A Worrying Thought

Filed in National by on February 21, 2009

I worry too much.  I always have.  In fact, I have wasted countless hours worrying.  Now, granted, this behavior intensified when I had children.  And if there was a contest for turning every sharp, hot, and moving object into a potential deathtrap I surely would have taken first place.  Paddle fans and coffee table corners were the enemy.  Oh yeah, I was pretty obnoxious.

And while I will continue to worry about my kids (what parent doesn’t?) my worries this morning center around a rhetoric that has slimed its way out of obscure blogs and white supremacist pamphlets and spilled its way into the main stream media.  Alan Keyes is a fool by any sane person’s standards, and I usually ignore his delusional ranting because, well, he is a crazy person.  But yesterday he used a phrase against President Obama that turned my stomach.

“Obama is a radical communist and I think it is becoming clear. That is what I told people in Illinois and now everybody realizes it is coming true. He is going to destroy this country and we are either going to stop him or the United States of America is going to cease to exist.”

Radical communist?  Destroy this country?  America will cease to exist?

Stop him?

Now maybe it’s just me being a worrywart (and I have worried about this before), but Keyes’ words strike me as a call to action.  And if Keyes were the sole nutcase spouting this bile I might be able to dismiss the comments, but he isn’t.

There’s Michelle Malkin posing with a guy holding a sign with Obama’s name complete with Swastika, the New York Post’s stimulus/chimpanzee cartoon (and I know what I saw in that cartoon, and while others may disagree over the who there’s no disagreement that the cartoon symbolized the death of a person), and Rush Limbaugh’s latest foray into hate:

Within, within the confine of our Constitution and the political arena of ideas. They must be stopped. I don’t care why they see this county the way the see it. I don’t care why a murderer does it. I don’t care why a rapist does it. I don’t care why this Muslim guy offed his wife’s head. The “Now Gang” is out there saying “Ah now that’s not domestic violence, that’s just uh, that’s just uh, what’d they call it, “culturally honor killing” and this woman was gonna divorce him…it’s against the law, and, and, and, that’s that’s…that’s his diversity. You know it, uh, I don’t care… I don’t care why anymore. I mean, if I figure it out, I will be glad to tell you, because its interesting to know, but it doesn’t matter in terms of defeating them.

There’s the money quote.  They must be stopped.

Nicole Belle, from Crooks and Liars, must be a worrier like me.  “Good God. Aside from the really tenuous grip on reality, someone is going to be hurt by this kind of angry rhetoric (italic mine). It won’t be Rush, but some innocent person whose only crime will be hoping for progress.”

How long before some crazy person takes up the charge being issued from the right?  Actually, some already have.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    Yes, the increase is eliminationist rhetoric is quite alarming. Combine this with the economic uncertainty and we have a recipe for violence.

  2. jason330 says:

    At least the solid citizens on the right will condemn Keyes…right?

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    Solid citizens on the right? Oxymoron?

  4. cassandra_m says:

    Of course they won’t. If they didn’t have threats against Democrats, they’d be left with only tax cuts and hip hop to talk about.

  5. trickle down ignorance is a very dangerous thing

  6. cassandra_m says:

    And let’s not forget that people have already been hurt by this threatening rhetoric.

    The fact that this guy admitted to an act of terrorism against liberals when he was sentenced seems to have been quite lost on those who are very motivated to make sure that we’re the ones who are crazy for even thinking that anyone could get hurt here.

  7. anon says:

    The suicide note from the guy who shot up the Unitarian church in Tennessee is chock full of this kind of rhetoric. Read it if you can stomach it.

  8. anon says:

    The “Now Gang” is out there saying “Ah now that’s not domestic violence, that’s just uh, that’s just uh, what’d they call it, “culturally honor killing” and this woman was gonna divorce him…it’s against the law, and, and, and, that’s that’s…that’s his diversity.

    Wow, Rush really smacked the shit out of that straw man.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    That’s why he’s paid the big money.

  10. liberalgeek says:

    Of course, when a liberal says that “Rush Limbaugh must be stopped” they think we are talking about the Fairness Doctrine. 🙂

  11. anonone says:

    But we are all expected to nicey-nice.

  12. annoni says:

    “Within, within the confine of our Constitution and the political arena of ideas. They must be stopped.”

    wow, he anticipated your moonbattery before you typed it… amazing

  13. annoni says:

    so dissent no longer equals patriotism?

