The Real Feminists

Filed in National by on August 18, 2010

I swear I think the Republican Party has become a party of all id. All I hear from them anymore is what they’re afraid of (Muslims, immigrants), who they don’t like (liberals) and now what they want to hump. This video came from the Minnesota Republican party (watch the whole thing if you can, it’s about 5 min. long).

Funny thing, to me it doesn’t show what they want it to show. Some of the supposed “hot” GOP women are pretty scarily botoxed and plastic surgeried. Democrats are represented mostly by unflattering pictures of women over 60. I guess the new feminist sensibilities of the GOP lasted about 5 minutes, until they got bored.

For a palate cleanser, go read Amanda Marcotte’s “A short history of ‘feminist’ anti-feminists.”

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (15)

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  1. Ken Grant says:

    I have to admit that you have a valid point – there are some very loud voices from the party with which I am registered that make me cringe. I am not a fan of the fear-based campaigning and I find the kind of attitude permeating the maker and viewers of videos like this to be stomach-turning. Some of us are trying to engage with ideas and build a better community, others are only interested in litmus tests, tirades, and arguments.

    I wish this post were not necessary, but the evidence points otherwise.

  2. anon says:

    I have to say, Republican women are at their best with the audio off. It is not a coincidence that this piece doesn’t show video of them talking.

  3. xstryker says:

    Fact: Women who agree with you are more attractive than women who disagree with you, unless you’re into that, in which case never mind. The point: The people who made that video are morons.

  4. One of the commenters at Kevin Drum’s pointed out that most of the GOP women were represented with glamor shots while the pictures of Democratic lawmakers appeared to be when they were talking.

  5. MJ says:

    UI – you forgot to mention the airbrushing in the GOP glamour shots. Was this video put together by the same folks that gave us “The Magic Negro” song? And how can anyone say that he-she Ann Coulter is hot (you do notice the Adam’s apple on her-him, don’t you?)?

    If this is what is considered hot, I’ll stick with my gay Democratic men.

  6. That’s great Ken, I’m glad you’re doing this. I guess my question is how are you going to change things? Some of this is coming from the very top of the Republican party.

  7. Geezer says:

    Just. Wow. As usual, this says a lot more about those who compiled it than those it purports to comment on.

  8. Ken Grant says:

    Unstable Isotope, you’re correct – changing mindsets is not easy. I have no delusions about trying to change anything on a national scale, I’m simply trying to influence those in my immediate circle and hope that the ideas catch on. I think you’ll agree that we’ve all had a fairly positive influence in the local social media area (not complete success, but I’m pleased with the overall direction we’re taking). I’m finding that by posting and forwarding messages that are useful, engaging, and informative, people don’t have as much time or inclination to forward messages that are fear-based or degrading.

    I guess it comes down to the simplistic – doing the best I can where i am with what I’ve got – if we all do that, who knows, we might just end up changing the world for the better.

  9. a. price says:

    Onga Onga we have hotter women!!! Onga Onga!!!
    at the risk of offending Brooke, or whoever gets mad at me when i make a snarky, sarcastic remark to the GOP’s shallowness… id like to see a compilation of the diabetic Hoveround-riding Wall Mart shoppers that make up their voting base.

    also, Nathalie Portman is a liberal…… and a Jew. THAT is hot.

  10. MJ says:

    I do believe that Jan Brewer looks a lot like Terence Stamp in his role as Bernadette from The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.

  11. Geezer says:

    One is reminded of Frank Zappa’s early song, “What’s the Ugliest Part of Your Body?”

    The answer was, “I think it’s your mind.”

  12. Joanne Christian says:

    Reprehensible. Not only the the subject of the topic matter–but the choice of music too. I cringe for them all.

  13. pandora says:

    Hmmm… if Republican women are so hot why are Republican men always hiking the Appalachian Trail and hooking up with men?

    There, I just gave that video the comment it deserved.

  14. Observer says:

    Always, pandora? Or merely one particular goofball? Aren’t you engaging in a little bit of stereotyping there?

  15. pandora says:

    Just keeping with the spirit of the video.