Why I favor abortion

Filed in National by on March 30, 2009

See, I truly believe that the stigma the religious nuts of this country and the world for that matter have attached to abortion does more harm then good.  Everyone likes to imagine this adorable wonderful child growing up and being the next president of the United States or perhaps Bill Gates.  The arguement is to “protect the innocent” well, aren’t you protecting the innocent by allowing an abortion?  If we just protect those that can’t protect themselves.  What a grand idea.  Then these same kids that weren’t aborted get to grow up and go fight wars for those same people.  Dang, it makes sense now.

Md. mother faces murder charges in girls’ deaths

ROCKVILLE, Md. — Montgomery County prosecutors and police say they’ve obtained a warrant charging a Calvert County woman with murder in the deaths of two of her daughters found in her freezer.

McCarthy says detectives believe Bowman killed the girls in 2006 while leasing an Aspen Hill home and that the girls died of asphyxiation. All three girls were adopted.

Awesome, just awesome. I don’t know all the details of the “adoption” but I wonder if the mother’s would have rather had an abortion or just rolled the dice and hoped their unborn zygotes wouldn’t have been choked to death and stuff in a neighbor’s Kenmore.  Gosh, I hope at least they didn’t get freezer burn.

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hiding in the open

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  1. anon says:

    Just scanning the headlines, there is a noticeable increase in family and workplace mass murders… I associate this kind of news with bad economic times. There are always crazy people but economic stress pushes more of them over the edge.

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    That’s a horrible story. What an awful person.

    Yes, I don’t doubt that economic stress contributes greatly to domestic violence. I know finances are a major source of divorce.

  3. Jason Z says:

    Alright, “Why I *FAVOR* Abortion,” you say it’s foolish to think that a child that isn’t given a chance at life won’t have a chance to become President. I seem to remember a passing reference to Obama being raised by a single mother; oh wait that’s wrong, Obama wouldn’t stop blabbering about it in ads and campaign stops. I’m pretty sure William Jefferson Clinton also never knew his father. Seeing as most abortions (no, I don’t have the numbers handy) are choosen by single soon-to-be-mothers, it looks like your premise is faulty.

    I realize you are trying to tie your anti-life views to your anti-war views, but the fact is that, on average, members of the American Armed Services have a higher level of education than your average American. Forgetting all the other stats proving that military personnel are the best America has to offer; how is it that these babies that should have been aborted are so well educated and successful?

    And, to fall a little deeper into this dark hole of logic you’ve dug, are you saying that we could stop having wars as long as we have more abortions?

  4. Sharon says:

    The arguement is to “protect the innocent” well, aren’t you protecting the innocent by allowing an abortion?

    Um, no. “Innocent,” in this case, means one not responsible for the current situation. And outside of the tiny fraction of abortions performed on women who were the victims of rape or incest, or women who would die without the procedure, the “innocent life” at stake is that of the baby.

    This is another fascinatingly gruesome sample of stupidity just perfect for blogging fodder…

  5. a. price says:

    I’ve recently revisited my views on the subject. Don’t worry all, I’m still a card carrying member of the Left Wing Conspiracy to murder babies….
    in the last year however, I got 2 arguments that made me think.
    The first was from Mike Huckabee of all people…. this was before his recent dive into the “Right Wing Violent OVerthrow of the Peaceful Majority of Diverse Americans” movement.
    He was on Colbert speaking about while he believes life starts at conception, it doesn’t end at birth… that is if someone is going to fight for a baby to be born, they should continue the fight after it’s birth.. because if an abortion was gong to happen, that baby wasn’t wanted. This was the first level headed argument i had ever heard from the Pro Lifers. He spoke of fixing the foster care and adoption system… and proven by the article it badly needs help.
    So point one…. if you are going to argue that if they baby is born…. and to force that outcome… that it will lead a good life… you should take it upon ourself, in some part to ensure the child you fought to be born doesn’t just go home to a bad home, or whatever.

    (side note. i am NOT talking about rape, incest, tasacs, or potential harm to the mother yet)

    I say that because of point number 2. i recently met someone who’s former room mate has had 2 abortions. there was no reason other than that she was pretty much using it as contraception. She is apparently pregnant for a third time and seems to be considering having another abortion. She is basically careless, doesn’t even attempt birth control, other than the procedures, and it doesn’t seem to bother her that much.
    now, i realize i just gave a lot of ammo to repukes and the anti choicers out there, because as much as i disagree with her actions, i still think she should have the right to choose, so the above mentioned cases can also have a right to choose.

    so on to my point. I would be in favor of some tighter controls on abortion if the alternative was better. As a Jewish person, i have seen tasacs… not in my family thank God, but i have seen what it does… not just to the child but to the family
    for those who don’t know it is a genetic disorder.. mostly in Ashkenazi Jews… there is no cure, no treatment, and it causes the child to slowly lose bodily function, and painfully die.. usually within 2 years of being born. it always ends in death. The only “good side” is, you can catch it pretty early on in the pregnancy and really the compassionate thing to do is abort. while this IS rare, it still needs to be an option. That argument also applies to a myriad of other examples where it is rare, but it should be on the table.

    so i got side tracked. I don’t know the answer, but i know that abortion as birth control bothers me a great deal. it is ending a potential life and shouldn’t be taken lightly, but it is also sometimes the only compassionate answer.
    Once a system is established that any baby born who cant be cared for by the mother, or just isn’t wanted can have the same chance that a child born to a loving home has, i think the debate over tighter controls, which i don’t have any suggestions for, can be had.

    the problem comes in the age old conservative philosophy of “you are on your own” they will force the baby to be born, and than walk away. it happens every time… and THAT my friends is why, while i look at it slightly differently, i am still pro choice. anyone who would argue against it.. become a foster parent, or cure tasacs. THAN i’ll pay attention.

