Moderate: Unclear On The Concept

Filed in Delaware by on May 28, 2010

Yesterday, the Senated Armed Services Committee and the House of Representatives voted for an amendment that would repeal the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy of the U.S. armed forces. DADT repeal would allow GLB soldiers to serve openly without fear of reprisal. The repeal of DADT is favored by the overwhelming majority of Americans – 78% according to the latest CNN poll.

Delaware’s “moderate” Republican, Mike Castle, voted no, along with the far right. Apparently Mike Castle didn’t even think this an important enough issue to make a comment about it on his campaign page or his House page.

I must be really unclear about what “moderate” means because Castle votes in lockstep with his party on the important issues like DADT, economic stimulus, jobs and health care. Sometimes Castle will criticize Republican leadership but vote with them anyway. Is this how you get to be called a moderate? Just because Castle is on the left of the far right party, this doesn’t make him a moderate.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Memorial Day Hypocrisy from Mike Castle : Delaware Liberal | May 29, 2010
  1. anon says:

    Sounds like a calculated election-year vote. Castle can’t afford to lose any Repub voters, and he can’t afford to offer the teabaggers any more ammo.

  2. Paul K says:

    I think Mike is a far right winger in spite of his so called moderate stance. Anyone who votes with their party, just because they are republicans or democrats evidently can’t think for themselves and don’t deserve to be re-elected. We don’t need yes men in congress, we need people that are going to serve the majority of americans, afterall aren’t we suppose to be a democratic society?

  3. anon says:

    Castle is an economic royalist, but he is not a social conservative, so this vote is surprising. That’s why I say it is calculated.

  4. I assume Castle calculated that no one would remember this in November?

  5. anon says:

    I assume Castle calculated that no one would remember this in November?

    I think he is counting on it. I expect that anyone who is ardently pro DADT repeal was already going to vote for the Democrat. And any social conservative Repubs who might have sat out the election now have at least one reason to vote for Castle.

  6. nemski says:

    I always find it weirdly funny when a Republican like Castle votes against gay men and women.

  7. Current media definition of a Republican moderate: A Republican who doesn’t hesitate to say they would have voted for the Civil Rights Act.

  8. PBaumbach says:

    When the DADT repeal is enacted, and there is a ceremony celebrating this, expect to see Castle front and (right of) center for the photo-op.

  9. Rebecca says:

    LOL Paul!

  10. itsallacomedy says:

    Why is it that republicans who are closeted gays always vote against gay rights! Can you answer that Congressman?

  11. SRC says:

    I’d like an answer to “Comedy’s” question too. He wasn’t always so closed mouthed (pun intended) while cruising around Helen’s ‘The Greeks’ bar down on King street.

    It’s ok w/me if one is gay….just don’t spend a lifetime trying to hide it or ignore it….expecially in Delaware where everyone knows the underwear sizes of everyon else.

    Mike, you’ve already had a stroke so you know the end in getting close why not do something meaningful and get out that closet????? If you do there is a possibility you’ll gain some much needed respect……

  12. missundaztood says:

    Castle is gay like I’m Pamela Anderson.

  13. fightingbluehen says:

    So you’re saying Castle is a conservative ?
    I wish you could convey that to the far right wing faction of my party.

  14. I just want the Democrats to know it. Castle pulls a lot of support from Democrats and if we can get people to realize he’s the same as the rest of ’em he’ll lose the election. I think it’s in Democrats best interest if the right isn’t fired up about him.

  15. itsallacomedy says:

    SRC….some are in the know, others not so much. Remember Stella’s. Mikey was a frequent visitor there as well.

  16. missundaztood says:

    comedy, yes, some of us are in the know, and obviously you’re not one of us.

  17. Geezer says:

    So you’re going by “SRC” now? The names change, the smears remain the same…