UPDATED: Who Wants Coons on The Front Page of the News Journal?

Filed in Delaware by on August 14, 2009

So the News Journal has signed up to play along with someone’s plan to get people talking about Chris Coon’s political future. But who gains from this? Who wants you to be thinking about Coons?

Solved: It is Ron Williams (or whoever set up this NJ profile). “Tiredofcoons” has commented on every NJ article that even tangentially has to do with Coons and they wrote the same Biden rumor comment in the NJ comment section that they dropped in our tipline basket.

Coon Stalker

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. JimD says:

    Its a lengthy list.

    The Coons Family
    Tom Gordon’s political ambition.

    Ok, yeah, I’m pretty much stumped after that.

  2. HAH! The Snooze Journal spanked you, too!!! The positive spin is that they just admitted again that THEY READ YOU, but the funnier and more acceptable spin is they spanked you raw!!! 😉

    Money quote:

    Apparently, there is no reliable source on this one. Coons said he has no idea who is at “ground zero.” The blog, Delaware Liberal, which prides itself on its anonymity, offers no clue, either.

  3. jason330 says:

    The NJ’s crack reporters didn’t look very hard.

  4. anon says:

    What an idiot, this “tiredofcoons”–the fact the media even lets these people post this drivel when “rumors” have been debunked amazes me….

  5. cassandra_m says:

    And “tiredofcoons” style looks awfully familiar, too. And is anonymous on the NJ site too!

  6. anon says:


    Are you saying that TNJ created that tiredofcoons profile and someone there is making those posts?