  14. jason330 says:

    John Wilkes Booth thought he was a patriot.

  15. annoni says:

    and odly enough ,so do you.

  16. jason330 says:

    However, unlike you, Rush, Keyes and John Wilkes Booth I put the interests United States of America above my party or faction.

    So my claim of patriotism is not anything like yours.

  17. cassandra_m says:

    the political arena of ideas

    Which means that Comedian Rush Limbaugh actually needs to get into this arena in order to be on the field of play. And the political arena of ideas if definitively not where the GOP is right now. They are still working on making their wingnut base happy.

  18. pandora says:

    The examples I’ve cited aren’t dissent. They have nothing to do with policy differences. They are personal, and all direct further action.

    This kind of talk is dangerous, and while I know it’s always existed on the fringes, its movement into the main stream is unacceptable.

  19. Yeah — just like the “Bush must be stopped” and “Republicans must be stopped” rhetoric out of the Left for the last 8 years was intended to direct a campaign of left-wing murder and mayhem.

    The entire “eliminationist rhetoric” argument would be quite amusing if you guys didn’t actually believe it.

  20. Perry says:

    It is indeed dangerous, Pandora, made even more so by the volatile and vulnerable times we have at this moment.

    This is potentially as explosive a security issue as anything an enemy might dream up, based on the size of the gullible audiences that the likes of Limbaugh, Hannity, Malkin et al have.

    The best response is exposure, just exactly what you and others have done on this thread.

  21. Oh, and oddly enough, your highlighting actually left out the two things that Limbaugh said that discredit your entire point.

    Within, within the confine of our Constitution and the political arena of ideas.


    it doesn’t matter in terms of defeating them.

    Defeating them.

    Within the confines of the Constitution and the political arena of ideas.

    It is a call for political action, not murder.

    And anyone who takes it as something else — whether they act violently upon it or condemn it as a call to violence — is obviously mentally ill.

  22. pandora says:

    You’re being deliberately dense. Protesting the Iraq War and calling for legal investigations into torture and illegal wire tappings are a far cry from what’s going on now. There’s nothing amusing about this talk.

    If you guys want to trash the stimulus plan, or even cry your predictable impeachment crap – Fine. But that’s not what’s happening here.

  23. And actually, pandora, no reasonable person thinks that the cartoon in the Post called for anyone’s death.

  24. Perry says:

    And Rhymes, although you have a point, the anti-Bush extremist rhetoric was not nearly as voluminous and threatening as what we see and hear today from the extreme Right. Pandora made her case quite well, with examples from powerful spokespersons. That you would be hard put to deny! You ought to be speaking out against it rather than defending it!!

  25. So tell me, paranoid pandora, what is going on now?

    I see a legitimate call to defeat one’s political opponents within the system.

  26. Actually, Perry, the anti-Bush extremeist rhetoric vastly outstripped what we hear and see today from the entire right, not just the extremist variety.

    And Pandora didn’t make her point at all.

    What she (and you) want is the silencing of all opposition to the current regime — or at least its neutering.

  27. Perry says:

    To a certain element of the population, yes, that cartoon in the NY Post does call for someone’s death. I think it was outrageous! You should be condemning it, Rhymes!

  28. pandora says:

    Do you have a reading comprehension problem, RWR? I said the cartoon symbolized the death of a person – the person who wrote the stimulus.

    And go ahead and focus on Rush’s first line while ignoring the comparisons to murderers and rapists that follow. After all, you guys are good at that game. It is how you tied Iraq to 9/11, no?

  29. By the way — I wrote at length about the Sara Robinson piece cited above by cassandra.


    The entire argument that Robinson, cassandra, pandora, and the rest of you make is absurd on its face.

  30. Actually, Perry, I condemn those who condemn the cartoon for anything other than the insensitivity to the woman who still lies in a hospital bed recovering from the actual chimp attack.

  31. Perry says:

    No, Rhymes, wrong again, on all counts. Suppose you give me examples. Pandora made her case very well; that you don’t see it means you are in denial, all the more worry to me, as I wonder how many like you are so easily taken by this explosive rhetoric from the LEADING spokespeople on the Right.

