They are so done as a party

Filed in National by on May 5, 2009


Right around minute 4 is great!

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hiding in the open

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  1. pandora says:

    I saw this tonight. Do they even know what they believe? Hmm… looks like the code words aren’t enough anymore.

  2. jason330 says:


    That’s what happens when the interviewer does not let them off the hook when they unwrap the usual talking points.

    As far as the GOP being done is concerned – they might have found St Ronny II.

    Utah Governor Jon Huntsman.

    I don’t agree with all of Huntsman’s policy prescriptions — they’re all quite conservative — but to the extent that he is actually speaking about issues that matter to the American people and offering proposals to address them, he clearly stands out from the majority of the Republican leadership this side of Newt Gingrich (who despite the attention lavished upon him remains an immensely unpopular figure).

    Huntsman may not be looking to run in 2012, so perhaps this is somewhat moot in the short run. But I do think we would be remiss if we weren’t keeping an eye on him over the coming years — particularly considering he’s just 48 years old at present.

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    But they can’t help themselves, Pandora. Huntsman was disinvited from a local county GOP event in Michigan because of his stance on civil unions.

    The GOP base is so absolutist that it will not accept any deviance from their positions.

  4. cassandra_m says:

    Huntsman is OK with civil unions and has been getting major grief over that. He was dis-invited to some GOP thing in Michigan a little while back for being insufficiently conservative. He’s not batshit insane, so it will take some time for the 21% to deal with this.

    But for Matthews — way to not let him off the hook! Is this going to be the new thing? Grill Repubs on how closely they fit the litmus tests? If this is what cable new does for the next couple of years I may actually sign up for cable.

  5. skippertee says:

    I saw this too. I just love to see Republicans trying to justify the unjustifiable.His squirming was exquisite to witness.Sublime.