’s Dirty Little Secret

Filed in National by on March 1, 2009

Well, it is not really a secret:

Limbaugh: “The dirty little secret … is that every Republican in this country wants Obama to fail, but none of them have the guts to say so; I am willing to say it”

I love that Limbaugh is now calling out his conservative sheep-like followers. Now they have to baaah in unison, “Yes, Rush is right. I want President Obama to fail.” or risk getting on the bad side of the undisputed leader of the Republican Party.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (28)

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    It’s not really much of a secret, but I love that Rush is making them dance to his tune.

  2. Dana says:

    The problem isn’t that we want him to fail; the problem is that we believe his policies will lead to failure.

  3. Art Downs says:

    Rush was never a deep thinker but his going to do well in the era of (attempted) imposition of ObamaSoc.

    Obama is a person who has done well at getting elected and he has a lot of friends in low places. Pushing the tired poltics of envy has never brough prosperity to a nation.

    Moon pie in the sky may seem appealing but someone does have to pay the tab.

    Shall we pay in taxes or liberty? Likely both.

  4. The problem isn’t that we want him to fail; the problem is that we believe his policies will lead to failure.

    No, you want him to fail so you say that his policies don’t work and conservatism does.

    Only problem is Conservatism doesn’t work. The government grew under your Messiah Reagan and Bush. And free market capitalism all but died a spastic death.

    We all gave Bush a shot after 9/11 and he had the entire country’s support. He pissed it away and after that we knew he would fail and did, horrifically.

  5. Noone is going to take that party seriously until they have someone to lead them with a clean history and comes off like an honest person.

    Not some political shock jock acting as a troop rallying mouthpiece.

    They need a leader and they don’t have one. Steele isn’t it, Jindal isn’t it, and Rush and Palin sure the hell ain’t it. McCain wasn’t and that’s why he lost.

    This country has a void, and we need to find leaders who are willing to stand up and do the right thing, screw the insiders, and actually listen to the people for a damn change.

    That is why Obama is popular and noone else is. As long as he remains the hero and on the people’s side, he will remain there.

  6. Truth Teller says:

    Rush and that group yesterday just proved that they can wave the flag all they want but by their actions they are UNAMERICAN

  7. liz says:

    I watched the drug addict Rush yesterday, he is fool and is really calling for acts of treason. These supply siders will never admit it was their economic policies that RayGUN brought to the country that was the beginning of the end of supply side economics. I just love how he stands for the 2% rich claiming the ultra rich create jobs, while the bankster gangsters among that class have driven the world into economic depression and bankruptcy. His call that “there will be those among us (repukes) who will try to reach out in a “bi partisan way”, they should be ignored….so he believes in his drug induced state, that the party cannot grow out of their thinking, and they shouldnt support anyone who doesnt think like he does. Frankly, that loon sees himself as the new messiah. a God complex.

  8. anon says:

    “… a clean history and comes off like an honest person.”

    Well, that rules out Romney and Huckabee. Seriously, who do they have left?

  9. Unstable Isotope says:

    I think it’s more than a clean history or honest delivery. They need new ideas. Jindal is pretty clean (despite his penchant for exaggeration and exorcism) and he couldn’t help the Republicans either.

  10. Geezer says:

    “Pushing the tired poltics of envy has never brough prosperity to a nation.”

    We’re not talking politics here, Art Downs. We’re going to actually take their money from them. T’ain’t envy, it’s economy. Taking money from rich people has never brought economic ruin to a nation.

  11. jason330 says:

    I have to finish this thought for Art.

    The problem isn’t that we want him to fail; the problem is that we believe his policies will lead to failure.

    …but we believed invading Iraq with no plan was going to be a big success, so ignore everything we say.


  12. jason330 says:

    Geezer points out just how wrong Art is.

    If history tells us anything it is that when the wealthy are allowed to keep too much of their wealth out of circulation – it is a sure fire way to bring on economic calamity.

    Art – think Csarists Russia, France in the 1780’s or Hati under any one of their bloated strongmen.

