Breaking: Snowe To Vote Baucus Bill Out Of Committee

Filed in National by on October 13, 2009

Via TPM:

1:57 p.m.: Snowe’s announcement that she’ll vote for the bill today spread a ripple of excited whispers across the silent hearing room.

It’s getting interesting.  Although I’m sure Snowe doesn’t count as a real Republican.

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Donviti says:

    more importantly what did she get in return

  2. Same link…it’s done.

    2:52 p.m.: The final vote, as expected once Snowe announced her intent, was 14-9. All five congressional committees have now reported out their health care reform bills.

    In other health care news…

    The last minute sandbagging of the Baucus bill by AHIP with the PriceWaterhouseCooper report appears to have backfired.

    Also here.

    Schadenfreude! I think AHIP was just a little too transparent with their motives.

    Now we’re on to the next big fight – the merging of the Senate bills and the merging of the House bills. I haven’t heard much about the opt-out plan recently – is it dead?

  3. What she may get is some shipbuilding in Maine.

    What she did was bad as almost 50% of the ‘savings’ comes from whacking Medicare.

    AHIP did not back fire as to get a decent bill some thinking Democrats will have to wake up that small business does not want the penalties and taxes in the bill. AHIP has just begun to fight.

    Mike Protack

  4. LOL, AHIP is just fighting for the little guy. Yeah, right.

    Snowe’s committee assignments were threatened. There’s a lot of speculation that she’ll pull a Specter but I don’t think so. I think she has a lot of power as the lone Republican that will help the president.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    Why is it when Democrats want to fund Medicare, all the Republicans can talk about is waste, fraud and abuse. When Democrats talk about fixing the waste, fraud and abuse we get accused of cutting Medicare? Friggin’ hypocrites.

  6. I don’t know LG, but I think the Republican pretend love affair with Medicare is over. I saw a commercial several times this weekend from one of the conservative anti-reform groups talking about how Medicare is going broke and we don’t want more of such a terrible system.

  7. Scott P says:

    I think it was less of any kind of love affair, and more of a one night stand. You may expand the metaphor if you’d like, to figure out what they really want to do to Medicare.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    They were once next to Medicare in an airport bathroom stall. They took a wide stance and tapped their foot.

    Or perhaps they told people that Medicare was evil and then they let Medicare put a diaper on them…

    I am so confused.

  9. Scott P says:

    Then they had to get Medicare’s husband a lobbying position….

  10. Republicans kept taking Medicare out on dates, but couldn’t stop talking about their old girlfriend, the free market, so the relationship didn’t last.

  11. liberalgeek says:

    They took Medicare on hikes on the Appalachian trail.

  12. Scott P says:

    They hooked up with Medicare, then realized a Republican/Government mixed relationship would never work. I hope for Medicare’s sake it used protection….

  13. Perry says:

    When that didn’t work, they thought a donut hole would be good, until they realized that the Bible doesn’t allow it.

  14. anon says:

    What is truly comical is republicans, who for years have bashed medicaid and medicare and government run programs, all of the sudden are concerned about cutting some funding for a program they don’t support to a program that will benefit all Americans. Could it be to stir up a little fear mongering with seniors. You betcha. The hypocracy is downright laughable.