Stupid Rumor Watch

Filed in Delaware by on August 12, 2009

From the tip line:

“Rumor has it Carper had a job wired for Coon’s with Obama,,, And Joe Biden Blocked it!!!”

How stupid is this? Let me count the ways. Why would Don Carper be interested in moving Coons to DC? If Carper was using the little juice that he has to get someone a job, that someone would be his soon to be unemployed bestest buddy Mike Castle.

But say it was true, why would Biden use his little bit of juice to block it? Coons is the true blue Bidenista. Now I’m willing to admit that there are layers of intrigue that I cannot begin to comprehend, but this makes no sense whatsoever.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    Yeah, no offense, but if Tom Carper was going to move anyone to DC, it would be Carney. And there is no animus I am aware of between Coons and Vice President Biden so as to explain Biden blocking the move. Further, it would be logical for Biden to want Coons in the Administration rather than back in Delaware as a possible primary competitor to his son.

    Yeah, this rumor makes no sense at all.

  2. Did anyone else notice that Ron Williams covered the Coons rumor in the paper today. The NJ is always a week late aren’t they?

  3. Yeah, I’m not certain of any animus between Coons and Biden, as DelDem says, but Biden is an ABSOLUTE fan and BFF of Tom Gordon.

    The rumor is probably crap, but I’d believe it if it were verified by multiple reliable sources.

  4. cassandra_m says:

    I just went to read the Williams’ piece and CANNOT believe he got paid for that. There are bloggers out here that manage better than that.

  5. John Manifold says:

    Speaking of silly rumors:

    “Coons … as a possible primary competitor to his son.”

    “Biden is an absolute fan and BFF of Tom Gordon.”

    Coons would not waste energy in battling a well-funded candidate who has won statewide office and shares his same basic position on the political compass.

    Biden has the quickest hook since Sparky Anderson. He has no time for screw-ups or embarrassments. He dumped Pete McLaughlin and Mel Slawik in a combined 15 seconds.

  6. Sorry, John…it’s not a silly rumor. Biden and Gordon are good friends. Or at least they were this time last year.

  7. John Manifold says:

    Biden was friendly to Herbie the paper man too. And he’s friendly with the lady who carries the plastic bags up Concord Pike. No doubt he pats the plate in Gordon’s head when they encounter each other. They have a history and Biden is polite to old fallen guys.

    But Biden doesn’t spend a shekel of the credibility that he’s earned over 39 years on Gordon as a political figure.

  8. Well everything I’ve witnessed and heard from multiple sources leads me to believe they’re both good friends personally and politically — how do you think Gordon scored the primo space in the Biden for Prez’s former campaign headquarters on the Riverfront last year?

  9. John Manifold says:

    With all respect, Mike, “primo space” does not belong in any sentence that refers to the largely vacant Riverfront retail shops.

    I’m sure that Carl Colantuono or Storm’s Shoes or the Delaware Wings [RIP Al] could have had the space for a few whispered words.

  10. Geezer says:

    There you go again, John. It was widely noted this time last year when Biden was introducing people at some election-season rally that he lavished praise on Gordon and barely acknowledged Coons. And surely you’ve noticed that those who stood in Gordon’s way, however mildly, have suffered … career disappointments? If you don’t know what I’m talking about, ask Colm Connolly.

  11. anon says:

    Honestly, who cares if Joe and Tommy are friends or not. Gordon is a non-factor politically and was trounced a year ago. Carney and Beau are the anointed ones in the party next headed to DC….

  12. jason330 says:

    The Gordon/Biden connection does cause concern. My blood ran cold when I saw the disgraced criminal, Tom Gordon, get a spot on the stage next to Michelle Obama.

    The Gordon/Ron Williams connection is also sickening. So while I hope JM is right and Gordon is a non-factor, I also hope that Geezer is wrong and the Biden/Gordon bond is not as tight has it once was.

  13. Geezer says:

    “Gordon is a non-factor politically …”

    Gordon doesn’t think so. And even if Joe does, the paybacks continue. Biden has the morals of a snake.

  14. Gordon was also on KWS’s transition team. (Does that make him a factor or a non-factor politically? One can argue either side of that one.) He was (‘bulo can’t make this stuff up) brought in to ‘evaluate the fraud unit’. Here’s what the Insurance Journal wrote:

    “Karen Weldin Stewart says she picked Gordon to evaluate the fraud unit in the insurance office. She says Gordon has executive experience and worked in law enforcement and was the only person she could find with both qualities.

    Gordon pleaded guilty in 2007 to two counts of failing to give accurate tax information. Federal authorities had investigated his actions to see if he used his elected office to benefit himself. Charges of racketeering, wire fraud and mail fraud were dropped.

    Stewart’s campaign manager, Elliott Jacobson, says Gordon’s crime is in the past and was a misdemeanor. Jacobson says it’s time to let the issue go.”

    ‘Bulo agrees with MM. He has seen Biden go out of his way to praise Gordon, moreso than one might expect. In a career as long as Joe’s, it is inevitable that bonds will be formed with people who turn out not to be the most ethical. And politicians do have long memories.

    Hmm, all of a sudden, the Beast Who Slumbers is beginning to wonder if there just might be a little somethin’ to this rumor…

  15. anon says:

    If they were that tight, Biden would have found something for him to do in DC! Jason, I forgot about the M.O. event–UGH! I agree with JM’s points….