  32. Perry says:

    Baloney, Rhymes. Stop making stuff up, and stop the straw man stuff. I am quite sure that we are all in sympathy for the injured woman. Think about it, the owner of the chimp stabbed the out of control animal. That is not what that cartoon depicts, now is it?

  33. And Pandora, congratulations on ignoring the first and the last lines that make it clear that his words referred to political action, not acts of violence, to bring about the victory for conservative principles.

    But I’ll go even further — I agree with him.

    I don’t care why the guy who murdered one of my dear friends back when we were in middle school did it. I don’t feel any need to understand his actions.

    I don’t care why the man who raped a close family member did it — and I feel no need to understand his motives.

    And while I do seek to understand the political motives of folks who are out to impose policies I consider to be ruinous upon this nation (I do have a degree in political science and teach government on the college level part time), I don’t view it as necessary to understand the intentions of the proponents of such policies before opposing them.

  34. I’ve made nothing up — I view any condemnation of this cartoon for any reason other than its insensitivity to the victim as an act of insincere grandstanding designed to suppress political dissent. And given the history of Al Sharpton, I’m not at all sure that he gives a damn about that victim.

    And don’t forget — the animal was killed by the police shooting it, so the cartoon is an accurate depiction of the event.

  35. pandora says:

    Of course it isn’t, Perry, but that won’t stop RWR. And notice the word twist game he’s playing – called for vs symbolizes.

    Yes, the Post used that woman… to make a political statement. How fortunate for them that such a tragedy involving a chimpanzee happened.

  36. Perry says:

    The NY Post reluctantly apologized, correct Rhymes? Speaks to Pandora’s point, in my view.

  37. cassandra_m says:

    And look at the work that RWR invests in defending violent rhetoric. Of course,if anyone on the left (someone with the reach of a Limbaugh or Keyes on their radio shows or editorials) called for that kind of violence they’d be baying from the rooftops. Because what is important here is not just minimizing the impact of this kind of crap, but in preserving its exclusive use for the right.

    Even though the Tennessee shooter freely admits in his own hand his act of domestic terrorism and its inspiration from the American Jihadis from the right.

  38. cassandra_m says:

    And Perry is correct — the NY Post apologized for offending folks by that cartoon yesterday.

  39. 1) I think the Post exhibited extreme cowardice in apologizing. Even far-left cartoonist Ted Rall argued that the cartoon was not racist.

    2) Cassandra — point to the actual call for violence in either of the two quotes cited. They are not there (except in the eyes of the insane).

    3) Alan Keyes is such a marginalized figure that it is not even funny. But even then, if “Stop him” is the most damning rhetoric you can find coming out of him, then you are being unduly alarmist.

  40. pandora says:

    I deliberately grouped the incidents together. Their message is consistent.

    Also, cartoons serve a specific purpose: to deliver, through a drawing and a comment a message that the majority of people easily understand. Basically, if you have to explain it the cartoonist failed.

    Only, this cartoonist didn’t fail. The majority of the people understood exactly what his point was.

  41. anonone says:

    RWR’s agenda is encoded in his moniker.

    It is “white” that “rhymes with right.”

    We get it. Stay in Texas.

  42. Actually, anonone, what rhymes with right is my four letter last name that has only one vowel — the first letter.

  43. annoni says:

    none may speak against the Great Leader!

  44. annoni says:

    Here is a quote from Rush in the New York Post on the, “I-hope-he-fails,” furor: “Remember, the Left needs a villain, a demon, to advance their agenda. They cannot win a single argument in the arena of ideas, so they have to try to destroy the credibility and reputation of the person they feel most threatened by. In that sense, I guess I have taken the place of President Bush.”

  45. That was certainly anonone’s intent with his slur against me.

  46. a. price says:

    Right, Keyes predicted “the end of america” and a “civil war” now you tell me that cant incite violence from people who want to”protect the nation”. It is not the point that Rush tried to issue a disclaimer by saying “within the confines of the constitution” He compared his AND YOURS (but not Keyes’ apparently) president to a rapist and a murder.
    Right, we spoke out against Bush for carrying out questionably legal tactics…. and at least in my case only after he proved himself to be a screw up. Your group of “patriots” is coming JUST short of calling for a bloody coup based on nothing other than hate and fear not even a month into the presidency. LEAVE THE FUCKING COUNTRY. Im serious…. people like Keyes and Rush, and Hannity who say that the president is a dangerous person are the reason assassinations take place. they stir up unstable people and never try to make sure that violence isn’t an option…. oh they don’t come out and say it but they sure do hint that it is the only option. The truth is Right, you have already decided not matter what, that Obama is wrong. If the country improves, you will never credit him. Reading your insane defenses of the cartoon and rush all these dangerous nut-bags leads me to think that either you are just as dangerous, and i pray you are not influential in any way, or you are very very stupid. Either way it is wrong.

