Phyllis Schlafly Is Pro-Life… Sorta

Filed in National by on July 27, 2010

I think she’s pro-life as long as the mother vows to raise the child to vote conservative.

“One of the things Obama’s been doing is deliberately trying to increase the percentage of our population that is dependent on government…For example, do you know what was the second biggest demographic group that voted for Obama? Obviously the blacks were the biggest demographic, yall know what was the second biggest?  Unmarried women.  70% of unmarried women voted for Obama.  And this is because when you kick your husband out, you’ve got to have Big Brother Government to be your provider.  And they know that. They’ve admitted it.  And they have all kinds of bills to continue to subsidize illegitimacy, which is now nationwide, running at 41%.  1.7 million babies were born in our country illegitimately last year. The Obama administration wants to continue to subsidize this group because they know they are Democratic votes.  Republicans never could have given the amount of money they are going to get. And as Ronald Reagan said, if you subsidize something you are going to get more of it, and if you tax it you’re going to get less of it.  [Applause]

Can’t wait until they revive the term bastard.

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About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Umarried women are evil!!! They walk around like they’re not ashamed and stuff. Burn them!

  2. anon says:

    I think I speak for all of us when I say – Phyllis Schlafly is still alive?

  3. liberalgeek says:

    She died years ago, but the market demand has brought her back from the grave.

  4. anon says:

    Completely off the subject, but your comment reminds me of an old joke: A physicist, a statistician, and an economist are in a car that swerves off a cliff.

    The physicist, panicking, says “We are accelerating toward the ground at 32 feet per second per second!”

    The statistician screams “Our chances of survival are 0.0001%!”

    The economist calmly leans back in his seat, and says “Don’t worry. As we approach the ground, pent-up demand will produce a parachute.”

  5. Republican David says:

    I must have missed the part where she wanted to kill their children. Wanting stronger families is a good thing. Wanting a society where people are able to produce and provide for themselves is positive. Only you all take that as a negative.

    Most of us respect the challenges single parents go through. That does not mean that we do not understand the reality that a two parent family composed of reasonable people (not abusers) is better. As the Jewish Proverb said, two is better than one and a threefold cord is not easily broken.

  6. liberalgeek says:

    Anon – that joke (or a variant of it) inspired my comment, so that’s a good call.

    David- what do you have against unmarried women? Some may have children, some may not. Schlafly makes the leap from unmarried women to single mothers without the slightest hesitation.

  7. brendan603 says:

    We’re also ignoring the fact that she leaped to the conclusion that all unmarried women are welfare queens. Someone needs to let her know that women can vote now, and they don’t like to be told they are a bane on society. Call them crazy.

  8. Craig says:

    I hardly think that she thinks all unmarried women are “welfare queens” and you know that is not true. You may disagree but should try to be fair; at least try.

    But the FACT is both women and men are avoiding marriage and this selfish attitude towards the unified issue of marriage/sex/family is bad for children and families. Married mothers and fathers are the most stable and prosperous demographic in every country in the world.

    Marriage and growing families leads to prosperity.

  9. Joe Cass says:

    Str8 shootin” Craig. Now what do we say about divorce? Dang it! Iffen that ol’ dang King of Ingland over there wasn’t so horny as a rabbit in a rodeo then we’d have us an argument!

  10. a.price says:

    yeah, people like Bristol Palin are really bringing this country down.