Survey Says…The Top Five Presidents Were All Democrats

Filed in National by on July 3, 2010

1. Franklin D. Roosevelt (D)

2. Theodore Roosevelt (D – By modern standards clearly a Democrat based on his strong environmental stewardship, trust busting, distaste for canned hunts.)

3. Abraham Lincoln (D – Nobody (and I mean even the wingnuts who comment here) could deny that Lincoln would be teabagged out of town on a rail by racist M-Fers and secessionist nutbags that currently run the GOP)

4. George Washington (D – Favored a strong central government and, with Hamilton, built Federalists into a fighting force during first term of office. Wanted to avoid foreign entanglements and not bomb the f*ck out of random countries out of vanity.)

5. Thomas Jefferson (D – What’s for funny about peace, love, rational though over religious zealotry and editing your own bible to eliminate all the miracles and anti-rational nonsense?)

You can’t argue with the facts.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (9)

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  1. Obviously Thomas Jefferson is a Democrat. That’s why Texas wants to write him out of their textbooks.

  2. This is totally off-topic but Germany just creamed Argentina in the world cup today, 4-0.

  3. jason330 says:

    Germans hiding out in Argentina since the war must be torn.

  4. jason330 says:

    The thumbnail gremlins that inhabit this site continue to outdo themselves.

  5. Observer says:

    The survey only says that if you explicitly change the historical record from Republican on two of them and make a third part of a party that did not really even exist during his lifetime and the embryo of which he disassociated himself from as it began to coalesce.

    But other than those three mammoth acts of intellectual and historical dishonesty that discredit your entire thesis, you are absolutely correct as always, Jason.

  6. John Galt says:

    “Obviously Thomas Jefferson is a Democrat. That’s why Texas wants to write him out of their textbooks.”

    Thomas Jefferson was considered a Liberal in his day. A Liberal in the 18th Century is now referred to as a Classical Liberal, since the Socialist high jacked the phrase in the 1920’s. Or more to the point, Jefferson was a libertarian, as were most of the founding fathers.

  7. Geezer says:

    It’s just a guess, but I’m thinking they wanted him out because of the church-state thingie. No Jefferson, no troubling references to separating the two.

  8. Observer says:

    Actually, Thomas Jefferson is included as a mandatory figure in the Texas Social Studies standards on multiple grade levels, and as a suggested figure on others. The whole kerfluffle a couple months back was over whether or not he should be included in the 10th Grade World History standards as well as the standards for Grade 5, Grade 8 (US History to 1877) and 12th Grade US Government. In the end, he was included at Grade 10 as a figure suggested for inclusion, though not a mandatory one (as a practical matter, all 10th Grade texts and classes will include him because of this). The big issue was less one of church-state separation as it was of whether Jefferson should be considered an Enlightenment thinker or whether his work was actually a synthesis and restatement of the ideas of other figures who were included in the Enlightenment standard. At no point, though, was there ever any effort to eliminate Jefferson from Social Studies completely, despite the false claims of certain advocacy groups.

  9. John Young says:

    You can certainly say that the Republicans of Lincoln are not like the ones today, but the record is clear: Lincoln ran on the Republican ticket and, historically, must go in the R column. Same for Teddy R.

    Now if your post was titled the “The top 5 President’s were all liberals”….you have a better, more accurate point.