God Works In Mysterious Ways

Filed in National by on June 30, 2010

GOP Senate candidate Sharron Angle explains God’s plan. Rapists are just carrying out God’s orders.

But while those stances are shockingly anti-woman, Angle’s hard line on abortion in cases of rape and incest is even more terrifying. When asked by conservative radio talk host Bill Manders whether she would support banning abortion even in cases of rape or incest Angle said there was no acceptable reason for an abortion because “God has a plan.”

Manders: Is there any reason at all for an abortion?

Angle: Not in my book.

Manders: So, in other words, rape and incest would not be something?

Angle: You know, I’m a Christian and I believe that God has a plan and a purpose for each one of our lives and that he can intercede in all kinds of situations and we need to have a little faith in many things.

Boy, she sure makes Christianity seem appealing, doesn’t she?

Sharron Angle thinks she deserves to be a U.S. Senator. I think Angle is proving that her strategy of not talking to the press is probably for the best. I despair for our country if we get Senators like her elected.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Angle is like Jesus. She has raised Harry Reid’s political life from the grave.

  2. Anvil says:

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) says she believes she must pursue public policies “in keeping with the values” of Jesus Christ, “The Word made Flesh.”

  3. Geezer says:

    Exactly, Anvil. Like Gandhi, she is making the distinction between Christ and Christians.

  4. Geezer says:

    “All that believed were together, and had all things in common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.”
    (Acts 2:44-45)

  5. He says so because he has never been raped himself and probably he doesn’t have any daughters. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have said what he’s saying.

  6. mynym says:

    All that believed in politicians who talked about hope and change voted for them to take away the money of the rich for them; And so the politicians gave away other people’s possessions and goods, which they redistributed to all their political cronies in order to get elected again. (Acts of Stupid and Ignorant Liberals 2:44-45)

  7. jason330 says:

    Idiot, Your argument is with the Bible.

  8. Geezer says:

    I’m sure it burns to know Jesus’ first followers were Communists, mynym. Try some penicillin. Oh, that’s right — we’re confiscating all your wealth! Bwahahahahaha!

  9. nemski says:

    Jesus was a Jew!

  10. mynym says:

    Idiot, Your argument is with the Bible.

    Lol, the Herd here understands the Bible like a group of swine understands pearls. Liberal thinking rejects the pattern of thought typical to the Bible with its focus on the individual, liberty and sin.

    So it would have to be changed:
    “All voted for other people to be charitable for them because they were misers who rejected the way of the Spirit. They had Caesar take the wealth of the rich by force for them and part it to all men, yet no man had what he needed.”

    I don’t know why progressives so often play pretend about caring about Christian history and what Jesus meant anyway. More from a liberal bible: “Render unto Caesar what is his. He will establish a wealth redistribution system because you’re too selfish to care about each other, so let Caesar be your god.”

  11. mynym says:

    I’m sure it burns to know Jesus’ first followers were Communists…

    Lol… so what else did Jesus supposedly have in common with Marx and Lenin? Or is that it?

  12. Iowa Democrat says:

    Mynym I will try my best to be respectful, but will probably fail.

    1.Regarding your childish statement denigrating Obama voters please explain what this administration has taken away from you, please try and be specific. Have your federal taxes gone up? Are you a rich Wall Street banker who didn’t get your bonus? If you consider social security disability, unemployment benefits, et cetera to be redistribution, none of these safety net programs were initiated under Obama.

    2. You make a baseless generalization concerning liberals and liberal thinking. You claim “liberal thinking rejects the pattern of thought typical to the Bible with its focus on the individual, liberty and sin.” Frankly I have no clue what you are talking about, I agree sin’s a big biblical theme, and granted the word liberty is mentioned in the King James bible (24 times), and 12 in the English Standard version, but not in the way we use the word today. With respect to the “focus on the individual” if you were referring to individual responsibility for ones own sins, I’d agree the Bible certainly promotes acceptance of ones failings. But if you’re claiming the Bible promotes the individual over society as a whole you have either never read the bible, or have a serious intellectual deficit regarding your biblical comprehension. Go read about the final judgment in Matthew 25:31-46, and you will see that Jesus clearly said man will be judged not on how he provides for himself (individual), or his family, but what he does for the least of these. If the bible is the true word of God those who don’t care for those in need to the best of their ability will regret it come judgment day.

    3. Who do you think you are to question anyone’s faith? I will not question your faith, although your knowledge of Christ’s teaching is clearly lacking, and you should not judge others faith. Not only are you totally ignorant of Christ’s teachings, but also instead of quoting a single biblical passage to support a single statement you make you make up stupid quotes and provide a fake “liberal bible” citation. Guess what the “liberal bible” is the New Testament, read it!

    4. You actually laugh about the reference to Jesus’ followers being “communist”. I suspect you don’t even know the definition of the word (and no it wasn’t invented in Russia) Communism is a social structure in which classes are abolished and property is commonly controlled, and yes Jesus’ first followers were lived a communist (following a communism social structure). Read Acts 2 38-47 and you will learn that Peter (as in St. Peter) told the early Christians to save themselves from the “crooked generation”. After they were baptized there community grew (to 3,000) and they “continued steadfastly in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread … all that believed were together, and had all things common; and they sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all, according as any man had need.” This is the very definition of communism, deal with it!

  13. jason330 says:

    Sorry IowaD, but taking time to respond to absurdly bloated, stridently idiotic mynym comments is for suckers.

  14. Iowa Democrat says:

    I understand Jason, but it pisses me off when right wingers or conservative Christians (using the term Christian loosely) think their concept of Christianity reigns supreme, or that liberals are god-less heathens. As a weekly mass attending Catholic I don’t think being liberal is inconsistent with religious faith.

    No do I think only Christians are godly people. Most of the people I’ve known who have dedicated their life in service to others, as opposed to only putting others ahead of their own wants on a sporadic basis, have been agnostic or atheist. They haven’t needed the desire for ever-lasting life, or fear of eternal damnation as a carrot to live a “Christ-like” life.

  15. Geezer says:

    I only quote it to piss him off. Because, y’know, that’s what being a Christian is all about — anger and bullying and being able to tell other people how they should live. Isn’t it ironic that they take as their models the Pharisees?

    Quite obviously, he knows nothing about Christianity.