What Does The Dave Matthews Band Think Of This?

Filed in National by on September 20, 2009

This is just disgusting. Take this with a grain of salt, but these allegations are from one of John Edwards’s closest aides, the one who publicly stated he was the father of Rielle Hunter’s child to help cover up Edwards’s actions.

The New York Times said the book proposal by former Edwards aide Andrew Young states he helped facilitate the affair between Edwards and Rielle Hunter. According to the newspaper, Young wrote that Edwards once told Hunter they would wed after Edwards’ wife, who has cancer, died.

Edwards told Hunter that the ceremony would be held on a rooftop in New York and the Dave Matthews Bands would make an appearance, the newspaper said, citing its examination of the book proposal.

I just feel sorry for his family.

Update: More here. Apparently Edwards may claim paternity of Rielle Hunter’s daughter and Rielle Hunter is moving to North Carolina. Can you say -awkward-?

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. John Young says:

    Lies beget lies. It is sad indeed.

  2. xstryker says:

    I don’t really have “So Much To Say” about this, but man, was Edwards “Crazy”? Talk about a “Crash” and burn.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Whether these new allegations are true or not, just the fact that Edwards indulged in this sordid business makes him pretty much dead to me now. I am still concerned about Elizabeth and the family (altho I read something around the release of her book that seemed to indicate that she had a hand on trying to hide this during the campaign, which — if true — is not forgivable). Edwards had a plan to rehabilitate himself politically (think the Newt Gingrich model), but he may have a pretty tough go of even that.