  6. anon says:

    If you are not willing to send the mother to jail, then you are not really against abortion.

  7. I love the idea of killing people to protect people.

  8. a. price says:

    anon, they don’t want to send the mothers to jail, they want to exact divine justice on them and bomb the clinics …. fundamentalist christians and fundamentalist muslims are so similar, i don’t understand why they don’t get along

  9. Jason Z says:

    I don’t have the time to google the last abortion clinic bombing, could some one do that for me?

    Open up a newspaper (not TNJ) and I bet you find that an islamonazi killed someone today.

  10. a. price says:

    can we please hear from the sane jason? (the330 one)

  11. Jason Z says:

    Looks like I found a guy who wanted to bomb an abortion clinic almost three years ago: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/06/08/AR2006060801360.html

    And today: 19 die in Pakistan academy seige: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/mar/30/pakistan-security-forces-retake-academy/

    Interesting, with just an anecnotal scan of headlines, looks like abortion providers are breaking the law more than pro-lifers:
    “Two More Planned Parenthoods Caught on Tape In Alleged Statutory Rape Cover-Up “: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,509736,00.html
    “Clinic Owner Accused of Botching Abortion, Throwing Away Live Baby”: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,505134,00.html

  12. liberalgeek says:

    I think that most of us would subscribe to the idea that abortions should be legal, safe and rare. All we seem to argue about is the legality v. the safety if abortion was illegal.

    The religious right would have us get the “rare” element by encouraging abstinence, whereas the more reasonable among us would like to try a wide spectrum of strategies (condoms, birth control pills, subdermal birth control, etc). Unfortunately, we seem to get bogged down by absolutists.

  13. Miss AO says:

    You know, I would have read the same article and would have written a post titled, “Why I favor the death penalty,” specifically for child-killers.

  14. Tom S. says:

    “See, I truly believe that the stigma the religious nuts of this country and the world for that matter have attached to abortion”

    Whoa there buddy – we’re not nuts and have you never met a pro-life atheist?

    “Everyone likes to imagine this adorable wonderful child growing up and being the next president of the United States or perhaps Bill Gates.”

    No we don’t, we just like to imagine people. No better or worse than other folks but certainly no less deserving of life.

    “And outside of the tiny fraction of abortions performed on women who were the victims of rape or incest, or women who would die without the procedure, the “innocent life” at stake is that of the baby.”

    Even then, it isn’t be baby’s fault

    “I say that because of point number 2. i recently met someone who’s former room mate has had 2 abortions. there was no reason other than that she was pretty much using it as contraception. She is apparently pregnant for a third time and seems to be considering having another abortion. She is basically careless, doesn’t even attempt birth control, other than the procedures, and it doesn’t seem to bother her that much.

    I don’t know the answer, but i know that abortion as birth control bothers me a great deal.”

    This is very important. Ask yourself; “Why does this bother me?”. If a fetus truly is nothing other than a bundle of cells it really shouldn’t bother you if a women uses abortion as contraception or to just to win a bar bet.

    “The only “good side” is, you can catch it pretty early on in the pregnancy and really the compassionate thing to do is abort.”

    I know plenty of handicapped people who would disagree.

  15. a. price says:

    listen ass hole. Tasacs is not a handicap. if you had read my post rather then miss quoting it like a right wing nut job I’m sure you are, you would know that. i WAS NOT talking about handicap. i was talking about a sickness that has a 100% mortality rate and for which there is no treatment. READ THE DAMN POST. I DID NOT
    NOR WILL I EVER support abortion for a mental or physical handicap. children born WITH tasacs don’t live long enough to form an opinion on the subject

  16. a. price says:

    and before you spout your bullshit, i would encourage you to research it.

  17. a. price says:

    s’a matter tommy? no “witty” comebacks?

  18. liberalgeek says:

    Just as a point of information, and so Tom can do some research (which I know he won’t do) the disease is spelled Tay-Sachs.

  19. a. price says:

    my bad.

  20. liberalgeek says:

    I’m not chiding. Just lending a hand.

  21. a. price says:

    i know.. but i was wrong. i like to man up and admit. unlike tom the pussy.

  22. Tom S. says:

    “unlike tom the pussy.”

    oooooooh 6th grade burn.

    “s’a matter tommy? no “witty” comebacks?”

    No darling, I was at a social event but now worries, I’m back now.

    “i was talking about a sickness that has a 100% mortality rate and for which there is no treatment.”

    Life has a 100% mortality rate.

    NOR WILL I EVER support abortion for a mental or physical handicap.”

    I did hun, and I don’t see why the logic there wouldn’t extend to, say, Down syndrome.

    “children born WITH tasacs don’t live long enough to form an opinion on the subject”

    And if they lived long enough for a cure?

    Look buddy, clearly you’ve been around a person and a family that has suffered tremendously and I’m not trying to belittle that. It is possible that there is a line of reasoning that warrants a child be killed rather than live this life and does not condone the killing other affected children but I haven’t found it yet. I don’t yet see a system of thinking that effectively articulates a reason that a child with Tay-Sachs should not live and a child with any other malformation should.

  23. Killing the sick and disabled. Wasn’t there a German regime in the middle third of the twentieth century that engaged in exactly that on eugenic grounds? And wasn’t the founder of Planned Parenthood one of the great admirers of that nation’s eugenics program?

  24. I still like killing thousands of women and children to free millions. It’s teh awesome!