Chart of the Day

Filed in National by on December 29, 2009

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Too bad the purists want to kill the bill.

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  1. anonone says:

    Too bad Obomba and the Senate Dems couldn’t create a real HCR bill, not just an extortion plan for private insurance companies.

    Oh, and remember his promise not to raise taxes on the middle class? Well, maybe not:

    “There is a middle-class tax time bomb ticking in the Senate’s version of President Obama’s effort to reform health care.”

    A Less Than Honest Policy:

  2. Left MIddle School Years Ago says:

    Too bad post after post on this subject by DD uses name-calling. Usually means the point can’t be made with facts.

    It’s tiresome.

    But I’ll be delighted when I see and hear DD working exactly this hard to “fix” the bill.

    Or will that be too pure to do?

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    Ha! Left Middle School Years Ago, I have been called a sell out, a whore, and an government apologist. Anonone, as you see above, calls the President “Obomba”

    So shove your lecture about name calling and grow up. You purists need to explain how we pass a healthcare bill that garners 60 votes in the Senate without saying “Obama should use his super powers to convince Joe Lieberman to vote for a public option.”

  4. anon says:

    “Obama should use his super powers to convince Joe Lieberman to vote for a public option.”

    Your mockery is probably what provokes the name-calling.

    There is a valid point of view that Obama did not use tools at his disposal to win on a public option. This is also probably the CORRECT point of view, considering that Obama himself does not favor the public option.

    Obama does not have super powers but he does have Presidential powers that were not used. Or rather, they were used to win an individual mandate but not a public option.

  5. Progressive Mom says:

    “So shove your lecture about name calling and grow up”

    I have grown up.

    You haven’t.

    Wrap yourself in righteous, continue your “pragmatic” strategy of bashing those who worked hard to give you the president you so deeply revere and the Democratic houses you so desperately honor, and carry on.

    I, being pure of heart and intent, will carry on in my own way.


  6. pandora says:

    There’s been a lot of collateral damage in this fight, and while some contributors and commenters seem to thrive on it, others, like PM, are getting caught in the crossfire.

    I know I haven’t been happy with the way I’ve been portrayed or labeled, and have walked away from a lot of threads due to exhaustion. Perhaps we should all take a breath. There are more battles ahead, and we really do need each other.

  7. cassandra m says:

    I think it is hard to conjure up sympathy for “crossfire” when DD’s position on Obama is characterized as “reverence”.

  8. Von Cracker says:

    hey middle school – so there’s a correlation between name-calling and making a valid point? please explain!

    so if I say “the Earth revolves around the sun, Nimrod!”, that means it’s not true?

    Good to know.

  9. Progressive Mom says:

    Pandora — The debate on healthcare here has been spirited for a long time, and there’s even been some rancor — but it’s been non-stop D vs. D since DD returned to the role of essayist.

    It’s tiring, and silly: we have different opinions. I don’t see where that makes me a purist, a nimrod, a socialist (another thread), etc. I don’t see where that makes him/her a horse’s ass, except that he/she insists in response after response to be exactly that. It’s tiring and boring. I’d prefer to call out the FlufferNutters but, have you noticed, they’ve left; probably they assume their job here is complete, since DD has made a short-term career of attacking hard-working Democrats who have an opinion that differs from DD’s.

    More importantly, there used to be substance to the discussions here: often, not resolution, but substance.

    Does anyone remember the Donviti discussion over use of the pejorative “retarded”? Does anyone remember that, after many posts, Donviti sincerely said something like — wow, I learned something I didn’t know, I’ll remember it from now on? … Can you imagine that happening in these threads?

    Me, neither, as we say up here.

    Pandora, Cass, others, I’ll see you in the bacon and recipe threads!