Chicken POT PIE!

Filed in National by on February 21, 2009

DD just did a great job explaining why we fight from a strategic perspective.  For me, and maybe others, there is also a personal element that explains why we need to stay on constant guard against right-wing greed and stupidity, and why when we do it might sound “shrill” to the uninformed. 

 To explain it so even Sharon can understand I’ll use the metaphor of a condo complex called “The Orange Tree Condos”

SO imagine a small condo complex at the center of which is a beautiful orange tree.  The condo is governed by an elected board and,  as people do,  they have differences from time to time about how things should be run – but they know they have to work out those differences for everyone’s mutually benefit and they know ABOVE EVERYTHING they have to keep the orange tree healthy.

 (Just so Sharon and other dim bulbs can keep up I want to say here that the condo complex is the United States of America and the orange tree represents our economy, culture and long tradition of being willing to put aside our difference for the common good.)

One day a group of condo owners decides to run the retarded son of a past President for the position of board President.  You don’t happen to think it is such a good idea, but you figure that the board’s traditions of governing for everyone’s mutual benefit are pretty strong and this retarded son will be cared for in his role. 

 (Again.  I don’t want to lose anybody.  The retarded son of the past President represents George W. Bush.)

One day you draw back your curtain and see the idiot president chopping down the orange tree.  Axe in hand he is happily chopping away, so you rush out to see what is going on. 

 Confronted he says, “I  fixeded it!”  And while you stand there dumbfounded he says, “Chicken POT PIE!….IS Gonna GETCHA!”

 Well that is pretty fucking alarming wouldn’t you say?   That kind of wonton  stupidity could make you a little angry right?

 Well what would really make you shrill would be the morons who elected that nit wit rushing out saying, “He didn’t chop down that tree. That tree fell down.” And someone else in the crowd says, “You know he has a good point about the Pie.” 

 You point to the axe in the retarded son’s hand and they say, “Barney Frank picked and orange off this tree three years ago and now it has fallen down.”

 I guarantee that the next thing that comes out of your mouth is going to sound pretty  dang shrill. 

 (Barney Frank in this parable represents Barney Frank.) 

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. From Pine View Farm » Redutio ad absurdum | February 22, 2009
  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    Wait…I don’t understand. Was the orange tree a terrorist?

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    The Delaware Liberal boys are out playing tonight. I have an exclusive video of what they’re doing.

    ***WARNING – This clip is definitely NSFW, and contains brief nudity. Do not click if this bothers you.***

  3. jason330 says:

    I’m the guy who busts in the room at the end.

  4. Interesting — you feel it is appropriate to depict a guy whit an undergraduate degree from Yale and and MBA from Harvard as developmentally disabled. What are YOUR intellectual credentials?

    Similarly, your insensitivity to the developmentally disabled is quite striking. Shame!

  5. jason330 says:

    Based on his track record, how would you depict Bush in this story?

  6. nemski says:

    This is gonna cause more confusion than a mouse in a burlesque show!

  7. jason330 says:

    I just made a slight edit to clear one thing up, but you are right. There is no way our wingnuts are going to track on this.

  8. Susan Regis Collins says:


    ‘Right’ (who is not only wrong but spends an inordinate amount of time on DL) has already proven your point in #4.

  9. jason330 says:

    I know.

    Shorter RwR: You know he has a good point about the Pie

  10. pandora says:

    Should I be worried that this post makes complete sense to me?

    Thank you, Jason.

  11. anonone says:


    Good story.

    “White Rhymes With Right” is a racist wing nut in the extreme. He knows the “code.” I visited his Texas website (ugh) and in addition to the usual extreme wingnuttery and Bush worship, he has a particular fascination with stories about perceived discrimination and injustices against whites.

    And how about stuff like this (writing of Obama potentially using electronic notes in a press conference): “Apparently Barack Obama cannot do so. In light of that, I’d like to know who the real dummy is, which one really operates at the level of a trained chimp?”

    The guy is up here with nothing intelligent to say – he is just link spamming for his blog by posting here.

    He probably also has a members-only section for goats.

  12. jason330 says:

    That is probably all true. But I’m not trying to educate him. So I don’t mind if he comments here.

    It is a free country.

  13. anonone says:

    It used to be.

  14. Unstable Isotope says:

    Why is a Texas boy posting here?

  15. anonone says:

    Probably trying to raise his search engine page ranking.

  16. liberalgeek says:

    I’m torn. Pie is good. Especially with chicken.

