Shorter GOP #1205

Filed in National by on May 18, 2009

Trial Lawyers bad and Deregulation good

Unions bad and Free Market good

All Spending is out of control except Defense spending

The rich create jobs and small business people are the backbone of our economy

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hiding in the open

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  1. pandora says:

    Trial lawyers are bad unless they’re Norm Coleman’s.

    Unions are bad unless you fake sympathy for them to get back at Jack Markell.

    Spending is out of control only when the Dems are in charge.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    You complained about GWB’s spending while he was in office, except that you didn’t.

  3. anon says:

    When Dems don’t have good Dem candidates, they should vote for the Republican.

    Republicans should always vote for the Republican.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    failing to vote a civil rights bill out of committee is the right thing, but not allowing up or down floor votes on judges is wrong.

    This is fun. I should go read DA comments to get some more.

  5. jason330 says:

    George Bush was the victim of Clinton era policy screw-ups, but Obama created the current mess.

  6. anon says:

    Never complain about a Republican until you have voted for him at least twice.

  7. That post was the most sensible thing on this blog in a long time. Great job.