    What we need here, (and what everyone seems to see except you) is some economic justice.

  13. Unstable Isotope says:

    We definitely need more economic justice, that is clear but trouble can also ensue from radical redistribution. I think of the Chinese cultural revolution, Pol Pot in Cambodia and Mugabe in Zimbabwe. To me, what these all have in common is anti-intellectualism. So I think we need to have a more just economic system while still encouraging education, science and the arts.

  14. Art Downs says:

    Does an oncologist want to give a malignancy an even shot?

    Where has socialism and authoritarianism brought prosperty?

    How many thought that the ‘Luxury Tax’ that was foisted onG H W Bush by the Dems was a good idea and should be revived as part of Obamanomics?

  15. a. price says:

    “Does an oncologist want to give a malignancy an even shot?” –
    good idea! let’s never elect the Cancer that is the republican party ever again

  16. Dana says:

    Jason wrote:

    What we need here, (and what everyone seems to see except (Art)) is some economic justice.

    And what is “economic justice” other than the taking of money and goods from people who produce things and giving them to people who don’t?

    Is it Robin Hood populism, robbing the rich to give to the poor? That’s still theft!

  17. a. price says:

    who produces things? bankers? oil barons? war profiteers? you are all sheep. What Lord Rush tells you is the pan isn’t the plan. He is a drug addicted racist rich greedy ass hole who just wants money and needs hoards of angry mob participants to back him up. break the mold!

  18. Miscreant says:

    “Is it Robin Hood populism, robbing the rich to give to the poor?”

    The only problem with that analogy is that in Sherwood Forest, the rich either stole or inherited their wealth. In today’s scenario, most of the wealth was actually earned by hard work, prudent spending and investments.

  19. anon says:

    … or blind luck and trust funds.

    If hard work produced wealth, then Perdue line workers would own Delaware.

    If prudent spending produced wealth, then everyone who owns a Hummer, vacation home at the beach or yacht should be broke.

    Most investments today have nothing to do with the intelligence of the investor. You send a check to Edward Jones or whomever, and voila, you get your money back.

  20. Miscreant says:

    Sorry, I guess I should have qualified that statement for the simple-minded. Hard work, balls and brains…

    Foreign to you, isn’t it?

  21. anon not atrios says:

    You have watch This Week with Georgie Snuffles to appreciate Katrina vdH’s smackdown of Karl Rove and George Will.
    She da man.

  22. annoni says:

    “I watched the drug addict Rush yesterday”

    did you stare at your radio really hard to see him?????

  23. cassandra_m says:

    Well now we are clear why annoni won’t post his name — no one would want to be know for being this stupid:

    The Gasbag’s speech was apparently broadcast on Fox Noise. The TV one.

  24. cassandra_m says:

    And what is “economic justice” other than the taking of money and goods from people who produce things and giving them to people who don’t?

    Economic justice is more about making sure that working class and middle class people aren’t bearing the largest burden of government. It is also about stopping the transfer of tax dollars to them for stuff they would be doing anyway if it would make them money.

  25. Unstable Isotope says:

    The middle class pays the highest share of taxes and wealthy pay way less than their share, yet benefit the most. How is that justice?

  26. jason330 says:

    I would add that economic justice includes allowing for class mobility. (E.g. People can rise or fall based on their ability and effort.)

    Under Bush we went from a normal rate of class mobility for a western country to a third world rate of class mobility.

  27. One thing about Limbaugh’s speech, he didn’t read to the audience, he talked to them. Without a teleprompter Obama is lost.

    For the liberals who want to blame everyone else for your problems-look in the mirror. The government is not responsible for your good fortune or for your happiness. If you are waiting for Uncle Sam to complete your life you are foolish.

    Despite your complaints America is still indeed a place for mobility and the phrase economic justice, what exactly does that mean?

    Obama’s silly answer is to take more from others who have to give to those who don’t have. If you can not succeed in America you are lazy and weak.

    Why do Liberals hate America so much?

  28. meatball says:

    I can fly a plane better than Mike Protack. Plus, he is a dick and I am not.