Now This is Funny

Filed in National by on June 14, 2009

An Open Letter to Congressman Mike Castle

Dear Congressman Castle,

You have served the people of Delaware honorably for four and a half decades. You were Deputy Attorney General for Delaware years before I was born. From serving in the state Legislature back during the sixties and seventies to your service in Delaware’s executive branch in the Reagan eighties to serving in the halls of Congress for more than a decade and a half, you have been an institution in our state for as long as I have been alive.

Your service to the people of Delaware is unmatched. You will forever be an integral part of Delaware’s past.

That is why I am writing you this open letter on behalf of the people of Delaware. As you consider whether to run for re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives, to run for the U.S. Senate, or to retire from elective politics, I urge you to consider that it might be time for you to hand off your esteemed legacy to future generations so that new leaders may ascend and have the opportunity to shape Delaware as you have for nearly half a century.

With your 70th birthday just a couple weeks away, you should use this time to reflect on your momentous contributions to the people of Delaware. Now may be the appropriate time to step away. We can tell that you feel like you’ve achieved all you can in the House; and, with Republicans in such a steep minority, and with six-year-terms not the friend of a septuagenarian freshman, we wonder what constructive role you can play in the Senate that wouldn’t be better served by a younger public servant ready to accrue seniority on behalf of Delaware.

No doubt, our state will soon see public schools, bridges, and maybe one day even a town named after you. Your legacy is unassailable, and your contribution to Delaware’s past is untouchable. Entertainers and athletes frequently say that it’s best to go out on top. As your 70th birthday approaches, and the reward of retirement calls, consider that this may be your opportunity to go out on top. You have nothing more to prove and nothing more to accomplish. You have given Delaware your all, and we are grateful.

Thank you, Mike Castle.

Happy 70th birthday and best wishes,
The people of Delaware
June 14, 2009

The future Mike Castle is being asked to take part in is a future in which Christine O’Wackjob represents the Republican party in elections.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (18)

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  1. jason330 says:

    The more I read this the more craziness I find. For example, the writer uses the fisrt person “I” throughout but signs the letter “The people of Delaware.”

    I think it is David Anderson writing on behalf of all of Delaware.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    I didn’t need to know that Mike Castle has his own personal fluffer this morning, either…..icky

  3. Kilroy says:

    It’s obvious the letter writer wasn’t sincere because they were too embarrassed to sign it. I think it is an insult to Castle to have this Anonymous letter and website honoring him .

    To me it sounds like someone saying tank you now move the fuck over and let someone else lead. I’ll bet it’s from somebody who wants his job.

    I don’t think it from David Anderson because he would have no problem signing his name to anything he writes.

  4. FSP says:

    “We can tell that you feel like you’ve achieved all you can in the House; and, with Republicans in such a steep minority, and with six-year-terms not the friend of a septuagenarian freshman, we wonder what constructive role you can play in the Senate”

    He’d almost instantly be the go-to Republican for the Democrats, and be willing to get everything that Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe get now.

    “that wouldn’t be better served by a younger public servant ready to accrue seniority on behalf of Delaware.”

    An invitation for another career politician to fester in the Senate for 30 years? I’ll pass.

    Otherwise, Jason, you did a good job writing that.

  5. Every time I reach into my pants…I will think of Mike Castle

  6. jason330 says:


    I think this moves Castle away from the rocking chair if anything.

    There simply are no Republican on the shallow bench that Castle can hand off to. That’s on him. But I think it makes him less likely to step down.

  7. callerRick says:

    ‘[T]he people of Delaware’ will speak for themselves in November ’10.

  8. FSP says:

    “There simply are no Republican on the shallow bench that Castle can hand off to. That’s on him. But I think it makes him less likely to step down.”

    Which makes it much less likely that a Republican did this. It would have to be a Democrat….who knows the Internet….who used this argument many times in the past….who’s powerful enough to pass FOIA legislation by taking off his shirt…

  9. jason330 says:

    Ah…my sinister plan to pose as a wingnut to implore Castle to step down has been revealed.


    It was David A. I think we all know that.

  10. FSP says:

    No way. If it was David, there would have been some mention of Christine. No doubt. Plus, David would have signed it.

  11. Talk about your backhanded compliments.

    Shorter letter:

    Dear Mike Castle,

    You’re old! Get out the way. kthxbye

    Someone who wants your job

  12. anonone says:

    Maybe it was kilroy as his second act of flipping back to the repubs.

  13. anonone says:

    On second thought, I think Jason wrote it in a desperate attempt to avoid his promised walk down Main Street in Middletown.

    Of course, the lack of typos and the fact “septuagenarian” was spelled correctly would tend to discount this theory.

    But how was he the first one to find it?


  14. jason330 says:

    On second thought, I think Jason wrote it in a desperate attempt to avoid his promised walk down Main Street in Middletown.

    It is Smyrna. If Castle runs for the senate – I’ll be streaking down Market street. (for charity… won’t anyone think of the CHILDREN!) )

  15. anonone says:

    Smyrna, Middletown, Main Street, Market Street…whatever… 🙂

  16. Finally, you post something which points out Mr.Castle’s positive efforts while in government.

    I am sure he will make reasoned and good decision.

    Republicans can win that seat-if they want to.

    Mike Protack

  17. nooneimportant says:

    I’ve gotta be honest, I think it was Protack. He’s the only republican that has ever emailed me (I think he doesn’t understand votebuilder, and got confused when he searched for a D that’s voted in every election since 2004…) I had recieved only one other email from MP in 2006, and asked to be removed immediately from the list– obviously that didn’t happen. And it was sent to my personal email, not the email I have for political stuff… That was the most annoying thing I read this morning…

  18. anonone says:

    Hey Mike Protack,

    Did you write this and/or create this web site?

    A “yes” or “no” is sufficient. A non-answer or non-denial will be considered as a “yes.”