Tuesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on January 26, 2010

It’s Tuesday and one day before President Obama’s first State of the Union address. What would you like to hear him say? I hereby declare this thread open.

An honest man is hard to find.

Yesterday, The Los Angeles Daily News featured a video of Santa Clarita councilman Bob Kellar informing a group of cheering protesters rallying against immigration that he is a “proud racist” who considers being called a radical a “compliment”:

We have got to wake up America. I know you guys are engaged and you understand. But I’m telling you this is serious. And if I sound like a radical, thank you. I consider that a compliment…The only thing I heard back from a couple people was “Bob you sound like a racist.” I said, “That’s good. If that’s what you think I am because I happen to believe in America. I’m a proud racist. You’re darn right I am.”

The GOP may have more trouble than they think harnessing the votes of the teabaggers:

A Tea Party convention billed as the coming together of the grass-roots groups that began sprouting up around the country a year ago is unraveling as sponsors and participants pull out to protest its expense and express concerns about “profiteering.”

The convention’s difficulties highlight the fractiousness of the Tea Party groups, and the considerable suspicions among their members of anything that suggests the establishment.

Some of them are really anti-establishment, and don’t want to be seen as a part of the GOP.

Mr. Glass said he was also concerned about the role in the convention of groups like Tea Party Express, which has held rallies across the country through two bus tours, and FreedomWorks, a Tea Party umbrella. He called them “Republican National Committee-related groups,” and added, “At best, it creates the appearance of an R.N.C. hijacking; at worst, it is one.”

So far 2010 is turning out to be the weirdest year in politics that I’ve experienced.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. anon says:

    “I will veto this HCR bill unless it has a strong public component. ”

    “I will veto any budget that reinstates the Bush tax cuts on upper incomes.”

    “I expect Congress to honor my spending freeze. Even as we enact new stimulus programs to create prosperity, we cannot use that as an excuse for an uncontrolled growth of government.”

    “I am sending a stimulus jobs package to Congress that directly creates one million new temporary jobs, similar to the WPA, and also extends unemployment insurance and COBRA subsidies.”

  2. anonone says:

    “Obama to meet with House Republicans”

    Maybe he is going to announce that he is switching parties.


  3. anon says:

    Republicans now have a similar but much smaller problem: Who to run against Beau for AG?

    And: Probably old news, but Celia is floating Monsieur Bagues du Thé (“Earl Grey for me, thank you”) for Congress:

    “It is a sure bet the Republicans will come calling in earnest on Charlie Copeland, the former state senator who ran for lieutenant governor, to urge him to go for the congressional seat against John Carney”

  4. anon says:

    The Senate does Obama and Democrats a favor:

    The Senate has rejected a plan backed by President Barack Obama to create a bipartisan task force to tackle the deficit this year.

    Who wants that weak shit anyway? The only deficit task force Obama needs is his veto pen.

  5. anon says:

    LOL on deficit committee (from AP):

    Obama endorsed the idea after being pressed by moderate Democrats.

  6. Obama is positioning himself as being more serious about deficits than Congress.

  7. anon says:

    A committee is not a sign of seriousness. Obama followed conservadems into the swamp once more.

  8. SRC says:

    Did ja hear about the noise coming out of S. Carolina’s,(R) candidate for governor:

    (sic) ‘We shouldn’t feed the poor. My grandmother told me not to feed animals ’cause it makes ’em reproduce.’

    Or words to that effect….my apolitical sister who lives in S.C. told me this one. Can someone check it out as true or false, please.

    My sister thinks it’s odd that the national networks haven’t picked up on it.

  9. SRC, yes, it’s true. It’s all over the left blogosphere anyway. I wrote about it on Sunday, at this link.

  10. V says:

    the SC thing was on Rachel Maddow last night.

  11. MJ says:

    Michael Steele and the NRC are up to their old tricks – http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100125/ap_on_el_ge/us_gop_census.

  12. anon says:

    What would you like to hear him say?

    “Campaign contributions from corporations are not free speech. Within the next 60 days, I want to have legislation on my desk that restores limits on corporate contributions, up to and including a Constitutional amendment if necessary.”

    (reaction shot of John McCain, who then leads Republicans in a standing ovation).

    OK, that last part was a fantasy.

  13. Word is that Obama’s going to talk about ending DADT in the SOTU address. They are going to put it into the military budget.

  14. anon says:

    If you think Delaware’s problems with candidate recruitment are bad – Florida Dems are actually running a guy named “Meek.”

  15. MJ says:

    I got an email from Carper’s office today and it went into my spam folder. Hmmm…………….

  16. anon says:

    Mine do that all the time. It’s because those idiots load up those e-mails with graphics and logos and all this other unecessary crap, and our e-mail programs think they’re a Cialis pitch.

  17. MJ says:

    Oh, I thought it did it because it was from Carper.

  18. anon says:

    I wish Frank Knotts would master the use of spaces , and apostrophe’s.

  19. anon says:

    Heard on dkos:

    “Who will deliver the Democratic response to the State of the Union address?”

  20. a.price says:

    Saw Carper at the Y tonight. asked him if the Dems planned on growing a pair when it comes ot health care (NOT those words) he gave a limp fish answer than i said (im telling the truth) I guess we’ll see if that works for ya next election cycle. not sure where i got the balls to do that, but it felt good.

  21. anon says:

    Don’t look now but Oregon voted today on two ballot measures to raise taxes on the rich and corporations. Voting just closed and they are counting votes. Polls had it too close to call yesterday.

    A win here could take the narrative away from Scott Brown.

  22. anon says:

    Here’s the Oregon election results. Spam filter got me first time so must post as dead link:


  23. anon says:

    Massive win for raising taxes on the rich in OR.

    Suck on it, teabaggers!

  24. kaveman says:

    “What would you like to hear him say?”

    Gun control is a dead issue.

    He’s been smart enough so far to receive an “F” grade from the Brady Bunch so let’s see him keep it up.