that.

  12. To me, more and more it looks like a ticket-splitting race. O’Donnell’s hardcore supporters will come out. I’d imagine Rollins standing is taking a beating along with Castle. I think Urquhart could be the choice of hard right conservatives who can’t bring themselves to vote for O’Donnell because of her money and truth problems.

  13. a. price says:

    since when have money and truth problems ever deterred Tbaggers? Their pope (glenn) is a liar, their matron saint sarah is a liar who spends party money. Sharon Angle is a moron, Rand Paul is a fraud…… they are all liars and, given their economic policies i bet they are all bad with money

  14. anon says:

    I will have nightmares from this.

    Tonight, Chuck Norris will check under his bed for Mike Castle.

    (note the prominent wedding ring, too).

  15. Mark H says:

    “That said, I think this is great because she is forcing Castle to react, something he has rarely had to do in a lifetime in politics.”

    Just in a train-wreck kind of way, I’m curious as to how much fun this would have been if the stuff started in earnest a month or two ago 🙂 If Castle had to go negative early and often, would it have messed with his likable image, which I believe jason mentioned as Mike’s real asset. Although I kinda like the way he holds his gun 🙂

  16. I don’t know that the extreme negativity and attention to O’Donnell would have happened without the Alaska Senate race upset.

  17. jason330 says:

    I’ll bet she could have the gay affaire with Barney Frank thing back. That’s what opened up the door for Castle to go negative while refusing to debate her.

  18. jason330 says:

    That picture should solve his F rating with the NRA problem. Expect to see a picture of him marching with an “abortion is murder” sign any day now.

  19. Hmmmm….the latest fundraising numbers seem to contradict the idea of a Urquhart surge. Michele Rollins pulled in $206,000 while Glen Urquhart pulled in just $19,400 over the same period.

  20. Tyrone Biggums says:

    Urquhart is a toolbag. Rollins is a former trophy wife, but she’s no dummy & she has lots of rich friends. DE’s entrenched elite don’t know Urquhart & it’s unlikely they’ll donate to a strangers campaign.

    DE, and NCC in particular, is all about WHO you know.

    Note that O’Donnell is a carpet bagger & has very few influential friends in DE.

  21. M. McKain says:

    “Comment by no one special on 3 September 2010 at 12:35 pm:

    Yes, M. McKain, because yard signs vote.”

    No, they don’t, and neither do people who have never heard of a candidate. If you think everyone who goes to the polls actually follows the races, the candidates, and their positions, you are quite naive. Chis has to overcome the name recognition gap if he wants to stand a chance. Democrats who vote for Castle do so out of habit. He hasn’t had a decent opponent in a long, long time. He does now, but people need to be aware of it.

  22. Jazmine says:

    O’Donnell is the most conservative candidate and therefore the best. Coons is another elitist lawyer, and Castle is not conservative enough. O’Donnell is the only one with a real sense of the common people and a respect for the constitution. What more can you ask for in a senator?

  23. a.price says:

    -The ability to answer tough questions and stand up to criticism.
    -Someone who doesn’t lie about graduating college (doesn’t have to have graduated….. just be honest)
    -Someone who doesn’t run their campaign like a secret kabal,
    – Someone who understands that more than just conservative Christians live in this country
    -Someone who can do better than a St Sarah throwaway stump speech
    – Someone who understands the basic tennants of our government
    – A non reactionary extremist
    shall i go on? Dont get me wrong…. i hope your girl bends Castle over a traffic barrel and… well whatever people like her do…. read the bible to him? i dunno.

    that way this unelectable Palinite joke will get sent back to hickville where she belongs.