I Don’t Get This Guy

Filed in National by on April 23, 2010

A doctor who is a Lt. Colonel in the Army is also a birther. He’s so steeped in the birther delusion that he’s willing to ruin his career and go to jail over it.

Formal court martial charges have been brought against Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, the Army doctor who believes President Obama may not be a natural born citizen, for failing to follow orders, the military said today.

Lakin was charged Thursday “with one specification of a violation of Article 87, Missing Movement and four specifications of a violation of Article 92 (three specifications of Failure to Obey a Lawful Order, and one Specification of Dereliction of Duty),” said Chuck Dasey, spokesman at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, where Lakin is assigned.

In a press release issued today by the American Patriot Foundation, which is raising money for Lakin’s defense, he waxed heroic:

“I invited my court martial, and today I stand ready to answer these charges. I was prepared to deploy if only the President would authorize the release of the proof of his eligibility. He refused, and now the court will determine the issue, and my fate. The constitution matters. The truth matters,” he said.

I just don’t get this guy. What does he think is going to happen? Does he think he’s going to somehow compel Obama himself to produce a mythical “long form” birth certificate and then get Obama removed from office in some way because he assumes he’s correct? Does he think he’ll be some kind of hero?

I really need some military experts to weigh in on this because my understanding is that these charges are very serious and could result in a long jail term for the Lt. Col. as well as loss of pension and benefits. From what I’ve been reading, the Lt. Col.’s case is quite unprecedented because he’s refusing to obey orders from the Pentagon, these aren’t orders from President Obama. That sounds like it could open a whole can of worms for military procedure if this guy is allowed to be excused for that reason.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. anon says:

    He should get a psych discharge.

  2. Scott P says:

    Funny. “Discharge” was also a word that came to my mind when thinking about this guy.

  3. Yeah, I kind of feel sorry for him. He just seems delusional.

  4. MJ says:

    When he showed up at the Pentagon last week, his superiors ordered him to report for deployment. He refused and was immediately taken into custody. His laptop was seized, his ID confiscated and his security clearance was suspended. He is looking at a very long term in Leavenworth, a dishonorable discharge, loss of all pay and benefits, and the possible loss of his medical license. He will also be ineligible for employment with the Federal government. And if he thinks he can use a “birther” defense in defending himself, he’s got another thing coming. Military judges don’t allow some of the shenanigans that go on in civilian courtrooms.

    He dishonors the uniform that my grandfather, my father, and I wore in service to this country.

  5. Why do you think he is doing this MJ? He’s risking quite a lot to make this statement with absolutely no chance of success.

  6. pandora says:

    Because he’s a fool being used by grifters.

  7. fightingbluehen says:

    You gotta love the guy.

  8. Scott P says:

    Please do elaborate, fbh. In what way do we “gotta love the guy”? Because he delusionally clings to an oft-debunked falsehood? Or because he’s trying to use this flimsy excuse to get out of his military obligation?

    Unless of course you meant it in the way of, like, “You gotta love the fat drunk guy dancing shirtless at the ballgame.”

  9. M. McKain says:

    I personally find it sad that some people are so diluted by lies and deception. Scary.

  10. MJ says:

    I think Pandora has it right. He thinks of himself as some sort of superhero and has been listening to too much BeckianPalin BS. And once he’s in Leavenworth and has no income (as a LTC he makes about $100K/yr plus another $20K in tax-free housing and allowances), who’s going to take care of this family? G. Gordon Liddy? St. Sarah? Doubtful.

  11. Scott P says:

    I personally find it sad that some people are so diluted by lies and deception. Scary.

    Assuming you meant “deluded”, I agree. Especially so since this guy is a Lt. Col. and a doctor. This is someone you would think should know better. But then again, the “This is someone you would think should know better” line is one I’ve used about Congressmen, too, and it was no truer then.

    Of course, if you really did mean “diluted”, then we might be getting into “precious bodily fluids” territory. 🙂

  12. I’m convinced, now more than ever, that teabagger conservatives are this generation’s hippies in a way. The way I mean is that conservatives will get defined by their violent fringe and the conservative leadership has not done enough to distance themselves from them. Conservatives are trying to run their own counterculture with their own set of facts, and they’ve set up whole institutions to protect their followers from inconvenient truths.

    Just look how FBH feels free to out him/herself as birther curious.

  13. I know MJ. I wonder what his family thinks of this. Do they know he’s risking jail and a complete loss of income?

  14. a.price says:

    this guy is lucky he got caught before his Beckian insanity got himself a charge for “Treason” as well.
    Sadly i’ve started to hear the REAL motivation behind the brithers. (not that we didn’t already know) Teabags on news shows are now starting to say “I DONT CARE if he was or wasn’t born here. he is NOT one of me, he is NOT an american”

    People angrily advocating for a hegemonic society.. the possibility that a cop in arizona can, based on whether or not you look right, stop you and …. demand to see your papers…. Congress people demanding inquiries as to “un american” fellow members of congress. THATS a healthy response to fake socialism right?

  15. joseph blogh says:

    It really IS pathetic how you all are in such an incestious agreement to agree with yourselves..

    I haven’t heard any facts from you, just pure emotion. Pretty soon your PARTY will run out of OTHER peoples money.

  16. Von Cracker says:

    facts regarding what? debating reality with birthers? the forgery that is BO’s birth certificate?

    yours IS a masturbatory comment.

    that last sentence is just pure projection, since it’s easily applied, if not more so based in reality, to the current version of the GOP.

  17. MJ says:

    a.price – did you mean birthers or brither, such as a mohel?

  18. Brooke says:

    In an election whose electors were certified by their governors, the whole submitted to 2 houses of Congress and then formally checked by the National Archives, the Federal Register AND everyone’s legal team, he thinks that an Army doctor figured something out that they missed?

    I wouldn’t let such a moron take a splinter out.

  19. M. McKain says:

    “I personally find it sad that some people are so diluted by lies and deception. Scary.

    Assuming you meant “deluded”, I agree”

    Yes, that is what I meant – my apologies. Two year old plus Nyquil = SHOULD NOT BLOG. lol.