Republican Evangelist Convicted on 10 Sex-Abuse Counts

Filed in National by on July 24, 2009

When are Christians going to stop being persecuted in this country? If you are a rich white male Christian in this country you might as well just hang it up. The cards are stacked against you.

“I’m just another one of the prophets that went to jail for the Gospel,” Alamo called to reporters afterward as he was escorted to a waiting U.S. marshal’s vehicle.”

Well…that and taking girls as young as 9 across state lines for sex. (Who knew that was illegal in Arkansas?)

The five women, now age 17 to 33, told jurors that Alamo “married” them in private ceremonies while they were minors, sometimes giving them wedding rings. Each detailed trips beyond Arkansas’ borders for Alamo’s sexual gratification.

While the dollar value of the rings was probably lost on his 8 year old brides, “Papa Tony” could afford some nice wedding rings.

He had built his multistate ministry on the backs of followers who worked in various businesses to support the church. In the 1980s, he designed and sold elaborately decorated denim jackets, hobnobbed with celebrities and owned a compound in western Arkansas that featured a heart-shaped swimming pool.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. This guy is NOT a Christian by any mainstream definition. The guy refused to bury his wife for 16 years after claiming she was a prophet who would be raised after three days. It took a court order obtained by the wife’s daughter to get the body produced and buried.

    Given that and other practices of the organization, Tony Alamo is best described as the leader of a pseudo-Christian cult.

  2. I’m sorry RWR, you don’t get to decide who is and isn’t a Christian. You can only say that they don’t live by the principles that you consider to be the principles of Christianity.

  3. I can state my observations regarding the beliefs and practices of Alamo and his organization, based upon four years of graduate level theological education and subsequent self-directed study.

    I therefore stand by my statement that Alamo is not a Christian by any mainstream definition of what constitutes Christianity, and that a more accurate description of Alamo is that he is the leader of a pseudo-Christian cult, based upon the more unusual teachings, preachings, and practices of Alamo and his followers.

  4. jason330 says:

    “…the leader of a pseudo-Christian cult.” That’s what the Romans said about Paul Mr. Semenary. You’ll be sorry when this guy smites your sorry ass.

  5. Suzanne says:

    Quite frankly – may he rot in hell and it is sad that despicable people like that give other men a bad reputation.
    Where were these girls’ mothers in alll of this?

  6. Actually, the Romans did not say that about Paul, Jason. The Jews, on the other hand, might well have argued that he was a leader of a pseudo-Jewish cult. In fact, that is part of why the Jews evicted the early Christians from the synagogues during the first century AD/CE.

    Instead,the Romans said Paul was adhering an illegal religion — namely one that was started after the founding of the city of Rome. Perhaps also that he was a member of an illegal secret society (there are records of the execution in Rome of a group of plebes who formed an unauthorized anonymous organization that we would today call a volunteer fire brigade).

    And if Tony Alamo is somehow in a position in the afterlife to “smite my ass”, I’ll have bigger things to worry about. But given that the God i follow frowns on child molestation, rape, and setting up one’s dead spouse as a second messiah, I’m pretty sure that I have nothing to worry about. 🙂

  7. Delta says:

    On my car’s windshield at the airport this week was a multi-page glossy Tony Alamo newsletter. Horrifying that somebody in this area would spend their time for him that way here.

  8. Actually, his little band of cult followers travel by caravan around the country to pass out the leaflets.

  9. MJ says:

    So now RWR is blaming everything on the Jews. Figures!

  10. jason330 says:


    Maybe no Christian, but the guy was a Republican. I think we can all agree an that much.

  11. No, MJ — just pointing out what anyone with even a cursory knowledge of early Christian history knows. At a certain point, followers of Christ were declared to not be Jews by Jewish religious authorities. One consequence of that was that the followers of Christ then fell afoul of Rome’s legal system. Don’t try to make the recitation of historical facts into something that it is not.

  12. Jason — on what do you base that absurd assertion? You know, given that he said the Ronald Reagan was in league with the anti-Christ. That sounds more like typical DEMOCRAT rhetoric to me — not that I have any interest in tying him to your party without any evidence for doing so.

    Fred Phelps, on the other hand, is definitely one of yours. . . .

  13. jason330 says:

    Phelps..yeah a real died in the wool progressive. BTW – what service were you in when you heard Pastor Alamo say that about St. Ronny? The 8:00 or 11:00 ?

  14. MJ says:

    Oh, RWR – you are so full of yourself that you cannot even differentiate between a snarky comment and one that actually points out that you’re full of Texas shit. And I know Texas shit when I read it – I lived down there when I was in the Army.

  15. Jason, I became aware of that particular charge when I found a hard-copy of this flyer on my windshield some 25 years ago in Chicago. I held him in contempt then, and have ever since — rather like my view of Fred Phelps, registered Democrat and Al Gore delegate to the 1988 Democrat Convention.

  16. MJ says:

    Interesting that RWR just happened to have a link to that vicious anti-Catholic screed. Just makes you wonder……

  17. Rich Boucher says:

    “I don’t want to start any blasphemous rumours/
    But I think that God’s got a sick sense of humor/
    And when I die I expect to find Him laughing”

    – M. Gore.

    ‘Nuff said.

  18. It’s called “Google”. . .

  19. MJ says:

    And you just happened to know what exactly to look for. FAIL!!!!!

  20. Art Downs says:

    Was not John Wayne Gayce a Democrat activist?

  21. cassandra_m says:

    Was not Ted Bundy a repub activist?

  22. Art Downs says:

    Gayce was a member of the Democrat Central Committee.

    Did Bundy play any meaningful role as an ‘activist’? I am certain that some bleeding-heart Libs protested his date with “Old Sparky”.

  23. Art Downs says:

    I did notice that when there was a mass roundup of alleged crooks in New Jersey, only the two Republicans were identified by party label?

    Is it considered redundant to identify a Democrat crook by party affiliation or do most people take that as an aspect of politics as usual?

  24. I mentioned Phelps as a Democrat because he supported Gore over his stance on gays. On the other hand, last time i checked, neither party supports mass murder (at least not of those outside the womb), so Bundy and Gacy are aberrations.

  25. MJ says:

    Art, all of the articles I read on the NY Times website identified all the elected officials by party affiliation if it applied. Some of the councilmen/mayors arrested ran in non-partisan races. So suck it!

  26. cassandra_m says:

    Bundy managed Rockefeller’s campaign office in Seattle, worked for the WA state party, and worked for the R Gov. Evans. There’s more, of course, but I’m sure Artie here will be working up a rationalization that working for the state party is comedy or something.