    I know personal attacks for political reasons are out of bounds, and ban me if you want but this goes beyond political differences, this is dangerous.

  47. Actually, there is no reference at all to a civil war in that quote, a.price, so I’ll dismiss that out of hand.

    And Rush did not compare Obama to a rapist or murderer, except by analogy — but only to the degree that he does not care what the motives of any of the three are for their course of action.

    By the way, i assume that you spent the last few years objecting that people called YOUR PRESIDENT, GEORGE W. BUSH, a murderer. Oh, no — you then go on to essentially defend doing so in your comment.

    And I point again to the essential hypocrisy of the Left that you demonstrate here. Dissent was patriotism when it was against the policies of George W. Bush — but it is now a call for violence (and implicitly treasonous) when it is against Obama and his policies.

    By the way — I love your demand that I leave the country if I don’t agree with the current regime. Quite reminiscent of certain regimes of the 20th century, in particular those found in Germany and Russia during the 1930s — and we all know what they did with the “dangerous dissenters” who failed to leave.

  48. cassandra_m says:

    Comedian Rush Limbaugh in his NYPost piece was getting his victim on — the usual launching point of wingnuts who want to justify their worst excesses and their stupidity. GWB was a failure as a President, as his polls showed as he left office and his almost at the bottom of the list recent ranking of Presidents. Given that so far the majority of Americans are interested in Democrats’ ideas, I’d say that right now you people are still not even on the playing field. As usual.

  49. anonone says:

    OK. That is perfectly clear.

    Nothing to it from a person who referred to Obama as “’Chimpy al-Hussein bin-Osama’ in a satirical fashion.”

    But of course, as you say, “In no way did race even enter my thought process.”

    I believe that.

  50. cassandra_m says:

    And RWR conveniently leaves out that much of the time the left was criticizing BushCo, the right was pretty firmly arrayed in making sure that they called us unpatriotic for not following their Dear Leader on everything that he was asking for.

    You were asking for unthinking allegiance to BushCo (he’s a War President! they’re giving aid the the enemy! and various other bushwa) and we are asking for you to stop with the violent rhetoric. Big Difference.

  51. Mark H says:

    “They cannot win a single argument in the arena of ideas,”

    What a windbag. He (Rush) hasn’t had an original thought in years.

    “Alan Keyes is such a marginalized figure that it is not even funny”
    I’m not sure the R’s think he’s that marginalized anymore.

    “Actually, Perry, the anti-Bush extremeist rhetoric vastly outstripped what we hear and see today from the entire right”

    But we didn’t really get pissed with Bush until he showed he really just was a tool of Cheney’s 🙂

    I think, though, that some of the fear, (quite justified IMHO), is because of the fact that as little as 30 years ago, our present president may have had troubles getting a meal at a restaurant. As much as we’ve like to think racial issues have progressed, I’ll name you 5 places in Kent County alone that I really am not comfortable taking my African-American wife.
    Do I think that some person could conceivably listen to Keyes, Rush, et al and get the idea that the president needs to be stopped no matter what?
    Yep. There are some strange people in this country 🙂

  52. Truth Teller says:

    Jason what the hell are you talking ABOUT SOLID CITIZENS ON THE RIGHT> All they do is grovel at the feet of Rush the junkie. Look at that asshole congressman fro Georgia. And our own Mickie Boy won’t even discuss the subject.

  53. a. price says:

    Right, Keyes made the civil war quote on camera it was shown on TV.

    “America, love it or leave”… a favorite quote by the right wing during the 60’s .. and to clear that up… if you are calling for violence against the U.S government .. as right wingers seem to not be counting out.. you should know you are committing treason.

    and you would be wrong to assume that i ever called Bush a murderer. i did disagree with his policies on a daily basis, but that was after a few years of proof.

