And the hits keep on rolling

Filed in National by on February 5, 2009

New claims for unemployment benefits spiked to a quarter-century high of 626,000 last week, as businesses continued shedding workers to cope with the economic downturn.

The number represents a larger-than-expected increase over the 591,000 people who filed for benefits the week before, and sets the stage for another jump in the unemployment rate for January is released on Friday.

The number of people continuing to collect benefits also rose, to nearly 4.8 million, and is now at the highest point since recordkeeping began about 40 years ago.

But let’s sit and here and watch the obstructionsts Republicans delay and fuck the middle class. Teh Awesome

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hiding in the open

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  1. Sharon says:

    If Democrats offer a bill that actually stimulates the economy, you might get it passed.

  2. wierd, I thought the Bush Tax cuts were supposed to have stimulated us

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    Good point, DV. I’m sick and tired of Republican farting around with the bill. Republicans got everything they wanted in tax cuts during the Bush years and he was the 2nd worst job-creating president in the 20th-21st century (2nd only to Herbert Hoover).

    I think it’s time for a full-scale class warfare. The rich already got their stimulus (Bush tax cuts) and a bailout ($700B). It’s time for the rest of us (the 99%) to get our bailout.

  4. Sharon says:

    Oddly, I don’t want a handout. I just want the govt to leave me alone.

  5. you won’t ever get the government to leave you alone. YOU gave them too much power the prior 8 years…

  6. “wierd, I thought the Bush Tax cuts were supposed to have stimulated us”

    Classic! And Sharon seems not to have a retort to that.

  7. pandora says:

    Sorry, DV, but Sharon has erased the memory of the last 8 years.

    Here’s a question… how much easier would it be to save the economy if we didn’t have the Iraq War debt? And just because the Bush budgets never included this figure doesn’t mean it didn’t exist.

  8. David says:

    Wrong #3, the Bush job creation record was much better than Carter, Ford, Bush, Nixon or the first two FDR terms. Unemployment was some of the lowest on record. Which of the 10 million new jobs do you think were unworthy?

    This was done during energy price shocks, a terror attack, a massive natural disaster, and a foreign war on two fronts. Obviously the tax cuts were smart policy. What was not smart was not dealing with Freddie, Fannie, and the mark to market rule.

    The mortgage crisis is at the root of our problem. If you don’t recognize that, you will give us the wrong medicine. Read my root causes post at stoptaxing or

    The Democrat plan as now designed puts a lot of money into the out years and much of today’s money goes into sectors of the economy which support Democrats such as education and healthcare. The problem is that they are not the sectors shedding jobs. We are putting money into the sectors gaining jobs and not addressing the root causes of credit, mortgage modifications, and energy.

  9. Von Cracker says:

    “I want gov’t to leave me alone!”

    HA! Then fucking move to Greenland, bitcher!

  10. pandora says:

    Sharon wants the government to leave her alone. Gays, women who want abortions, people who don’t want to pray in school… not so much.

  11. Von Cracker says:

    Yes P. It’s the basic argument of the intellectually weak and inherently greedy.

    Basically she’s mental and productive drain (and bane) on our society.

  12. cassandra m says:

    Wrong, David — the BushCo job creation record is the worst since they started recording that data in 1945. Over the life of his two terms, jobs grew by a total of .3%.


    And let’s not forget that about 2.5M jobs were lost from the economy last year — and unfortunately we’ll be living with the consequences of the BushCo economic failure for awhile — both jobs and GDP aren’t going to be finished cliff-diving any time soon.

    GDP growth under BushCo was the weakest since Truman, too and certainly about 60% less than under Clinton.

  13. anon says:

    I’m betting David is relying on some wingnut blog that states jobs created while ignoring jobs lost. It’s all about the net gain, David.

  14. jason330 says:

    Fact don’t matter to these guys.

    If John Boehner and Rush Limbaugh said that what we really need to jumpstart the economy is potato farms on the moon, David would be jumping up and down over the benefits of “space potatoes.”

  15. X Stryker says:

    Which of the 10 million new jobs do you think were unworthy?

    That’s an easy one – SIV seller, as well as liar’s loan “underwriter”.

    And yes, as stated above, most of the jobs created under Bush disappeared before he left office.

  16. cassandra m says:

    Fact don’t matter to these guys.

    True. They are still working on their transgender beauty pageants I think.

  17. Unstable Isotope says:

    Massive fail to David.