Obama Porn

Filed in National by on December 22, 2008


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  1. delawaredem says:

    He looks fit, but he has the early stages of man-boobs.

  2. dude, the guy is ripped. they aint man boobs…

  3. nemski says:

    I’m a little worried about my mancrush now.

  4. Von Cracker says:


    think the correct term, DD, is Bitch Tits.

    So says Tyler Durden…or was it Jack?

  5. Dana says:

    Well, we all knew that our friends on the left had the hots for the Obamessiah, but now the Delaware Liberal’s Double D blogger has proved it! 🙂

  6. delawaredem says:

    LOL. Actually, Dana, in the comments it would appear that Nemski and Donviti are now questioning their heterosexuality.

    Me? I just posted it because it made me laugh, for it made me think “No wonder Bill Clinton hates him.”

  7. Dana says:

    Oh, I question all male liberals’ heterosexuality! 🙂

  8. vyllyness says:

    Poster boy for chest waxing.

  9. delawaredem says:

    Indeed. And I have always believed that men who are Conservatives are most akin to those who buy a ridiculously expensive car to make up for their own inadequacies. Napoleon / Small man syndrome, you know. Overly and overtly aggressive for no reason. It all fits.

  10. nemski says:

    I Eat Gravel did a great parody on this, If Matt Drudge Worked At The Huffington Post.

  11. Joanne Christian says:

    “Bitch Tits”??? Isn’t that a bit redundant?

  12. Unstable Isotope says:


  13. P.I. says:

    Hot. Very hot.

  14. pandora says:

    Ah… beauty and brains.

  15. Truth Teller says:

    I have a question. How far away was the guy who took this picture? was he within rifle range and where was the Secret Service.