    Maybe you can see these people (keyes et all) as irrelevant, but not everyone is as wise as you….
    there are terrorists in this country. not the evil brown people who worship a false god and have managed to sneak one of their own in as president, but white christian “patriots”
    those are the people i am concerned about hearing Rush and Hannity. THEY are the people i would hope you’d denounce and be willing to not only make a very definite break with, but acknowledge that as evident by Oklahoma City, and MLK, and JFK, and the Unitarian Church.. exist and have attacked this country more times than any other group in the world.

  54. a. price says:

    not to say UUs are terrorists….. i was referring to the massacre carried out BY a terrorist upon a Unitarian Church.. just wanted to clear that up

  55. Sharon says:

    It’s a good thing the Left was so restrained during George Bush’s presidency. No calls for assassination. No books or movies fantasizing about killing him. No Hollywood celebs spreading their leftwing bullshit in front of every microphone that was put in front of them. No comparisons between President Bush and Hitler. No calls for murder. It’s a good thing no one called for the killing of George Bush for peace. I mean, if “stop him” means “kill him” then surely, “I’d like to kill George Bush” from a Nobel Laureate means she’d like to kill him.

    And I’m not even linking to the massive lefty blogs which said essentially the same thing day in, day out for 8 years.

  56. jason330 says:


    Find someone on the left with the standing of Ann Coulter on the right and let’s honestly compare them to see if the left is as bloodthirsty as the right.

  57. cassandra_m says:

    Books and movies are fiction, Sharon.

    Keyes and Comedian Rush Limbaugh are not. Even though much of what they have to say is fiction — people like you believe everything they say. And until you can tell when the wingnut media is lying to you, you’ve quite missed the mark on what is being discussed here.

    As usual.

  58. jason330 says:

    BTW – still no condemnation of Keyes remarks on Delaware-wingnut-o-sphere blogs.


  59. cassandra_m says:

    Shocking indeed.

    But these are the same people who think that their Keyes-in-training, Christine O’Donnell is an awesome candidate for Senate.

  60. Sharon says:

    Find someone on the left with the standing of Ann Coulter on the right and let’s honestly compare them to see if the left is as bloodthirsty as the right.

    This your only argument? You guys can’t find a talk show host anybody will listen to, so it doesn’t matter when a NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER calls for the assassination of the president?

    Books and movies are fiction, Sharon.

    Well, so is free speech from pundits. It’s all just speech, Cassandra. I’m amazed that you guys don’t recognize it.

  61. anonone says:

    And what did NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER Betty Williams actually say:

    “Right now, I could kill George Bush,” she said. “No, I don’t mean that.”

    And the next day? She apologized:

    “My feelings now and again get way ahead of me,” Ms. Williams said. “I couldn’t kill anybody, but I must confess that I’m extremely angry with the Bush administration and what they have done. To say that was wrong.”

    I am not going to hold my breath waiting for Keyes to apologize.

  62. a. price says:

    anyone? Sharon? Rhymes? You guys want to prove you aren’t violent people?
    and just to remind you, calling for violent action against the US government is treason. it is illegal.
    There is ONE LEGAL way to change the government… and that is voting and it works.

    when “the left’ looses, we spend years building voters and honing a message

    When the right looses…. you people call for murder and violence and commit it. you insight fear, and panic by saying we are under attack to justify your hateful scared psychotic rant.
    Please DO stay in the country. please stick around as you small minded world crumbls around you…. i hope no one gets hurt but you have proven you will try…..


    You people tried when we wanted to end slavery, you tried when we tried to bring women to the level of men, and give non whites rights. Change is hard for the ignorant people, but you are a vanishing breed.. as evident by the last election, YOU are in the minority.

  63. I don’t know about the idea that it is necessarily a bad thing for the people to take up arms against the government. Indeed, it may very well be the truly patriotic thing to do. Granted, of course, that it should be a last resort. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience has shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.

  64. a. price says:

    “I don’t know about the idea that it is necessarily a bad thing for the people to take up arms against the government” you heard it here first people rhymes with right has advocated the violent overthrow of the US government

    and HOW pray tell have you and Rush Limpdick been abused? who are you to claim abuse at the hands of a new administration?
    and who the are you to try and roll out Revolutionary war rehtoric to make your point. this WAS a revolution. this WAS a change. would you have the country revert to pre-teddy roosevelt policies where the barons lord over workers.

    you like founding father quotes? fine
    “anyone who would sacrifice freedoms for a temporary feeling of safety deserves neither to be free nor safe”
    i STILL have not heard a condemnation from you on the right wing white supremacist terrorists who ALSO want to overthrow this government.


