New Castle County’s Good Bond Rating

Filed in Delaware by on December 31, 2008

The News Journal reports that even though the forecast is dire for New Castle County’s budget, the county has received a triple-A bond rating from three Wall Street rating firms. Isn’t this kind of like a wife-beater telling you that you are a good husband?

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Isn’t this kind of like a wife-beater telling you that you are a good husband?

    Can we get a quote from Atkin’s wife?

  2. squirrelgun says:

    It’s just mental and verbal abuse.

    Let’s get a quote from your ex-wife.

  3. anon says:

    quote from snooze journal
    “it looks like smoke and mirrors to get a loan that will be repaid by gouging the taxpayers to keep the bloated ship afloat. Like consumers who spend what they can’t afford, the county is shuffling debt around to pay bills, to keep their credit rating up, so they can borrow still more. And we the taxpayers are going to keep forking over more to repay for their failed mismanagement.If I ran my own personal finances like the county and continued to spend more every year than I took in, I’d be bankrupt and living in the streets.”

  4. anon says:

    Washington Mutual had triple A ratings right up until they went belly up. Does anyone trust the rating firms?

  5. nemski says:

    anon, that’s funny quoting a comment from the news journal in our comments.

  6. anon says:

    yeah, please clarify that’s not from the news journal, but rather from one of their commenters.

  7. anon says:

    Nice quote from the simpletons posting on the news journal! People obviously don’t understand finance

  8. Rebecca says:

    anon3 – intellectually dishonest. That’s what got us here in the first place. ICK!