Filed in National by on June 12, 2009

Will  DNabb be more appreciated when he is gone?

Bonus QOTE:  How many times can you come up short before you get canned?

EXTRA Bonus QOTE:  I have heard people chirping about Obama taking a date night in NYC and touring Paris on the Taxpayers dime.  Anyone going to question how much it cost the Taxpayers for Bush Sr. to jump out an Airplane for his Birthday today?

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hiding in the open

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    I’ve been wondering why the fact that the Obama’s went out in NYC was news. Think I heard it on WDEL. Apparently the VRWC was working overtime on that bit of something we needed to know. But they didn’t have much to say about BushCo being on vacation 1020 days when he was crashing and burning it all.

  2. Yes, I heard it on WDEL this morning as well. Allan Loudel must have been reading NRO again.

  3. Did we ever hear complaints on how much it cost for Bush to go to Texas to cut brush?

  4. jason330 says:

    McNabb got another $5 million…

    for WHAT?

    He is now one of the three highest paid QB’s in the NFL.

  5. Bob says:

    Your right, cass, your man there needs a break he has worked 4 months or so now, that may be the longest he’s ever held a job that he actually had to attend to.

  6. callerRick says:

    McNabb and Reid are joined at the hip….neither one will go unless the other does too.

    All politicians waste money…they consider it to be just another perk.