    What a lie!

    1856, 1858, 1859: raids by John Brown in his fight against slavery.

    1915 July 2 Frank Holt, (a.k.a. Erich Muenter) a German professor, exploded a bomb in the reception room of the U.S. Senate. The next morning, he tried to assassinate J.P. Morgan, Jr. (son of the financier whose company served as Great Britain’s principal U.S. purchasing agent for munitions and other war supplies), in a bid to stop the United States entering World War I against Germany.

    1920 — Sept. 16, New York City: TNT bomb planted in unattended horse-drawn wagon exploded on Wall Street opposite House of Morgan, killing 35 people and injuring hundreds more. Bolshevist or anarchist terrorists believed responsible, but crime never solved.

    1950 November 1: Puerto Rican nationalists failed to assassinate U.S. President Harry S. Truman.

    1954 March 1: U.S. Capitol shooting incident by Puerto Rican nationalists wounded five Congressmen.

    1965: The Monumental Plot – New York Police thwarted an attempt to dynamite the Statue of Liberty, Liberty Bell, and the Washington Monument by three members of the pro-Castro Black Liberation Front and a Quebec Separatist.

    1975 — Jan. 24, New York City: bomb set off in historic Fraunces Tavern killed 4 and injured more than 50 people. Puerto Rican nationalist group (FALN) claimed responsibility, and police tied 13 other bombings to the group.

    I could point to more, including actions by the Weatehr Underground, Black Panthers, and other groups that were clearly not Right Wing White Supremacists, but i think my point is effectively made here.

  66. Actually, a.price, I have not advocated the overthrow of the US government. But I was making the point that our nation’s own founding document does, in fact, envision that it is the right and duty of the people to do so at times.

    Do you want to argue that Jefferson was wrong?

  67. But since I am in the mood for quoting Jefferson, I’ll give you this quote as well:

    “God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. . . . And what country can preserve its liberties, if it’s rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”

  68. a. price says:

    and all of those attacks foiled or failed. that just points to that white supremacists are better at terrorism than anyone else. you STILL have yet to condemn them.
    Jefferson also said there should be a revolution every 20 years. he was very wise man, but also an extremist who’s ideals were balanced out by other wise men. Are you suggesting the South was justified by throwing off the bonds of the government? the entire confederacy was a white supremacist movement.
    wake up and face facts. you may not be, but people who share your political leanings are dangerous hateful violent people and have proven it over and over and over again.

  69. a. price says:

    so you would have defended a violent overthrow of the Bush administration? not because you agreed, but because it would have been the american thing to do?

  70. I would have been in the streets in defense of a government I believed to be a good one, acting in the best interests of the United States.

    As i would have been when Bill Clinton, who I despise, was president.

    I will take no position on the Obama Regime, because I cannot tell what he will do in the future.

    And it is obvious that you cannot read — not all of those attacks failed. A number of them were quite successful. And interestingly enough, I don’t hear a word of condemnation of any of them from you.

  71. While we are at it, which side would you put these terrorists on — Left or Right?


  72. a. price says:

    Im not the one who is defending violence.
    Of course i condemn all terrorists. left or right. Democracy works. the last administration was doing a poor job and they were peacefully voted out of office. You seem to think peaceable actions wont get you what you want since less people agree with you than do not.
    If i feel the obama “regime” (nice spin job Karl) is not doing a good job, i will vote against them if i think the alternative is better. But again, you seem have made up your mind to oppose a new president absolutely… just like a good right wing soldier.

  73. Where did I say that peaceful actions don’t work?

    Oh, I see — believing in the words of the Declaration of Independence makes me a violent terrorist

    And let me ask you, a. price — how many minutes did you give George W. Bush before you started your dissent?

  74. Mark H says:

    “But I was making the point that our nation’s own founding document does, in fact, envision that it is the right and duty of the people to do so at times”

    This document also allows for slavery and non-citizenship of women. You OK with that??

  75. nemski says:

    This is Delaware Liberal, where liberal moderators post articles or links that may be of interest to other liberals in or around Delaware.

