Juvenile Victims Finally Get Delayed Justice

Filed in Delaware by on October 29, 2009

No, not the victims of institutional pedophilia that Monsignor Greg Lavelle and the Catholic Diocese of Wilmington have conspired to individually screw for at least a second time.

I’m talking about the 5,000 victims previously chronicled here.

6500 convictions thrown out due to kickbacks that two of the greediest ‘public servants’ in history got in exchange for these two judges sending innocent kids to private juvenile detention facilities run by those who gave the judges the kickbacks. Those convictions constituted one of the biggest miscarriages of justice I can recall. There’s a special place in Hell for everybody involved in this conspiracy.

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  1. You DiDn’t mention the party iDentification here. WoulD you care to Disclose your reason for that? After all, Don’t your reaDers have the right to be aDequately informeD about the corruption among by DisgraceD electeD officials?

  2. Delaware Republican says:

    The total payout for sex abuse by the Roman Catholic Church in America is well over $2 billion.

    There is no excuse.

    Mike Protack

  3. xstryker says:

    RWR, please tell us and cite the source – it isn’t mentioned in the sources I’ve seen.

  4. A. price says:

    they are probably democrats.
    RWR, didnt you get the memo? we have made it a mandatory part of the Democratic ideals that clergy rape all children. If it is a boy, they will try and turn him gay. A girl, they will teach them how to give themselves abortions.
    For “the lesser races” as the Tea Baggers of Genn Beckistan would call them, and children who survive the MULTIPLE abortion attempts, THEY will be trained as socialists and run for president when they are 46. get with the program man!

  5. Puluau says:

    I believe you mean “sex abuse by rogue clergy.” I’m fairly certain there was no Vatican directive to engage in abuse.

    BTW….just had a vision of you as Peter Graves, the gropey pilot in Airplane! Funny….he seems more likely to get political respect.

  6. There was some serious party scrubbing that went on over this one — fortunately tehre are screen caps on the one source, and entering the name of either judge with the word Democrat will give other sources that identify them as Democrats.


    Besides, remember the long-standing rule on stories about corrupt elected officials — if the party affiliation is missing, you can safely assume they are Democrats. It usually works.

  7. RWR, did you read the bleeping comments in the original article, you bleephole? Allow me to quote from–myself:

    “El Somnambulo found the Gort link while searching, but didn’t see anything re political party. He thanks Dana for the citation.

    But that’s not why he wrote the article. He simply could not get his head around judges that would screw 5000 kids in order to pocket bribes. ‘Bulo still does not understand why, with so many families affected, this flew under the radar for so long.

    The Beast Who Slumbers intends to write about topics he finds interesting and that he hopes the readers will find interesting. Although he has a distinct political perspective, he doesn’t ‘root for the laundry’ while blindly leaving his brain back at the casa.”

    Which brings me to this from you:

    “Besides, remember the long-standing rule on stories about corrupt elected officials — if the party affiliation is missing, you can safely assume they are Democrats. It usually works.”

    First, in this case, the corruption stemmed from privatizing corrections facilities, an idea pioneered in your beloved Texas by George Dubya Bush. Whatta surprise that it has led to so much wasting of public money. Prison health care, anyone?

    Second, you forgot the Fox News Corollary: If the corrupt official is a Rethuglican, Fox will identify him/her onscreen as a Democrat.

    Finally, not EVERY bleeping article has to be a game of political gotcha. This was simply a followup on an article I’d written awhile back b/c it struck my sense of righteous indignation. You will note that there was not one mention in the original article that I CITED regarding political affiliation. Had there been, I would have cited it. I’ve done it before. Here’s the article that got my juices stirring: http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/02/23/pennsylvania.corrupt.judges/index.html

    Please cite where I’ve ‘scrubbed’ party affiliation from it.

    It would be nice if, just once in awhile, respondents like you would respond to the topic under discussion, not turn it into a case of ‘rooting for the laundry’.

  8. Progressive Mom says:

    RWR — There’s enough sh/t in this story to feed the flowers in both political parties. The two judges are Democrats; the peRson who gave the bRibes, is co-owneR of the facility and the bRainchild behind this tRavesty appeaRs to be a Republican, based on pRe-scandal news aRticles in Luzerne County.

    In Pennsylvania, judges at the county and state level do not identify their political affiliation in election materials and are not identified by party in the media.

    The political identification of the 5,000 teenaged victims has not been provided. Not that you’d care.

  9. anonone says:

    El Som – If the judges had been repubs, Rhymey, Repub David, and Protack would all be here defending them.

  10. Delaware Republican says:

    Anonone, you are devoid of a brain. I have been very vocal against this issue and support no one who was part of it or defends it.

    Mike Protack