Filed in National by on October 16, 2009

How do you ask a question wanting to know what an elected official has done that doesn’t upset partisan supporters looking for a reason to make something partisan?

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hiding in the open

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  1. DV,

    I don’t think it’s possible. One of my philosophies is “the internet or email doesn’t do nuance.” I think it’s pretty easy for people to misinterpret or get offended.

    Actually, I like tough questions like that. A good politician or political operative would use that opportunity to list their accomplishments, like DD did in a subsequent post. I think a good politician can turn questions around to their benefit. It’s only when you get a questioner that talks over or keeps insisting on something that they can run into trouble.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    By saying this:

    I know my brand and reputation on Delaware Liberal is one that speaks truth to power and is critical of anything and everyone, regardless of party, but here is my serious noncritical question: What has Markell done?

    Donviti, you have no right to be upset by the way some of us reacted yesterday. You have a brand and a reputation that you have cultivated here for years. I don’t believe I have never seen you praise a politician, even the ones you vote for. So, with years of experience and your reputation in mind, when you asked that question yesterday, many of us who know you, and even some who don’t, took that to be a critical question of Markell, implying that he has done nothing to warrant praise or approval.

    Now, that is fine. You can be as critical of Governor Markell or any politician, Republican or Democrat, as you want. But do not get upset at us for expecting a critical Donviti.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    The other reason why it doesn’t make sense to be upset at the reaction you got is that a specific question about what Markell has done seems to indicate that you don’t read your own blog. Many of us spent a decent part of time from Jan to June documenting many of the battles, arguing for positions and noting the results. DDs list is a useful aggregation of the last year or so, but there is much on that list that we talked about.

    Adding — I also think that the emotion was not at the question, but in some of the exchanges surrounding some of the responses.

  4. nemski says:

    use freaking google.

  5. donviti says:

    Agree UI. what happens is a person gets painted with a broad brush and that is applied going forward no matter what. It’s a very good lesson learned to be honest.


    though you may not believe it, these questions serve a purpose beyond my own edification. I’m actually trying to provide a forum for people to answer. Then our readers to read and discuss. Sorry if you don’t get my intent. I will make sure I spell out each and everything I do so I don’t get attacked by my own team.


  6. nemski says:

    Dude, grap another logon id, so we know what to expect.

    Donviti – the no-holds barred in your face blogger

    Donserious – the drink his tea with a pinky sticking out

  7. cassandra_m says:

    I sense the worlds smallest violin about to play.