  76. anonone says:

    Hey, White Rhymes With Right,

    Why don’t you just keep your racist southern hate in Texas? We don’t need your “Chimpy al-Hussein bin-Osama” nonsense up here. You should be happy now – your missing village idiot just moved back to Dallas.

    This a site for liberals, not southern Texas racist wingnuts like you. Go away.

  77. a. price says:

    I DID support Gore, however i did not rage against Bush from the beginning. you have no reason to trust me since we can say whatever we want to prove our point on these blogs. however, while cautiously optimistic, i wasn’t an outright dissenter until mid 2002 when it was obvious we were going to war with iraq. after that, it was a downward spiral.

    Im sure you have studied the founding documents extensively, but so has Ron Paul, and i consider him to have fundamental misinterpretations. I think if we really got into a discussion we would come to the same conclusions about each other. I still find it troubling that you have been so quick to judge the president and so slow to denounce (at this point) violent overthrow.

  78. a. price says:

    anonone, he should speak here. As my favorite NONamerican revolutionary said (Robespierre) “I do not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” … that said calling for violence, or condoning others implying violent means is STILL wrong

  79. anonone says:

    a. price

    He is just spamming sites with his blog link.

    Why should anyone here care what a racist Bush-lover who calls President Obama “Chimpy al-Hussein bin-Osama” thinks?

    You can be quite sure he doesn’t care what you think. Conversing with him just gives him an opportunity to post more of his liberal hating wingnuttery and spam his blog here.

    For “White Rhymes With Right”, it is a win-win.

  80. a. price says:

    I know I know, and I wasn’t my intention to call you out…. I just like to feel like I tried to be magnanimous.. I WOULD however argue that we need to understand this creature so we can better defeat it. I also love a good fight…. futile or not

  81. anonone says:

    I should have mentioned that I appreciate and salute your fighting spirit, a. price!!!

    Personally, I just want to keep throwing ’em anvils.

  82. a. price says:


  83. Well, a.price, you prove your ignorance there. The quote you use comes from Voltaire –Robespierre, on the other hand, was known for cutting off the heads of his political opponents for opposing him during the Reign of Terror.

    By the way, a.price — you refer to me as a creature rather than as a human being. Why is that acceptable rhetoric when it is directed at me, but not if directed at Barack Obama? Could we be seeing a little bit of a racist double standard on your part?

  84. pandora says:

    Let’s watch the tone, please. There’s an issue on the table. Debate is good, and I welcome it.

  85. Perry says:

    Right, Pandora, and the issue on the table has to do with your concern with the threat: “They must be stopped.”

    Given the venomous rhetoric we are witnessing from the extreme Right, I share your concern.

    Since the next election cycle is two years away, actually four years away for POTUS, what means is threatened by “They must be stopped”? Is it the violent overthrow of the government, or of a person?

    Considering our propensity to turn to violence, both in wars of aggression and violence against particular leaders, the worry Pandora stated is quite reasonable!

    I don’t believe that Rhymes has a clue.

  86. Good God! Your paranoia is frightening.

    After all, there were eight years of “Bush must be stopped” rhetoric from the Left. There is a long history of left-wing terrorism in this country, as I pointed out above. Should we have accused you folks who used “stop Bush” rhetoric of plotting violence?

  87. Oh, and pandora, I’ve intentionally kept my tone civil at all times.

  88. a. price says:

    I apologize for the misquote on Voltaire. I should have known that, but it was late and i just flat out don’t double check myself since i am always right.. well correct. also if you read it, i made that mistake in defending YOU….also a mistake
    ANYWAY aren’t we ALL creatures of some kind? and don’t try and paint me as a racist again. It is an awful way to discredit yourself.

    In any case, anonone did point out to me last night that you are pretty much only here to advertise your website rather than engage in any kind of serious debate and conversation. Yeah you have a right to say what you want, but stop being so petulant

  89. a. price says:

    And knowing about the vicious and violent history of the White Supremacist Right Wing in America, it is not at all unreasonable. thinking that Rush can stir the pot and get one of these terrorists thinking they must “do something”…. it has happened before.

  90. pandora says:

    And the “pot” won’t need much stirring.

  91. a. price says:

    Btw, Ive now defended a foe, admitted a mistake, and condemned my political brethren for their tactics… Why is Rhymes STILL defending the terrorists on HIS side?

