Three of Eleven

Filed in National by on January 30, 2009

About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. jason330 says:

    I’m not saying this to suck up – but these have been great posts.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    These have been great posts.

    The 85 Notebooks one is sobering — I do this too. For me, it is an artifact of logging data and observations in the field. It was just easy to hold on to writing down all of your notes and action items in the notebook. And I have all of my notebooks except for the field ones (which go into project files) — it never occurred to me to think of them as the history of a working life.

    And At Last is a keeper. Somewhere in the universe Jacob Lawrence is smiling at this series.

  3. TGIF says:

    thanks, I needed a reminder to buy wild bird food today