Donviti PSA #5

Filed in National by on July 30, 2009

We are all going to die from Swine Flu this year. However, there is a possible solution to saving some of us. Those of you that do not agree with the current administration and think we are on our way to socialism, please stay home and do not go out and get the government funded vaccinations. We are running out of Tamiflu (Rumsfield still gets a paycheck from them I believe) and there isn’t going to be enough for everyone. We are going to have to ration it to the people that currently are ok with Socialism.

By not taking the vaccine you will be proving you are a true free-marketer and capitalist!

Please, die. If you think about it, by you dieing you are sticking it to all of us. We no longer can tax you and spread your wealth.

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hiding in the open

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  1. Joanne Christian says:

    Fine…have it your way…but could my government give me a refund for these “just in case” Potassium pills too, I’m supposed to take if Salem blows? Or better yet–I’ll send ’em your way Hef, in case you’re driving thru, and then you can have them on hand. Because Heaven knows….here comes radiation w/ all it’s expected consequences, but my thyroid will be protected. What a pharmaceutical scam…but please take my spot in line for that vaccine.

  2. jim center says:

    I read somewhere that folks born before the mid 1950’s already have an immunity to the swine flu.
    The last big flu scare that came around we were told that forty percent of the population would die, I was willing to take my chances then as I’m taking them now!
    Just think, the forty percent that could die in the new swine flu epidemic might consist of a lot of young republicans and some of the nuveau riche that have ripped off the country for the last thirty years!
    Whoo hoo!!!