  92. annoni says:

    “And knowing about the vicious and violent history of the White Supremacist Right Wing in America”

    It’s not that our liberal friends are ignorant, it’s that so much of what they “know” simply isn’t true.

    The Klan was the militant wing of the Democrat Party, the party of Jim Crow.

  93. cassandra_m says:

    And our conservative friends can only survive their arguments by rewriting history.

    The KKK used to be very much attached to the Democratic party until civil rights efforts really began dismantling American apartheid. Once Lyndon Johnson won out over the Dixiecrats, the Dixiecrats turned to the Republican party. And the republican party is the place where Klan members and and other white supremacists can find political acceptance AND votes.

    And the white supremacists of your party are pretty apoplectic over Michael Steele being at the head of it.

  94. annoni says:

    a) the only klansman in office in DC is a Democrat.

    b) The Dems didn’t pick Steele as chairman, no federal civil rights commission appointed him, no activists judge ordered it… The Republican party selected him because of his merit. (the content of his character, his experiance and abilities)
    That you would try to twist that into a neagative is demonstrative of the pretzel logic of the left.

  95. cassandra_m says:

    And here we are at the making shit up part of your whinge.

    Neither a nor b is true, but if believing either makes your life more bearable today, then enjoy your delusions.

  96. annoni says:

    ok, I’ll bite.

    In the Cassandra world, how did Mike Steele become chairman of the Republican Party?

    (ps the answer to a) is Sen Byrd of W. Va)

  97. pandora says:

    Annoni, what in the world are you talking about? Cassandra made no reference to how Steele became chairman of the Republican Party.

  98. Actually, yes she did, pandora. Go back and read her response.

  99. David Duke — we’ve done our level best to read him out of the party for the last two decades. Remember the ad sponsored by the GOP when he ran for Governor — “Vote for the crook. It’s important.”

    The League of the South? Yahoos with no influence. I’ve not even heard of the rest of the folks mentioned — well, except for the CCC.

  100. pandora says:

    Okay, re-read – and still don’t see what you’re talking about.

  101. cassandra_m says:

    I didn’t make a reference to how Steele got to be chairman. I did provide a link detailing how the Repub Party’s supremacist wing is very unnerved by the selection of Steele.

    And Byrd used to be a Klansman, he no longer is (and hasn’t been for the better part of my lifetime) though and apologizes for it whenever asked about it. The key for Byrd is not only is he very publicly gone from the Klan, he regrets his participation in it and denounces what they stand for.

    The repub party is safe haven for the current supremacist wing because they won’t require you to disavow the supremacist dogma.

  102. a. price says:

    great point cassandra. the conservatives always loose. they tried to keep the king, they tired to keep slavery, they tried to keep white men the only ones with a voice, they tried to keep jim crowe,.. Rhymes with Right and his Right Wing Terrorist White Supremacist party brethren (I know I know but I’ve decided to be a soap box propagandist today) will hold their breath and stamp their feet and point fingers…. but regardless of party name,
    Liberals. Always. Win.

  103. anonone says:

    “White Rhymes With Right” is link-spamming DL to promote his blog and raise his search engine page rankings. His blog is loaded with ads, including Google ad words. That is his only reason for being here.

    He cares nothing about liberals or Delaware. He is a just a spammer. Every time he posts here, DL is just helping him promote his wingnut site and make money.

    If you have a rule against spam posts in DL comments, I think you might want to consider how it applies to him.

  104. Von Cracker says:

    Why are you even arguing with these delusional fools? (yes, I’m referring to WhiteMakesRight and Annoni)

    Yup, Byrd was affiliated with the klan more than a half century ago, and it’s not like he hasn’t offered contrition going back decades now. I think it’s what people call grasping at straws….just like how Republicans like to offer up Lincoln and Fredrick Douglas as some sort of an excuse for Palin rallies, the mass defection of the Dixiecrats to the GOP, and all the other exclusionists that prefer to call the elephant’s asshole home.

    And explain to me the statistical probability that a political party, where over 9 out of 10 pols are white men, can have a black party chairman and its two leading candidates for ’12 (HA! ) are not white males. Probability makes me want to scream shenanigans!

    But who of the left gives a fuck anyway? Reminds me of a old, wise saying…..”You can polish a turd all you want, but it’s still a turd.”

    Truer words…..