Is Laura Bush Kidding?

Filed in National by on April 28, 2010

From her new book:

Bush also suggests that she, her husband, and several members of their staff may have been poisoned during a G8 summit in Germany where they all fell mysteriously ill. The Secret Service investigated and doctors found only that they had a virus. “We never learned if any other delegations became ill, or if ours, mysteriously, was the only one,” she wrote.

“Mysteriously” ill. The Secret Service investigated and doctors found only that they had a virus.

Another Republican denialist.  It’s all the rage.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    They were poisoned, but not by any assassin. They got what is commonly called Food Poisoning. They ate some bad food. It happens to all of us once in life.

    Was this the G-8 Summit in Germany? Where Bush did that really creepy shoulder massage of German Chancellor Angela Merkel? Perhaps this was her revenge!

  2. If it was a virus I doubt it was food poisoning. Did Laura have so little to talk about that she had to invent drama?

    Anyway, you know what this means – it means next time we get a Republican president we’re going to have to invade Germany for the weapons of mass poisoning.

  3. Whch again raises a question — did the otehr delegations get their food from the same sources? If so, how did it happen that only the Americans got bad food?

  4. Jason330 says:

    The wall to wall Republican victimology is getting out of hand.

  5. pandora says:

    The doctors said it was a virus, not food poisoning. But thanks for putting on your most fancy tin foil hat, Moose.

  6. anon says:

    If so, how did it happen that only the Americans got bad food?


    The Bush family is apparently virus-prone. Remember when GHWB threw up on the Prime Minister of Japan?

  7. Perhaps all the Americans got the virus before they went to Germany or perhaps they got it at the residence they stayed in.

  8. a.price says:

    according to The Audacity of Hope, Bush was a hand sanitizer freak. An SS officer (they are secret service agents if i am talking about Obama, SS with Bush) carried around a bottle of Purell to give W a pump after every handshake. That stuff KILLS your immune system because you never get any practice fighting off germs.

  9. anonone says:

    Everyone knows that it was Cheney who slipped him a mickey after the pretzels didn’t work.