  17. anonone says:

    More on Orange Tree Condos:

    Next, you realize that the chopped down orange tree needs to be cut-up and removed so a new one can be planted. Otherwise, the value of the Orange Tree Condos is going to diminish rapidly and people are going to leave and be foreclosed.

    So you start moving some of the dead tree, but the nitwit supporters of the moron decide that before you can do it, they need to hold a meeting to decide what to do next.

    In the meeting, you propose hiring a tree service to cut up the tree and haul it away and get a new tree planted. However, when you check the treasury, you find the moron and nitwits have spent all the funds on Chicken Pot Pie Patrols or CPPPs.

    So now you need to borrow the money to fix the mess, but all the nitwits say that is the wrong solution because they still need money for CPPPs and the tree will decay eventually and maybe some of the seeds in the oranges will sprout and grow into new trees. Plus, they want to lower Condo fees.

    You point out that if it isn’t replaced quickly, the value of Orange Tree Condos will fall much more than the cost of the clean-up. Finally, your able to persuade just enough of the nitwits to get the job done. The other nitwits then stand around complaining why this whole mess is your fault, why the cleanup will never work, that they hope it fails, and refusing to help at all.

    Finally, after a beautiful new orange tree is planted, you go outside to see that all the nitwits have picked off all the oranges and are telling everybody what a wonderful new tree that they planted. And in the distance, you can hear the sound of an axe being sharpened.

  18. liberalgeek says:

    Oh, and for the record, this is my favorite post in the past month. Brilliant.

  19. anonone:

    Remember, for eight years we heard comments about George W. Bush being a chimp. I merely compared Bush’s ability to stand his ground with the media during a press conference with the desire of Obama’s handlers to be able to feed him answers electronically. That is indicative of their belief that Obama cannot do so — and he certainly did a lousy job of it at his first press conference.

    But more to the point, each and every American needs to make a decision on how to treat this President. Either Barack Obama is the President of the United States who happens to be black, or he is a black man who happens to be President. I choose to treat him as the former — you clearly prefer to treat him as the latter.

    What is the difference? My position give him the full respect that comes with the office but also opens him to the same sort of criticism received by his predecessors in office. Your position demands the respect due to the office, but then hides behind false charges of racism any time he is criticized. My position respects Barack Obama, his office, and his accomplishments. Yours does not — and treats him as too delicate to really endure the sort of treatment received by his predecessors.

    And don’t forget, not only Bush was tagged with comparisons to a lower primate. Abraham Lincoln, for example, was referred to as the “original gorilla” by one of his own Cabinet members.

  20. anonone says:

    “White Rhymes With Right”:

    I criticize him myself all the time, just not using the racially charged sterotype names that you do. I recognize that he is both a Black American and the President.

    But then again, I am just not a Texas “White Rights” link-spamming blogger who writes in racist code the way you do.

    I don’t care about what Abraham Lincoln was called. He was actually a white supremacist, too, as were many in his day.

    We all know that you “get” what you’re writing – and all your clever excuses are easy to see through. Using “people called Bush a chimp!!” as an excuse to call Obama the same thing is laughable.

    Stay in Texas, you link-spamming racist.

  21. anonone:

    Unfortunately, you feel you have to treat him with kid gloves because he is black.

    I believe it is appropriate to treat him like every other president is treated.

    Now tell me — which position is racist? The one that treats him like everyone else, or the one that gives him special, race-based treatment?

  22. anonone says:

    “White Rhymes With Right”:

    No black American, whether the President or a street cleaner, deserves to be called “chimp” or whatever other garbage code words you can think up.

    Apparently, you think NOT using racially-charged terms and images against black Americans is special race-based treatment because that is what a racist like “Rhymes With White” thinks.

    Stay in Texas, you link-spamming racist.

  23. nemski says:

    anonone, please stop calling Rhymes with Right a racist.


  24. anonone says:

    Why, nemski?

    If he is going to link-spam DL to raise his page rankings, it might as associated with the correct search terms.

  25. jason330 says:


    You’ve hijacked my glorious thread.

  26. anonone says:

    You’re right, J – back to Orange Tree Condos…a glorious place to live.

  27. nemski says:

    Thanks Jason, I was busy watching the Must See Video.

    I agree with you anonone that Rhymes with Right is just spamming DL to increase traffic to his sad site. Let’s not call him a racist though, just call him a Texan. That’s damage enough. 😉

  28. Mark H says:

    “Let’s not call him a racist though, just call him a Texan”

    I wasn’t aware that they were mutually exclusive 🙂

    Sorry, just couldn’t resist

  29. anonone says:

    Have you seen any Chicken Pot Pies today?